002. The bald mage Ancient One


Clarke's heart instantly rose with vigilance.

As we all know, bald heads are not easy to mess with.

But Clark was not wary of this appearance factor, but the fact that the other party appeared behind him at some point, and he didn't know anything.

If the bald head is hostile to him...

Eyes fall on each other, a cursory observation.

This uninvited 'guest' was dressed in a moon-white robe, with a light and elegant temperament, and his quiet face was as deep and calm as the sea, and he couldn't see the end at a glance.

It was a very neutral bald head, but Clark could more or less recognize it as a woman.



There is also the strength that quietly appeared behind ......


To sum up, is there anyone else who has screened out the target other than the one from Kama Taj?

"This uninvited guest...... I don't remember inviting you from home, and even this was the first time I saw you. "

"Isn't it rude to rush into someone's house like this?"

According to local law, it is reasonable and legal for the owner of the house to shoot the intruder directly.

But considering that the other party is most likely that it is the one.

So Clark opted for a more euphemistic statement.

However, after hearing Clark's words.

The bald woman on the opposite side smiled slightly, and her eyes were mixed with a bit of intellectual interest:

"As you said, this is the first time you've met me. "

The first half of the sentence is irrelevant, but the second half of the sentence really shocked Clark.

Just listen to her continue:

"But actually, this is the second time I've seen you. "

She smiled slightly

"The last time was sixteen years ago, when you fell from the sky, and I noticed something moving and rushed over. "

"Your adoptive parents took you out of the flying machine and adopted you as an adopted son and left at home. "

"And at the time, I was standing on the roof, looking at everything. "

Clark's pupils dilated instantly, and he couldn't help but take a step back.

Sixteen years ago, when he first landed on Earth, his body was in the process of adapting to the Earth's environment, and it was a painful period for him.

And that period was also when Clark was at his most vulnerable!

Soon, however, Clarke's body recovered.

Because he figured it out.

As a baby, he was the most vulnerable.

The bald head in front of him didn't make a move.

And how powerful he is now, he doesn't know, because he has never shot with all his might.

I want to meet him at this time, not to fight.

Clark breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and his face was still guarded:

"Who are you, and what are you going to do with all this?".

The bald woman's expression remained unchanged, and she just replied softly

"I am the Ancient One, a mage from Kama Taj. "

Sure enough, it's her!

Supreme Mage Ancient One!

Clarke's expression was heavy, and he just shook his head when he heard this:

"Mage, I don't know what a mage is. "

"My name is Clark, Clark Kent!".

Clarke's eyes were solemn, and he said word by word

"Ancient One Mage, I know that you must be an existence with great power, so I can't understand even more, what are you coming to my house for?"

Gu Yi also spoke straightforwardly, and did not hide his intentions.

Seeing that Clark insisted on asking for an explanation, she replied bluntly

"I see some plausible future. "

"I see you in those possibilities, Clark...... I see you become the most outstanding Supreme Mage of all time. "

The Ancient One paused for two seconds as he said this.

It seems that he is not good at speaking this kind of language.

After all, it has always been other people who begged grandpa to sue grandma to find her, wanting to worship her as a teacher.

Even in another timeline, the other 'best' Supreme Mage, following a predetermined fate, took the initiative to go to Kama Taj to find her.

But Clark, it's different.

If she doesn't take the initiative, then with Clark's natural strength, she won't need to look for 'spells' to heal herself for the rest of her life.

Thinking of this, although Gu Yi was a little embarrassed, he still spoke

So, here I am. "

"Clark, I want you to be my disciple. "

"I am the current Supreme Master of Kama Taj, and after my passing, you will be the next Supreme Master. "

"I'm pretty sure, Clark, you're going to be the best of us. "

As he spoke, Gu Yi looked at Clark with burning eyes.

It's a rare mood swing for her.

It can be seen that she recognizes Clark.

Clarke, however, was dumbfounded.

I thought that those who were good would not come, and those who came would not be good.

Clark was ready for battle.


That's nothing to be afraid of.

Clark was just a little worried, once they fought, he couldn't care about the safety of his father Kent Sr. and mother Martha, after all, the bald head in front of him was not a bald head like a black braised egg.

As a result, I didn't expect that this Supreme Mage was not here to find fault, but to collect disciples.

'Come to think of it...... It seems that for all these years, the Ancient One Mage has been staying quietly in Kama Taj, and the outside world has never heard her stir up the storm. ’

Aside from finding fault with Dormammu, the Supreme Mage has been hiding in Kama Taj like an otaku. ’

If the great god in front of him is interested in the outside world of flowers, how can there be any matter of the Hydra Snake Shield Bureau, all of them have to stand aside.

"Clark, would you like to be my disciple?".

Seeing that Clark didn't speak for a long time, Gu Yi was a little anxious.

She has an ability that is close to 'seeing through people's hearts'.

However, Kryptonians are not vegetarians, and in the case of Kryptonian children, this trick is not good.

But as the saying goes, it will be seen over time.

Although she had only met Clark twice, it was only face-to-face and up close.

In addition, in the past sixteen years, she has been sitting in Kama Taj, and she has also observed one or two from time to time.

The Ancient One was also worried that what fell from the sky was a scourge.

But after sixteen years, the ancient one was relieved.

Clark has become immersed in life on Earth, he has his beloved parents, and he is learning about Earth.

He's already an earthling.

And now, he is sixteen years old.

After waiting for a few years, when he becomes an adult, maybe scientific values are in his mind, and he will no longer believe in 'magic'.

And in the early years, the ignorant and disobedient bear children were also terrible.

So sixteen is the best age.

"I ......


Clark opened his mouth to say something.

But the mouth is a little dry.

Soon, he proved his idea with practical actions.

I saw him kneeling on one knee and bowing to the ancient one:

"The teacher is above, and the disciple Clark is worshipped!".


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