Chapter 281 Sword and Spear

The battle between Gongsun and the young man was brilliant, and it was a long story, but in fact everything was done in a few Roar sucks.

In Mei’s eyes, she couldn’t even see the weapons of the two of them. At first glance, it seemed like a beautiful woman dancing with a teenager.

The beautiful lady’s posture is flexible but also full of elastic power. The teenager is not good at dancing, and the simple and neat movements do not have a masculine air. The two people cooperate with each other in tacit understanding, which makes people’s eyes intent.

Not only Mei, but the audience in other spectator stands, except for the same heroes, or people with up to the standard of physical fitness, few people can watch the actions of Gongsun and Juvenile, including Phil Coulson, who has already set up a heavy sniper.

Regarding the Holy Grail War, Melinda didn’t want to borrow the power of S.H.I.E.L.D, so there was no more agent. Phil Coulson had to go off in person for his old friends. Few people knew that he was actually good at shooting, just not as good as Hawkeye.

In fact, Phil Coulson is a fully developed agent, with guns, fighting, lurking, strategy, communication, etc. Ability, among the many colleagues of SHIELD, each is among the best, but compared to the agent that specializes in a certain item, it seems mediocre. , Such as Hawkeye’s shooting, Black widow’s intelligence gathering and communication, Melinda’s close combat.

It sounds like Phil Coulson is not good, but from another perspective, Phil Coulson has no shortcomings and can perform any task.

The short duet dance ended. The young man held a gun in one hand, his arms and upper body were almost in a straight line with the gun. The tip of the gun pointed at Gongsun’s heart, and the distance was only a few centimeters.

The hem of the skirt was slightly bulging to the ground, and the light yarn wrapped around the arm around the arm slowly fell down.

Gongsun stood with a sword, his pretty face calm.

Phil Coulson looked at the clear young figure in the scope and estimated the distance, which was more than 800 meters. If the target is a human, he is still sure, but the heroic spirit cannot judge it with common sense.


Melinda stared at Gongsun and the boy, and shook her head slightly. After a period of contact, she could feel Gongsun’s pride, and she chose to respect Gongsun.


The teenager Roar sighed, stood up straight, waved his hand, pointed the spear diagonally at the ground, and looked at Gongsun with scorching eyes, revealing the joy of encountering evenly matched opponents.

“Such exquisite swordsmanship is rare in the world, and someone is not very happy. Your Excellency must not have been an unknown person in the past.”

At that moment, it seemed that he could kill as long as he took a step forward, or he could kill with a push, and at the worst, he could seriously injure Gongsun, but the fact is that he has combined his physical advantage and weapon advantage with that shot. To the extreme, after a shot is shot, there is no more power to continue forward, and the force is insufficient, and Gongsun will only be caught by the flaws.

“That’s it.”

Gongsun smiled reservedly, without admitting or denying. In fact, as long as she knows about the history of the rabbit, the glorious years and one of the powerful empires, her identity is not difficult to guess at all, but it is more beneficial for her to reveal her identity later. .

“You are not ordinary. As the saying goes,’The sword of the moon, the sword of a lifetime, the spear of a lifetime.’ It is rare to see people who can practice spear skills to such an extent at your age.

Besides, the saber around your waist is not a decoration, right? ”


The young man pursed his lips and smiled. He was handsome and innocent. He avoided answering his sword skills. Instead, he raised his spear and opened his posture. The sharp tip of the spear pointed at Gongsun, his eyes bright, revealing pure fighting spirit.Yin Liang’s grab bar has an elasticity that is beyond everyone’s expectations. As the boy’s arm shakes, the tip of the gun turns into a silver flower, followed by a little bit of starlight, which is dazzling.

Gongsun was awe-inspiring, his eyebrows raised slightly, his whole person was like a willow leaning against the wind, and the green front raised towards the stars.

Without much words, the two fought together again.

Different from the previous courtesy temptation, this time is a real fight. The rhythm is much slower than before. Ordinary people can see the action of the two people, but the clanging and dense metal clashing sounds and being everywhere are The fragmented ground destroyed by the aftermath or footprints tells everyone how terrible the battle between the heroic spirits is.

However, people with experience can see that Gongsun’s relative weakness is not self-rule.

Melinda frowned tightly and stared at the figure of the young man. Her years of experience fighting with people made it easier for her to understand Gongsun’s thoughts.

Gongsun was afraid of the saber around the young man’s waist, or the young man’s swordsmanship.

As the saying goes, “Yuedao is a lifelong spear,” which shows the difficulty of practicing guns, but there is always no shortage of people with different abilities in the world.

Just like Tony, who specializes in mechanical and electronic information, still involves many degrees and has outstanding achievements, when he encountered the Space gem problem, it took only one night to understand the knowledge of thermonuclear physics that he had hardly contacted. To an extent that countless people will never reach.

Gongsun was not sure whether the saber around the young man’s waist was an ornament or a weapon, but according to the young man’s spear and martial arts skills, swordsmanship should be good.

The battle between the two came to an end once again.

The young man said unhappily:

“Do you look down on someone?”

Even bystanders could see that Gongsun didn’t do his best, how could he not feel it, the person who fought with him personally?

“No, it is because I value you that I have to be more cautious.”

Gongsun said that he lifted the tulle on his arm and tied one end to the ring specially left at the hilt of the sword. Three different positions on the left, center, and right simultaneously swing swords at the young man.

The young man was not surprised and rejoiced. He stared at the three phantoms without blinking, but he didn’t want to tell the truth from the false, because there was not so much time, but he turned his body and threw the gun. The silvery slender gun body is in the High-speed movement. The center turned into an arc, and the afterimage pulled out a fan shape, making a sharp howling in the air.

Three smoke-like hazy figures At the moment have not yet entered the range of the silver fan, but suddenly disappeared in the next moment, and a three-foot green peak suddenly appeared and went straight to the center of the boy’s eyebrows.


With a crisp sound that was not light, the Qingfeng sword was bounced off.

The young man picked up the tip of the spear, and the shimmering tip of the spear wanted to tear the tulle trailing behind the sword.

I don’t know how to transmit the strength, the light yarn that the wind can fly away with a light blow, but it twists and soars like a snake, avoiding the tip of the young man’s spear.

Gongsun came to the boy with a soft and powerful dance, and the Qingfeng tied with the gauze fell into his hand just right, flattening the blade, making a cross cut without the smell of firework.

The distance was too close, the boy had no time to use a gun or draw a sword, his body tilted as if he fell down, but he passed by Gongsun.

The two stood still, and a slap-long blood line appeared on the boy’s cheek.

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