Marvel’s Disassembler

Chapter 547: First time communication!

The way to wake up is relatively old. I don’t know why in the night of the summer night. The only two that emerged are the slap in the neck and the other one is watered.

These two methods of awakening, each winning the field, the greatest benefit that can be harvested is the hatred value of the awakened person!

The hate value of the former is probably far better than the latter. However, in the process of execution, there is a high probability that the brain of the other party will be irreversibly attacked, resulting in temporary amnesia, which has been accidentally forgotten. The result is that the hate value is cleared...

"Well, what are the special things that are messy?"

Summer night patted my own brain, always feeling that my head seems to start a little out of control.

Then two shots were taken from the decomposition space, and each of them had a shot on their neck, and then he returned to the sofa and sat down.

In less than ten seconds, the boy opened his eyes first...

Well, we can probably correct the name of him. After all, the appearance of the unshaven, calling the boy is indeed a bit too much.

In contrast, the girl's physical development, obviously can not be seen as a child.

The brain of Xia Zhi’s night, when the two men woke up, once again ran a train without restraint and returned to the right track. Then he said, “If I were you, I don’t feel like I woke up. The first thing is that it is a good idea to attack the owner here."

The man who had arrived after the summer night stopped his movements.

The facts prove more than once that this man is far more terrible than imagined.

The difference is that when he woke up, he didn't know that the person sitting here is the man he saw in the base... because the summer night is not wearing a mask.

The corner of the summer night evokes a smile: "If you like, you can sit down."

The woman who opened her eyes took a deep breath: "I feel something strange in my body is flowing."

The man immediately looked at the summer night.

I thought about it in the summer night, but said helplessly: "There is always a very strange feeling. I said, girl, don't you think that you use words, is it easy to misunderstand?"

After he finished speaking, he exchanged two pairs of confused eyes.

Xia Zhi’s eyes blinked and he smiled. “I like your pure eyes. Let’s sit down first. I think the previous attempt should make you clear that confrontation is not a perfect way out.”

“Where is this?” The man first spoke and looked around, feeling like an ordinary meeting room.

However, in front of this man has been disarmed from the body, even the mask ... then this place is far from the original location, I am afraid there is already a safe enough distance, not only that, but should be enough to be secret.

Summer night took a clap: "Good question, next."

He didn't mean to answer, the man's brow wrinkled, but he heard the woman ask: "Who are you?"

"This is a good question." Xia Zhi said with a smile: "I don't know how they will call me in the base of Hydra, but here they prefer to call me to be...instructor!"


Both of them showed a horrified expression at the same time, and then both eyes began to become dignified.

Xia Zhiyue smiled: "It seems that the Hydra does not make any other changes in this title. Then, if I want to, I would like to hear, in their mouth, what kind of person am I? ?"

"A terrible enemy."

The woman said: "There is a record about you in the archives. It is the biggest regret of the entire Hydra. They think that the most wrong thing that was done at the time was that you didn't find your shadow in the Super Soldier Plan. It is even less timely to erase you. Otherwise, today's ending will be another color."

Summer night was silent, then shook his head: "Always look back at history, often can not see the road of the future."

"The lessons of history can always make us less detours," the woman said.

Summer night shrugged his shoulders: "But it turns out that the only lesson that history has brought us is that we never accept any lesson."

"I think our conversation probably deviated from the original theme." The woman lowered her head.

"So, what is our original theme?" Xia Zhi night said thoughtfully: "I brought you from the base of the Hydra, and then let you see my true face. You are probably already done." The worst plan, tell me, what is that?"


The woman did not hesitate, the man closed his eyes and took her hand.

"Extremely extreme thoughts." Xia Zhi said with a smile: "The Hydra said, am I murderous?"

"I have never thought of it, we will have any better endings." The woman stared at the summer night.

But it is faintly visible, around the body of the summer night, a layer of barrier emerges out of thin air!

The blushing color of the silky silk, in the mid air, like the mist of transpiration, gradually dissipated...

Summer night looked up: "Your power is very interesting, it comes from the existence that you don't understand."

The woman does not feel that her sneak attack is a wrong decision. At this moment, she was discovered by the summer night, and she did not feel that something was wrong or that she was ashamed.

She just frowned and asked: "From... what?"

"You probably think it comes from a staff... but in fact, it comes from the jewel on the staff." Summer night extended his hand, and Loki's staff appeared in his hand.

When Loki attacked the earth that day his strength is far worse than it is now.

When he finally faced a decision, he lost the qualification to dominate the final direction.

As a result, the staff fell into the hands of the SHIELD and eventually flowed into the hands of the Hydra.

Nowadays, taking a turn around, this wand has once again come to the hands of the summer night. He doesn’t have much mixed feelings, but the palm of his hand condenses the energy of the universe, and the stick is broken, only the left A gem, slowly falling, was received by the summer night.

However, it did not come into contact with the skin of the summer night, floating, shining with a magnificent light.

"In the universe, there are six infinite gems." An old story, a wicked and horrible reality, snarls from the mouth of the summer night.

He didn't know why, but he naturally entered a kind of weird state of telling stories to children and grandchildren, but this state is obviously good regardless of rhythm or story.


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