Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 874 This is the 4 of the Avengers alliance? The true identity of the newcomer! (7 more for a

Unkillable Teacher: Haha... Did a new group member come in?

Enoshima Tsukiko: Thanos is the greatest...hehe...if this newcomer is called Thanos. Then he is really a narcissistic guy.

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: wait, why do I seem to think this name is familiar?

Slime: Thanos? Isn't that... the Titan who invaded the administrator's planet and was finally repelled by him? I was also involved in that battle!

Ishtar, Goddess of Venus: Huh? So, this time, it is the administrator's old enemy? Isn't the administrator unable to hurt him anymore?

Enoshima Tsukiko: The news upstairs is too outdated. The current administrator already has the ability to temporarily revoke the system's "group members must not harm each other" ban! If this guy is really the administrator's enemy, then he will be sent to his door to find death!

Trembling Tornado: Hahaha! Then I want to see if this so-called Thanos will bow his head to the administrator and beg for mercy?

Thanos is the greatest: Damn! Who are you all 05? How dare you talk nonsense in my mind? The great Thanos is invincible, when has he lost? What nonsense are you talking about?

Thanos is the greatest: Damn it! Is it because of that disgusting woman again? No matter what, my father's plan must come true! No one can stop it!

Seeing the word "father" in the newcomer's speech, Aiwen suddenly noticed something. After pondering for a while, he asked tentatively:

Aiwen: @Thanos is the greatest, you...couldn't be Thanos' daughter? Are you Gamora, or Nebula?

Thanos the greatest:  … hum! Why should I answer your question?

"Heh... This kind of reaction, it seems that I guessed correctly. In this way, the scope is narrowed."

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Aiwen continued after thinking for a moment.

Aiwen: As far as I know, both of Thanos' daughters hated him so much and betrayed him at the end! So...I'm a little weird, you...why have such an ID?

As expected by Aiwen, his words just hit the sore spot of the newcomer! It triggered an unexpected reaction!

Thanos is the greatest: nonsense! I will not betray the great Thanos even if I die! As for those hateful betrayers, I will kill them myself! Even if they are mine...

"Her what? Sister?

When Aiwen was trying to guess the identity of the newcomer, the other members of the group finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Monster Girl Akane: Admin, who is this Thanos? Excuse me... Do you have a copy of him? I really want to see...

Gabriel: Yes, yes, this guy is so clueless, I also want to know more about Thanos' background!

Accelerator: Hahaha, he was not only defeated by the administrator, but also betrayed by his two daughters! It seems that this Thanos has failed too much!

Thanos is the greatest: my father has never failed! I will not betray him! If you talk nonsense again, I will not cut off your tongues!

"Ha...never lost? If she didn't tell lies? Then...this woman shouldn't be from my universe! Otherwise, she couldn't have known that Thanos was defeated by me!"

Thinking of the countless parallel universes in the Marvel universe, Aiwen suddenly felt a bit of a toothache. After thinking about it, he finally decided to pass on all the copies related to Thanos and his two daughters!

[Ding! Administrator Aiwen uploaded five small memory copies "Guardians of Galaxy1", "Guardians of Galaxy2", "Avengers1", "Avengers3", "Avengers4". 】

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: wow! There are so many? This Thanos' life experience is really rich.

Fubuki of Hell: Hehehe, what's the use of being rich? It's not like being beaten by the administrator...

Thanos Greatest: Convex(+Min+)…

Enoshima Shieldzi: "Hahaha, this newcomer, I advise you not to be rude! Go and watch the copy honestly. Maybe...after reading it, it will change your outlook on life?

Thanos is the greatest: Humph! Stop the nonsense! My loyalty to my father will never waver!

Enoshima Shieldko: Huh...?

Seeing that the group was gradually quieting down, Aiwen was about to quit to take a rest. suddenly……

【"Black Saber" has joined the lottery group!】

Aiwen: Black Hairless... No, saber, as the administrator, on behalf of the entire group, you are welcome to join!

Black saber: It's incredible. Unexpectedly, what Mordred said turned out to be true. This kind of place that can cross countless different-dimensional worlds, actually... really exists!

Mordred: Father! I won't say anything to ask you to forgive me now. Inviting you into this the only thing I can do...

Black Saber:…………Don’t mention the past. It's been so long, I almost forgot.

"Hmm...that sounds too insincere, right? Sure enough, other than Hei Gundu, no other saber would admit to Xiao Mo. It seems... only take your time.

Aiwen: Well, now that you are in the group, do you want to see the memory copy, saber? I just uploaded a few copies?

Black Saber: A copy? Mordred said it so magically, I also want to see what other worlds are like.

Due to the existence of the acceleration mode, it didn't take long for the group members to finish reading 873.

Be the god of the new world: Damn it! What kind of madness is this Thanos! Killing half of the entire universe in order to save resources? What's the point of it? With human fertility, it will take a few generations at most to recover? Is he an idiot?

Yukino Yukino: This... you may be thinking too simply. This is true of the human reproductive cycle. But... the fertility ability of cosmic humans may not be comparable to that of humans. Maybe some people in the universe can only give birth to one in hundreds of years?

Monster Girl Akane: In short, this approach is simply the work of a lunatic! If Thanos is in my universe, maybe I will die inexplicably! If I see this purple skin monster, I must become Godzilla and eat it got him!

Chaos Evil Gudazi: I want to fight this Thanos! Let's see who's better!

Thanos The Greatest: . …unexpectedly. …I still died in the end. And... he actually died at the hands of that weak man!

Thanos is the greatest: Damn! If I knew it earlier, I should have killed her before I crossed! That weak guy is not worthy of me at all!

Seeing this, Aiwen's mind suddenly lit up, and she had already guessed her identity!

"I go, she is in the fourth Avengers alliance...the daughter of Thanos in the past, Nebula! And... according to her words, she seems to have passed through the base of the Avengers alliance by pretending to be 'self'!".

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