Chapter 279

Numerous forces fell one after another, even Cyborg, who tried to hide, was tracked by the shapeshifting King Kong who possessed powerful electronic information Ability, and the mother box he controlled was also taken away.

“Honored Olympus gods, Diana begs you to come and repel powerful enemies for Paradise Island.”

Hippolyte stood in the temple, looked at the twelve gods, knelt down and prayed religiously. After a while, after the fighting outside became more intense, she finally got a response. I don’t know if it was an illusion, she felt The gods seemed reluctant.

“Hippolyte, a loyal servant of the gods, don’t go to full-scale war with each other. This is a bad choice.”

“Hand over the mother box. Although this thing was the trophy of Paradise Island a long time ago, the times are different.”

“Darkside is dead, and the new Apocalypse star god has been born. This is a very weird guy that we can’t see through. There is no need to have a full-scale conflict with him now.”

One after another divine words rang out from the statues of gods.

Hippolyte’s face changed slightly, and his heart sank sharply. This wise queen already knew the will of the gods.

Martin, has killed Darkside and ruled the hell star of the mega-universe multi-universe? More importantly… have the sacred and mighty Olympus gods so jealous that they would rather give in and be patient?

“Your Majesty the King of God…”

Hippolyte looked at the overbearing and powerful god Zeus with hope, and he was also his old lover.

“…Hippolyte, you are not their opponents.” Zeus said solemnly.

“What about you, aren’t you Martin’s opponent?” Hippolyte gritted his teeth, his face showing stubbornness.

“Hippolyte! Pay attention to your words, this is disrespect to the King of God!”

Ares scolded angrily.

Zeus was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice: “This (cfbd) will not be known until after it has been hit, but since he can kill Darkside, it will also cause huge amounts of trouble to me…”

Hippolyte looked at the dimmed idol and knew that the gods had already left. His face was pale, and he was silent for a moment. He ordered the mother box to be handed over, and the remaining soldiers should not resist.

“In the beginning, you asked me to guard the mother box at all costs. Now, you asked me not to resist and hand over the mother box. It is also you…”

A trace of deep sarcasm and anger flashed through Hippolyte’s eyes.

Outside, the female soldiers who received the order stopped one after another, looking sadly at the dead bodies everywhere.

“You are so powerful, why do you need a mother box?”

Diana said angrily.

General Orangutan paused, and said in a deep voice: “This is not something I should consider, I just need to execute the order.”

After all, he left the paradise island holding the mother box, leaving only dead bodies and broken walls everywhere.

The three mother boxes were all assembled, and the army from the Apocalypse star retreated and walked into a tunnel one after another.

“I don’t understand, what do these guys want? Although the mother box is powerful, it is nothing to Martin.”

Cyborg, who was almost dismantled, was full of unwillingness and anger at the moment. He felt like a large toy, being dismantled by the enemy calmly and destroyed along with his self-esteem.

“Probably it’s a teleportation army.” Batman said hoarsely, “The mother box can open the’sound channel’ to teleport the army. If there are three mother boxes, not counting the Apocalypse star, there are four mother boxes in total, enough to kill a god instantaneously. Teleport to any world.”

The members of the Justice League looked ugly. They were hit head-on. It was not until they faced a terrifying and powerful enemy on a different planet that they deeply realized what a terrible enemy this was.

“After this battle, the entire planet has clearly seen the essence of you superhero. After all, they are just a bunch of unreliable guys. Human beings can only rely on themselves forever. This is the consciousness of a wise species.”

Lex Luthor sneered and looked at these superheros. As possessing level 12 intelligence, it can be called the pinnacle of the entire DC intelligence. Although Luthor is only a mortal, he still maintains hostility and aversion to these so-called heroes with powerful power. .

Especially Superman.

It is true that Luther is a villain. He is also a human supremacist, advocating that humans do not need a shit superhero, but rely on their own strength to solve the crisis. He has huge amounts of jealousy and hatred for Superman. .

Seeing the Justice League, the most powerful team of heroes in history, collapsed, Luther was furious, and at the same time felt a burst of joy from the heart.

Sure enough, humans still have to rely on themselves, not you guys in strange costumes.

“I will use my way to protect the earth, don’t hinder me.”

Luther turned and walked out of the justice hall.

Batman said hoarsely: “What crime plan are you planning again? You’d better pray that you don’t get caught by us for evidence, otherwise, even if you are the owner of the Lex Group, you will never be able to keep you.”

“I never let you find evidence. If there is a perfect crime in this world, it must be done by me personally, and it’s the same this time!”

“Stupid and arrogant heroes, I will let you see the wisdom of mankind with your own eyes! You will feel… fear!”

Luther walked out slowly, his eyes burning with ambition.

He wants to perfect the biological plan and create the most powerful war weapon… a biological weapon capable of fighting the gods!

That is, it is regarded as a taboo experiment on the highly developed Krypton, and it is a plan to create the [perfect Kryptonian]…


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