Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 800 The light of Nanzi's local tyrants and 1, for, all! (7 more for full order)

Aiwen had just returned to the mansion of the academy when he saw Kusuko's thanks and... invitation from the group.

"Well... there's nothing to go to in Nanko's world, it's better to find a chance to invite her to my world to play. Or... Academy City is fine too.

In Aiwen's heart, Academy City has been regarded as his back garden.

Seeing that Nanzi suddenly thanked Aiwen, some smart group members quickly guessed the reason.

Enoshima Shieldko: Huh... Seeing Nanko so happy, the administrator didn't solve the control problem of her Ability, right?

Minister of Service: In my opinion... I'm afraid it's more than that. Let me take the liberty of guessing, this administrator... wouldn't he even solve the hidden dangers of the volcano for that Miss Nanzi?

"This newcomer's thinking is so agile, "Seven-Nine-Three"? And his ID... I really want to see it somewhere? What is it?"

Aiwen's eyes flashed slightly, and he began to recall carefully.

After all, it has been a while since his time traveled, and he can't remember the content of many dramas so clearly.

I just want to live a peaceful life: hehe... The above two guesses are correct. The administrators are so helpful to me, I feel a little ashamed.

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: wow! So Nanzi, your problems have been solved? Congratulations! In this way, you don't have to wear those two "bubbles" all day long!

I just want to live a quiet life: oh? Are those two control devices really that ugly?

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: this... Actually, it's not...

I just want to live a peaceful life: Hahaha! I'm joking with you! I feel ugly myself! If I hadn't used Super Ability to modify other people's thoughts, I would have been laughed at as a monster! refused to go to school. hey-hey……

One-Eyed Writer: Ho... This newcomer, I think you are much more cheerful now than when you first joined the group.

I just want to live a quiet life: yeah. You don't have to wear the Ability Controller all day long, and you don't have to worry about the Controller being broken and destroying a city at will. This feeling is really cool! (*^▽^*)

Aizen Sosuke:...Miss Nanko, if your Ability has been controlled, then my previous suggestion...

I just want to live a quiet life: oh, that, sorry. I don't know you very well, so I can't give you my Ability casually. I hope you will forgive me.

Aizen Soyousuke: Uh... I'm sorry...

Aizen At the moment only felt depressed. It was a good opportunity, but because of Aiwen's intervention, it flew away inexplicably!

And just when he was sulking, Nanzi suddenly said something, so angry that his mouth was blocked!

I just want to live a peaceful life: Admin, I just learned to send red envelopes! If you fancy any of my super abilities, just say something, and I will send it to you immediately!

Aiwen hurriedly agreed and smiled in her heart at the same time.

Although Nanzi's super ability is extremely powerful, how can he see it?

Sousuke Aizen:

Is there a mistake? Although the administrator has just helped you, but your blatantly discriminatory treatment is too much, right?

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Aizen faintly felt the world's full of malice.

At this time, the group members began to discuss Nanzi's strength again.

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest:... In my opinion, even if Nanzi is not as good as that bald head, it will not be too bad!

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: after all, the bald head can only attack physically, but Nanzi is a "super martial artist"! He can even teleport! Maybe the bald head can't hit her at all!

Sifengyuan Yeichi: Hehe... You really want to definitely! If your strength is strong enough, no strange moves will be of much use! The battle is all about attack, defense and speed! And experience!

Sifengyuan Yeyi: I think that Nanzi has hardly fought against strong enemies, and she lacks actual combat experience. And...she didn't learn how to fight, did she? Maybe she didn't even know how to exert her strength. How could he possibly beat that battle-hardened bald head?

I just want to live a quiet life: although I also think you have some truth in what you say. But... I'm still a little unhappy!


I just want to live a quiet life: I don't really have a lot of fights, but that's only because I'm worried about missing Deadman! It doesn't mean I'm weak! But...I don't really know how to fight...

Seeing that Nanzi fell silent and did not speak for a long time, Liuhua began to worry again.  …

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Nanzi? Are you alright? You don't need to pay attention to what Ye Yi said just now! Your super ability is so powerful, the starting point is countless times higher than mine! Nanzi?

After a while, Nanzi's laughter suddenly sounded in the group!

I just want to live a peaceful life: hahaha! This prize is so interesting! It seems to be not only the strength of one person, but also integrates the combat experience and "personality" of several others! This is awesome! ¯)~*

As soon as I hear the word "personality", my spirit is lifted!

Bong Jiao Dong: Uh...Miss Nanzi, may I ask...what did you get? Could it be...

I just want to live a peaceful life: um... I saw in the system announcement that it is possible to use points to draw a lottery. I sold my Ability and drew in the Myriad Realms Grand Prize Pool. The result... Really let me draw this prize-----One, For, All of All Might!

Booming Frozen: Shenma? (A;)/

This time, in addition to the blasting coke, many members of the group were shocked.

The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest: Nanzi, how good is your luck? Did you draw One, For, All at once?

I'm Iron Man: No way! Does this world prize pool favor women over men? If you want to draw 0.7 good things, you have to be women? ⊙⊙

I just want to live a peaceful life: how could it be possible to smoke it for the first time? I smoked it more than 30 times and spent more than 300,000 yuan!

Gabriel: Huh? Thirty times? Where did you get so many points?

I just want to live a peaceful life: I sold my nearly 200 super abilities to the system, and I got a lot of points. Now there are more than 200,000 left, and I can draw for a long time.

I am Iron Man :□)!!

Hearing this, Tony almost had the urge to vomit blood! Even when he was the richest, he never got over 200,000 points! And this little girl who just joined the group... actually got nearly 600,000 points !

Under the light of the local tyrants of Nanzi, Tony felt like a pauper!

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