"More places? Why? Isn't Jiang Zhen the only one to take part in the competition? Why do you want so many places? " Guo Dafeng asked, pretending to be different!

"Well, to tell you the truth, Jiang Zhen is not my real soldier!"

The land country's words surprised Guo Dafeng!

"What? Jiang Zhen is not your soldier? What do you mean Guo Dafeng asked in a hurry!

The land country thought for a while and said, "in fact, I begged Jiang to help me participate in the competition, and he is not a soldier!"

"Oh! I said, at first, when I saw Jiang Zhen, he was not a soldier at all! But you can, where can you find such a powerful man? " Guo Dafeng asked differently!

"It's not convenient to tell you that. In fact, my purpose is to let you give me more places. Then I'll let Jiang Zhen take my soldiers out and let them have a long experience! If Jiang Zhen is gone, my army will be the same as usual! " The land country says helplessly!

After hearing the words of the land country, Guo Dafeng said with a smile.

"Lao Lu, I know what you mean. No problem. It's a big deal. I'll give you some places from other troops. If Jiang Zhen is here this year, I can give you five places. It's good for you to let them go out and have a long experience!" Guo Dafeng said with a smile!

"Ha ha, that's it!" After that, the land kingdom said to Jiang Zhen, "do you see that, too? There are six places in our army plus you! "

Jiang Zhen nodded, and he could understand the land country. After all, he did not know where he would go! So the people that the land states let themselves take with them.

Jiang Zhen will be duty bound to take it!

"Well, that's a deal!" Land country laughs!

Land country is very happy. This year will be different! There are six competitors in our army. What's the concept?

The general troops are one to three people, and they stand nearly three troops. If you let some old guys know, they can't be angry!

This is the land country. Stand up!

"Come on, let's go and meet those boys, and let them meet their captain as well." Land country laughs!

Then several people went out directly!

After walking to the door, the land country said to Huang Qifeng: "Lao Huang, let those boys wait in the training ground and tell them that their team leader wants to see them!"

"I see, commander!" Then Huang Qifeng went out!

Jiang Zhen looked at the land country around him, then said with a smile: "Uncle Lu, are there any girls among these people?" Then Jiang Zhen picked his eyebrows!

When the land state heard Jiang Zhen's words, no matter what happened, it would directly kick Jiang Zhen's ass!

"You son of a bitch, it's not enough for you to have my daughter? Still looking for it? " Land country laughs and scolds!

Jiang Zhen knew it from the moment he raised his foot from the land state, but he didn't dodge, because he was the commander in front of him. He didn't say anything else. He also kept in mind the land state's intention to himself!

So let the land countries kick themselves!

Jiang Zhen patted his ass and said, "Uncle Lu, what are you angry about? I'm just joking. Are you serious? " Then Jiang Zhen turned his lips!

At this time, Guo Dafeng nodded!

"I said Lao Lu, you are really willing to pay for it. I didn't expect that you gave your daughter to Jiang Zhen!" With that, Guo Dafeng looked down at the land country!

The land country is embarrassed by what Guo Dafeng said!

Then he waved his hand and said, "as you can see, I have this heart, but Jiang Zhen doesn't seem to like my daughter!" The land country said with a helpless sigh!

Jiang Zhen just a smile, but did not speak!

And after Guo Dafeng sees Jiang Zhen and the land country's facial expression on one side, ha ha ha's smile!

Then he said to Jiang Zhen, "Jiang Zhen, what kind of girl do you like?"

"Ah?" Jiang Zhen a Leng, also don't know Guo Dafeng what meaning!

At this time, Guo Dafeng took out his phone, pressed it twice, and then directly transferred out a few photos. He handed them to Jiang Zhen and said, "do you think this girl looks good?"

Jiang really looked at the past curiously!

When he saw the girl on the phone, Jiang Zhen almost collapsed!

This NIMA's is so similar to Guo Dafeng's. This is Guo Dafeng's relative!

And the land country on one side also looked at the past curiously! When you see the picture above, the land country quickly scolded!

"Damn, you still say I'm shameless? What do you want? What are you doing with your daughter's picture? Is it true to tempt Jiang? " Land country is very angry!

"Ah?" Jiang Zhen is stunned! Thought Guo Dafeng's son is not it, how also jumped out of a daughter!

"Ha ha!" As if to see what Jiang Zhen thought! Guo Dafeng said with a smile: "in fact, I have two children, a son and a daughter! I'm optimistic about Lao Lu's girl. That's why I want my son to be with her. But I didn't expect that he would marry his daughter to you. I can't come in vain this time. I can only want my daughter to marry you! In this case, it's not biased. "

With that, Guo Dafeng laughed out!

This made Jiang Zhen speechless!

"What did I say? It's all monogamy. Don't you two know that? " Jiang really helpless said!

"Of course! But this kind of thing is just for ordinary people, it's useless for us. As long as you want, we can do it for you! " Guo Dafeng said seriously!

Jiang really thought about it and thought it was true!

"Ah Jiang Zhen sighed and thought to himself, how can his peach blossom luck be so powerful? All right! But Jiang Zhen knows that he can't go too far, especially now there are so many people who don't have a clear relationship with him, so he can't continue to make mistakes!

Jiang Zhen waved his hand and said, "well, two uncles, I know what you mean, and I'm glad you look up to me so much! But I don't think about that now! "

Jiang Zhen said very sincerely, let two people see after is a face red! Yes, it's forced marriage! How can you be such an elder! If you let Jiang Zhen's parents know, they will have trouble finding themselves!

So the two of them just smile.

But next Jiang Zhen's words, let two people want to kill Jiang Zhen!

At this time, Jiang Zhen said seriously: "cough! Well, when I've finished everything, I'm thinking about the two of them, the two fathers-in-law. How about that? "

Jiang Zhen said very seriously!



They were surprised almost at the same time! Then looked at each other, from each other's eyes to see some of the feeling of being teased!

They look at Jiang Zhen viciously!

Jiang Zhen's mouth twitched!

"Well, you're kidding!" Jiang Zhen said quickly!

"Are you kidding?" After they heard Jiang Zhen's words, they were even more angry!

Jiang Zhen is neither saying nor saying now!

Just when Jiang Zhen didn't know what to do wrong, Huang Qifeng came over from a distance!

"Commander, I'm waiting in the training room!"

Land country nodded!

"Let's go. We're all waiting for you as the team leader. Let me tell you, Jiang Zhen, these boys are not fuel-efficient lamps. Although they are not as powerful as you, they are also the number of people in the army, so you should be prepared!"

With that, the land Kingdom raised eyebrows at Jiang Zhen!

Jiang really waved his hand!

"Am I still afraid of this?" Jiang really helpless said!

On one side, Guo Dafeng also said helplessly: "Lao Lu, I didn't bury you. What about your little soldiers? My soldiers are not Jiang Zhen's opponents! " Guo Dafeng smiles happily!

"Damn it After hearing Guo Dafeng's words, the land country was completely angry!

"You mean it? Aren't your soldiers Jiang Zhen's opponents? " The land country said angrily!

"Yes, I didn't say it was someone else's opponent." Then Guo Fengfeng shrugged!

After seeing the appearance of Guo Dafeng, the land country was even more angry, but it could not say anything. It was right than others!

"No, Jiang Zhen is also my soldier!" The land state has finally found a loophole!

"Ha ha, Lao Lu, do you really drink too much? I don't know who said Jiang Zhen was not your soldier just now. Now you say it's yours! How can you boast so much? "

Guo Fengfeng said helplessly!

"This...!" The land country is completely speechless!

"Well, you're good!" The land country sighed helplessly!

Jiang Zhen looked at the two people in front of him and thought, these two people, you don't see that they always quarrel or something, but Jiang Zhen absolutely believes that the relationship between these two people is very good! Especially for soldiers, it's really a good relationship!

"Well, uncle Lu and uncle Feng, don't quarrel! Let's go and have a look! And then I'll go home! " Jiang Zhen said seriously!

Land country nodded!

Then he went out with Jiang Zhen and Guo Dafeng!


And in an indoor training room.

Nearly ten people stood upright in the room!

Everyone is a bear, more importantly, everyone's face is filled with excitement! Because they can finally meet the captain they have never met!

At this time, a man with a short beard said to a very tall man with a very big figure: "boss, what do you think our team leader can do? Are you going to be handsome? " Asked the short bearded man!

"Well, don't guess. You'll see it later! We need to show our training level, you know? Don't be shameful at that time. That's not good! " The captain said seriously!

The rest of the several people hastily agreed!

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