Chapter 319

Master Tony knows that Bucky, a member of the Roaring Commando and a friend of Captain America, often appears in history textbooks with Captain America. He can also be regarded as a figure in history. According to historical records, in an operation during World War II. I was unfortunately killed in battle. Some time ago, I heard that people were not dead, and they were transformed into super weapons by HYDRA, and they were rescued by Captain America… it sounds very inspirational and touching. Tony Stark also teased that there is a similar kind of old antique, so he won’t be lonely anymore. But never thought that it was the enemy who killed his parents many years ago.

Tony took a moment to digest the shocking news. After he recovered, he couldn’t calm his emotions, and said in a daze:

“Rogers knows?”

“It should be unknown. If nothing else, this incident was revealed by a SOKOVIA person.”

Heroic Spirit Tony shook his head slightly, paused after speaking, and said lightly:

“However, even if he knew it, he would choose to shield his good friend.”


Tony’s thinking diverged, keenly aware of the key words in the heroic Tony’s words, which are also familiar vocabulary words, and couldn’t help but ask.

His cooperation with the SOKOVIA forces is not bad. Although the number of SOKOVIA is a bit smaller, the cutting-edge combat power is not inferior to some large forces, and they are very united.

Heroic Spirit Tony and the master Tony are connected, knowing what the master is thinking, nodded slightly.

“Yes, that’s what you think, the victims of SOKOVIA in the’Ultron Incident’.”

Regardless of his time and space, or this time and space, they all have an indissoluble bond with SOKOVIA.


Master Tony nodded, not entangled with SOKOVIA’s problem for the time being, staring at the heroic spirit:

“Don’t tell me, you did nothing.”

“Lost by him.”

Heroic Spirit Tony replied very briefly. He didn’t want to talk more about the battle and the result of the battle.

“I do not believe.”

The master Tony stared at the heroic spirit Tony with scorching eyes. Although he is much stronger than the heroic spirit Tony at the same time period, it doesn’t mean that he really can’t beat Captain America. If the unscrupulous firepower is fully used, it will be two. Captain America is not an opponent either, I can only say that the other time and space himself did not go all out.

Heroic Spirit Tony’s eyelids drooped slightly, and said faintly:

“You are me, and I am you. There are some things that you should understand even if you don’t say it.”

At that time, Tony knew best about whether he went all out. It can be said that he went all out, or he did not. He put on the best steel battle suit and completely analyzed the captain’s fighting routine on Friday. Captain America played terribly, but integrated fire support platforms such as Veronica were not used.

He really wanted to kill Bucky, but he didn’t want to do too much to Captain America.

“···”The Master Tony was speechless for a moment, and he pondered for a moment and said:

“It seems that I need you to tell me about your experience.”

There are many similarities and differences between the two time-spaces. Although the self of the other time-space is much weaker than the self of the same time period, there are still many things that can be used for reference. It will also allow him to make more favorable choices in future events.

Heroic Tony is naturally no problem, and their time is sufficient.

As the heroic Tony talked slowly, Tony also knew what happened in another time and space. In another time and space, after the Ultron incident, the SOKOVIA agreement and the “Super Ability Act” appeared, and it was a SOKOVIA incident that triggered all this. The survivors who lost everything.

Definitely, afterwards, Tony found that there were many problems with that person’s identity. After all, even if that person had been an agent, he had more information. Even’Bucky is Winter Soldier and killed Tony’s parents’ in HYDRA. All the confidential information can be found out. It is strange that there is no problem.

But the man was determined to die and committed suicide before Tony and Captain America broke up.

After that, Tony broke with Steve, Avengers split into two, and the Avengers stood behind Tony or Steve according to their respective ideas, and occasionally cooperated, but Tony and Steve really didn’t talk to each other.

If there is no later Thanos Earth and Universe, the snapping fingers…

Even so, it doesn’t mean Tony can let go of the thorn in his heart.

“There has never been a perfect person in the world, and so is the’righteous man of God’.”

Heroic Tony said sarcastically, in fact, in his opinion, Bucky is the only stain on Steve.

Steve always makes different choices when it comes to Bucky. Just like when Bucky was accused of attacking King Wakanda, if it was Steve himself, he would catch it and wait for the result. If it’s fair and just, he will be arrested. Just admit, if not, he will rise up to resist.

But when he became Bucky, Steve actually resisted Bucky being taken into custody or treated as a suspected criminal, and would take Bucky to escape.

When Tony wanted to kill Bucky, Steve told Tony that Bucky had been brainwashed. It was just a tool of HYDRA. He didn’t realize the killing of Tony’s parents, so Bucky can’t be blamed.

There is no problem logically… but it doesn’t make sense here for Tony.

Tony is an arms dealer. In theory, he is no different from a businessman who buys daily necessities. They both manufacture and sell them. The biggest difference may be that arms are more profitable.

As for what the arms were used for, how many people were killed, and how many casualties were caused, all were done by the people who used the arms, and Tony didn’t… can things really be counted like this? Obviously it is impossible.

After the murderer commits the crime, don’t the tools of the crime have to be put away in the evidence room?

But Steve must shelter Bucky like lard.

Tony therefore suspected that Captain America might not have liked Carter Page.

As time passed slowly, the heroic spirit Tony’s half-life story gradually came to an end. Finally, when he said that he knew he was bound to die, he still snapped his fingers. Tony had no regrets, some were just regrets.

“When I snapped my fingers, I thought of Morgan and Little Pepper. For a moment, I thought about it, don’t change anything, just live like that, stay with Little Pepper and grow up with Morgan…”

The corners of Tony’s mouth raised slightly, some nostalgia, and some regrets, subconsciously not mentioning that Morgan would marry a child when he grew up.

Just thinking about that kind of thing, Tony couldn’t help but develop a battle armor of the ‘Anti-Pig Arch Cabbage’ series.

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