Prince o'contin is a master of changhabitat Bazhong, and he has a treasure in his hand. Once he is powerful, it will be very terrible.

Moreover, okonding recruited many experts under his command, and he also had his own business in London. It can be said that o'contin is also a big man. However, o'contin has always had to hand in a lot of wealth to the blood clan headquarters.

It's always been the rule.

With old prince sorol in the headquarters and his ancestors, all the foreign princes are honest and dare not have any other ideas.

The existence of ancestors can absolutely suppress everything.

But now, the ancestors are gone.

What's more, a so-called new blood emperor came out. In this way, the prince's careful thinking of all parties moved, and no one wanted to be controlled by others all the time. These princes have been princes outside for a long time, so they also want to be kings on their own.

At this time, unless there is a blood emperor who can really suppress all the princes, you princes will be honest.

But it is clear that Chen Yang is not among them.

At this time, the handsome man who accompanied Prince O'Connor had a sip of coffee.

The handsome man looks only twenty-four or twenty-five years old. He wears a snow-white shirt, just like a noble prince.

However, Prince O'Connon was a little cautious and scared around the man.

The man's eyes were introverted, looking very peaceful, but he could still feel his inner pride.

Just then, a member of O'Connor's staff came in. This man is also a blood clan, and is a confidant of o'kangding. His name is Naya. Naya whispered in O'Connor's ear, "Your Highness, there's something wrong with the headquarters."

Prince o'kangding was slightly stunned, and then said: "Prince Aotian is not an outsider, so you can say it out loud. What happened to the headquarters?"

Naya looked at the proud prince in embarrassment.

Prince Aotian Isn't it the pride of heaven?

Yes, this man is long Aotian.

Long Aotian's eyes are light. He doesn't care.

"Say it Prince o'contin was very dissatisfied with Naya's timid manner, and directly scolded.

Naya gritted his teeth and said: "the father of Prince Aotian, elder Longtai, he..."

"What happened to my father?" As soon as long Ao day sees so huff and puff, eyes immediately bloom Li light, Li voice asks a way.

Naya said: "elder Longtai was killed by the new blood emperor in front of the ministers."

"What did you say?" Long Aotian's body vibrated violently.

"Is it serious?" Prince o'constantine was also surprised.

Naya said, "it's absolutely true. How dare you tell stories in front of your two Highnesses?"

"Chen Yang Xiao'er, I dare to kill my father. If I don't tear you to pieces, I will swear not to be a human being!" Long Aotian is furious.

He suddenly patted the coffee table and stood up in anger.

The coffee table was smashed.

Prince O'Connor's face did not change much, and outsiders could not see what he was thinking.

Long Aotian then said to Prince o'contin, "o'contin, I don't ask you to help me. I just need you to be able to remain neutral when I attack. Is that possible? "

Prince o'kangding sighed and said, "I didn't expect that the Yellow mouthed child had been so vicious before he officially appeared on the stage. If you let him be your majesty, do we have a good life? Don't worry. I'll take someone to support you as soon as I'm done with my work. "

"Well, goodbye!" Long Aotian got up and left.

Prince o'contin sent long Aotian out of the castle.

Long Aotian had a black Hummer outside the castle. After he got on the Hummer, he said to the driver, "drive, go to the airport immediately. In addition, let all the people who have been lurking in bor state gather at the same place. Tonight, I'm going to wash the castle of Declan. " When he spoke, there was a light of killing in his eyes.

After long Aotian left, Prince o'kangding said to Xia Naya, "you call old prince sorol immediately and say that long Aotian will take action tonight."

Nayadun was puzzled and said, "Your Highness, haven't you always been dissatisfied with the old prince?"

Prince o'connoting had a deep sense in his eyes. He said, "yes, I used to be unconvinced by the old prince. But over the years, we've been at peace. Didn't you see long Aotian just now? He went to Guixu. Although he didn't produce Fadan, he found it. He has been able to keep all our princes under pressure by virtue of this immortal weapon. Long Aotian's character is too arrogant. If we let him take power, we are afraid that none of our princes will come to a good end in the future. Rather than that, it is better to expect Prince Soror to stabilize the political situation. "

Naya said, "if so, why don't you protect the imperial power?"

"The situation is not clear now," said the prince. Anyway, this phone call is a kind expression to Prince sorol. " After a pause, he said, "forget it, I'll make this call myself."He then took out his cell phone and called Prince sorol.

The phone soon got through.

"Old brother!" As soon as the phone rang, Prince O'Connor gave a warm cry.

Prince sorol said with a smile, "it's brother o'contin. We haven't been in touch for a long time."

Prince o'contin said, "brother, I have something important to tell you today, so I won't beat around the bush with you."

As soon as Prince Soror was shocked, he immediately said, "OK, you say!"

Prince o'kandin said in a deep voice, "long Aotian has been back from Guixu for three months."

Prince sorol was surprised and said, "it's been three months? Three months ago, the old ancestor was still there, and he had been hiding things about his return. What is the reason for this? "

Prince O'Connor gave a wry smile and said, "the ambition of the wolf is clear! For what, old prince, you are willing to know! In the past three months, he has quietly contacted several princes, and I only know about it. Moreover, he and Longtai had a good relationship with the dukes and viscount. I just don't know if any of your cronies have been bribed! "

Prince Soror said in a deep voice, "he planned this early. Did he know that his ancestors were going to leave?"

Prince o'kandin said, "he may have learned some secrets of his ancestors in the Guixu, so he is so sure."

Prince Soror asked, "now, what's the matter with his cultivation?"

Prince o'kandin said: "his cultivation is still the ninth peak of his longevity, but he has never been able to condense the Fadan. However, his physical body has been extremely strong. It is said that he also got an immortal weapon in Guixu, which is very powerful. So even you can't take him lightly! "

Prince Soror's face was grave, and he said, "don't worry, I won't take it lightly. Thank you for reminding me

Prince o'contin said, "the most important thing is that long Aotian has just learned that his father was killed by his majesty. I think he left in a rage. Maybe he will attack you tonight. I'm calling because I want you to be on guard, especially the people around you. "

Prince Soror said, "OK, I see."

Then Prince Soror hung up.

His face was very grave.

Prince Soror knew that there must be something wrong with someone around him. Otherwise, when long Aotian came back for three months, he would be living in bor state again, and he would not be able to get away with it.

And the most likely traitor is wall Rhine.

But could it be him?

The pain flashed in Prince sorol's eyes. He looked at wallrhine like a son. If the traitor was wallrhine, Prince sorol would feel worse than death.

Moreover, even if it's not wall Rhine, no matter who is a traitor, he will suffer.

Prince sorol knew that he was not suitable to be immersed in grief at this time. He had to find out the traitor quickly and make a plan, so as to prepare for the attack of longaotian.

Prince sorol first asked Snow White to call the eight blood kings together, and wall Rhine also called over. He ordered all the people to go to Chen Yang's palace.

Then Prince Soror issued an order.

That is to say, all the earls and Viscount left the castle and manor of the decom family at once.

Prince sorol knew very well that many of these earls and Viscount were proud of heaven.

And most of them are weeds. Once they can't defend themselves, they will attack.

Moreover, the count and the Viscount are the core management of the blood clan.

If we really let them stay here tonight, let them really stand in line, once the team is wrong. Whether Chen Yang wins or long Aotian wins, the loser will face a round of political cleansing.

The only way to let them go is to protect them and let them not be in a dilemma. After all, this is an internal affair, not an external battle.

Second, don't let them stand in line.

It can be said that Prince sorol's arrangement is really a bitter conscience.

Prince Soror believed that a wise man would go far this time, waiting for the dust to settle.

At this moment, a lot of things will suddenly open up. No wonder Longtai is so confident and dissatisfied with his majesty Chen Yang.

As soon as the Duchess received these orders, they understood the seriousness of the situation. They left immediately.

Dukes and Viscount are in a dilemma in the face of the invasion of long Aotian. Isn't it just right to leave now?

In the palace, Chen Yang also felt a serious and tense atmosphere.

Prince Soror called the crowd into the living room.

Chen Yang, Lin Bing and Shen Moneng are all here.

Snow white, Yuner is also here.Walrhine was with Prince Soror.

"Your Highness, what happened? I think there's a lot of noise outside? " Chen Yang asked Prince Soror.

Prince Soror said in a deep voice: "my Lord, the big thing is not good. It's more than three months since long Aotian came back. What's more, he already knows that Longtai was killed by us. "

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