Chapter 238

The opening is opened, and the spider inside is likely to run away.

He hurriedly pressed it down again, but no matter how he operated it, the opening couldn’t be closed anymore. The opening just happened to be the same size as the spider File size.

The spider retracted eight legs and was able to come out of that interface.

Peter was so anxious that beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, so he simply covered the utensil with the black cloth again.

It was just self-deception, a trace of fear came to his heart, and Peter grabbed the instrument, afraid that the spider would escape.

But the spider ran out anyway, and when the spider appeared in front of him, Peter was all ill.

He quickly lifted the black cloth, and as expected, the vessel was empty, and the spider ran out long ago.

It hopped on Peter’s arm. He was wearing a vest just now, and his arms were not covered at this moment.

Peter picked up the black cloth and wanted to catch it, but it was lightning.

Peter watched the spider jumping on his arm, and took a hard bite in his hand with the sharp mouthparts.

With this pain, he almost fainted. After biting him, the spider seemed to be panting a little and fell on his arm.

Without the glass barrier, Peter’s scalp was numb when watching the spider up close.

The spider was so horrible, it looked exhausted, and Peter quickly put it back in the glassware.

This time he checked it carefully and then closed the glassware.

The spider in the vessel was listless, its head drooping.

The spider was exhausted and lay down there, listless.

Not long after Osborn came out of the bathroom, he strode toward this side, and Peter quickly put his hand back.

His heart was pounding, and he moved other people’s things out of curiosity. If he was discovered, he still didn’t know what to do.

His friend also sat back next to him, watching him still smiling, “What’s the matter? Why is your face so ugly, Peter.”

Peter’s heart was beating wildly, he closed his mind and smiled at Osborn.

“It’s nothing, maybe it’s a little uncomfortable.”

“You young people also have to pay more attention to your body, and don’t break your own body.”

Professor Osborn squinted his eyes up and down, and Peter reluctantly smiled and lowered his head to eat.

The atmosphere of this meal is a bit weird, Peter only feels that his body has undergone a certain change, his heartbeat is getting faster and faster, and his body is about to be unable to hold it…

His muscles became a little stiff when he held it on, Harry noticed it, and looked at him sideways frequently.

“What’s the matter? Let’s go back first, I think you really don’t feel well.”

Harry didn’t know anything, and he didn’t see the weird smile on his father’s face.

He also stood up and said to the two of them: “Since your friend is uncomfortable, you should help him go back to rest first.”

This meal can also be considered a breakup, Harry didn’t say anything, he took Peter back to the dormitory in the college.

The two took a break, and Peter clapped his hands to Harry and said, “Go out, don’t stay here anymore, I want to be alone.”

He felt that the muscles in his body were stiff, as if there was a burst of energy about to explode.

He couldn’t hold it anymore. He didn’t want Harry to see himself like this. There was also a trace of fear hidden in his heart, and that fear occupied his heart. .

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