Marvel’s Disassembler

Chapter 196: They are at SHIELD!

The summer night started with a glass of wine, and all of this glass of wine was drunk.

Then I looked at Natasha and didn't talk.

Natasha looked at the summer night calmly. After a long while, she smiled slightly: "You don't trust me."

"Do not."

Xia Zhi shook his head at night: "Don't misunderstand, my trust in you is beyond your imagination."


There should be no reason for this, but Natasha is very convinced.

Because this guy seems to have been a long time ago, I already know myself.

It was a long time... I was not born at the time.

It’s just a ghost.

Xia Zhi night looked at her and thought for a while: "I just think that I should give you a chance."

"what chance?"

"The opportunity to choose."

The night of the night runs the eyes of Horus to the extreme, and all the equipment for monitoring and monitoring cannot pass the surveillance of the eyes of Horus.

At the same time, he put the phone on the table and hooked the two people.

Steve and Natasha looked at each other and took the phone out and placed it on the small table in front of him.

After all three mobile phones were thrown into the space of the disintegrator, the summer night said: "Some secrets can't be said, some things can't be known. Because this is likely to cause a person to change his position, or be Forced to change your position. Are you sure you want to listen to this? This may make you stand up..."

After listening to this, Steve was a little surprised: "What does this involve?"

"The lives of millions of people, or more."

Summer night shrugged his shoulders: "But actually, this is just the beginning..."

"I don't understand." Steve shook his head.

"It doesn't matter." Natasha said at this time, she did not have much psychological struggle, but looked directly at the summer night and said: "In fact, since you appeared last year, there have been changes to my order. First of all. I am loyal..."

She said here and saw Steve: "Never is the SHIELD."

Steve thought for a moment, then said to the summer night: "I can understand the meaning of what you said just now, I feel that I am spreading things now."

Natasha has not finished: "And, from today, I will unconditionally support all your actions. There is only one big premise... for world peace."

She is very solemn!

But the summer night almost did not spit out this mouthful of wine.

He would like to say that the so-called world peace is just the stalk he used in the past!

The question is, why is everyone so serious?

"In fact, even if you were assassinated before, I just care about your life and have no determination to enforce such an order."

Natasha said again: "If Carter's work dies, I will completely restore my freedom and run through my own beliefs. But you said that this matter involves the lives of millions of people, then I can judge that you still have no Change the determination and goals of the year. If you are different from SHIELD, I will choose to follow you, not SHIELD."

When she said it, it seemed that she had put down some heavy burden, took the glass in front of her eyes and took a sip: "So, you can tell me anything."

Shake his head in the summer night, picked up the glass and touched Natasha, and then watched Steve together.

"...the situation changed, I didn't expect it."

After Steve groaned, this said: "I believe instructors."


The summer night gave a soft breath and placed the wine glass on the table: "That thing has to start from the beginning... From then, I was released by the universe, and I went to the universe and talked about it. ......"


Steve glanced: "You went... the universe?"

"When you look up at the stars, you will find that humans are never alone."

Xia Zhixiao smiled: "Frye said that the 084 item that landed in New Mexico, in fact, is called the Hammer of Thor. It is the weapon of Asgard's Divine, the son of Odin, Thor.

The topic seems to go from reality to the extent of fantasy.

So Steve and Natasha are all stunned.

"There is a group...God."

In the summer night, he pointed his finger to the direction of Kama Taj and said: "On there, there is a Supreme Master who always pays attention to the multiverse, prevents its existence, invades the earth. I just practiced from there..."

Then he re-pointed to the top of his head: "Beyond the gods, there is an infinite universe filled with crises and incredible. The place where I was released was Chaidaxing, a prison in the New Star Empire, and Chien was highly alert to the prison."

"I have seen a lot of races and experienced the Star Wars."

Summer night touched the lips, then smiled and said: "They have very powerful power, more advanced equipment and armed, some are ambitious, some people dominate the whole planet, as his playground... countless You can't imagine the existence, there are."

Natasha opened her mouth and looked at Steve and found that his expression was also very blind.

After a long while, she asked: "But... what does this have to do with the person who wants to kill you?"

"So it's good to bring the topic to earth."

Xia Zhixiao laughed: "Any race has a career, and human beings are no exception. The active battlefield between Steve and I is the most direct example... and the old rivals of that year have never been truly eliminated. Over."

Steve’s expression suddenly changed: “Schmidt?”

"Schmidt is just a person..."

Xia Zhixiao smiled and said: "But that sentence... cut a head, can still grow two, will not be easily forgotten? In contrast, Schmidt is only a head at best. So Although I don't want to admit but this world, never peace!"

"What is going to kill you is the Hydra?"

Steve’s expression was completely gloomy.

Xia Zhixiao smiled: "It is them."

"Where are they?"

"They are hiding deeper than you think..." Summer night knocked the small round table gently and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it's just a temptation. And, I guess, they are very long. In a period of time, there will be no more extraordinary moves."


Natasha, who has been silent, suddenly looked up: "The Hydra is hidden in the SHIELD!"

Xia Zhi and Steve looked at Natasha together and listened to her and said: "As far as I know, the information of the instructors is strictly confidential. Even within the SHIELD, only a few people know. You said The Hydra, even if it is so vast, should not be so clear in a short, only one possibility, they are in SHIELD."

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