"You have to say that you like me first, from the bottom of your heart, from the bottom of your heart," Chen said

Chen Yang zhengse said: "don't make a fuss, now business matters."

What Chen feirong seems to be most afraid of is that Chen Yang is serious, so she will stop making trouble immediately.

Although Chen feirong was still a little unhappy, she said, "I can confuse them with mirage, but first I will help you climb to the battlements quietly. You hold the battlements, and I will go up and confuse them. Then you go to the city quickly, and I'll take you away. After you get out of the city, leave the sight of the ghost soldiers as fast as you can! "

"Can you completely confuse them?" Chen Yang expressed doubts.

Chen feirong said, "I'm pure in mana composition, so I'm more proficient in mana use than elder martial sister Lin Bing."

Lin Bing said: "this is good, at least your mana can hold us up, I can't do it!"

Chen Yang said at the moment: "well, let's take action immediately. We don't want to continue to be fussy."

At the same time, Chen and Chen fly to the city. They were in the middle of the two ghost soldiers. As they approached the battlements, their hands seized them, but they did not go up.

Chen feirong then said in Chen Yang's and Lin Bing's brain, "I'll count one to three. When it's three, you go up immediately!"

Both Chen Yang and Lin Bing answered in their hearts.

After Chen feirong flew up, she soon confused the two ghost soldiers.

At the same time, she counts one to three. Chen Yang and Lin Bing jump up directly as soon as the three words fall, and then jump under the city with big strides.

At a distance of more than 20 meters, you can't jump up. But if you jump down, it's no problem for Chen Yang and Lin Bing.

At the moment of their landing, Chen feirong catches them.

In fact, it's unnecessary, but Chen feirong doesn't know. She did it anyway.

After landing, the three quickly left the place and disappeared 100 meters away from the city wall.

So the underworld capital came in again.

At this time, the sun was still shining in the city.

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen feirong has entered Chen Yang's jiexumili, mainly because it is too complicated in the capital of the underworld. If someone can see Chen feirong and cause too much unnecessary trouble, it's not good.

Chen feirong also knows that things are important at the moment, so she doesn't make trouble!

Chen Yang and Lin Bing are soon on the street of the capital of hell.

The street was busy with traffic.

However, the streets here are still in the shape of ancient times, whether it is architecture or pedestrian clothing. Walking in this street, you will mistakenly think that you have entered a theater where ancient costume plays are shot.

Cars are carriages, and some are sedan chairs.

Inns, restaurants, continuous!

Weaving workshop, wine shop, iron mill, all kinds of snack stalls, as well as selling chicken, duck and fish and so on!

Walking here is more like walking into the riverside of Qingming Festival!

Although Chen Yang and Lin Bing passed through the capital of the underworld yesterday, it was late at night, and they were in a hurry, so they didn't get anything. At this time, I still feel that everything is full of novelty.

However, they are not immersed in this novelty.

"Elder martial sister, if we want to hear from her, we should find the city Lord's mansion first!" Chen Yang pause, said: "she is a key figure, coupled with her dignity, I think Sima is unlikely to imprison her!"

Chen Yang lowered his voice when he spoke.

Both of them talk and walk as if nothing had happened, so they don't attract the attention of passers-by.

"So you think Sima will detain her in the Lord's mansion?" Lin Bing said.

"I think it's possible," Chen said He paused, said: "of course, there is another possibility, that is, she has been taken away, I always think Sima took her away, is to have an agreement with some people."

"How do you feel like that?" Lin Bing is slightly strange.

Chen Yang said: "as LAN Ziyi said, few people can capture her essence. I don't believe Sima has it. Since Sima wants to catch the blue and purple clothes, it's likely that there are still people behind him. "

Lin Bing said, "these are all your guesses. There is not much basis, right?"

"It can be said that way," Chen Yang said

Lin Bing was a little upset and said, "anyway, let's go to the Lord's mansion first."

Chen Yang said: "I don't know where the city Lord's residence is. If I ask for directions, I'm afraid it will attract people's attention!"

Lin Bing also has this concern.

Chen Yang called out softly, "Chen feirong."

Although Chen feirong is hiding in jiexumi, she can still hear the conversation between Chen Yang and Lin Bing. So immediately after Chen Yang's cry, Chen feirong's voice came to mind in Chen Yang's brain."It's simple," she said. "I can hack into an ordinary person's brain and explore information."

"Then go back and be safe!" Chen Yang said.

Chen feirong said yes!

Then, Chen feirong turned into a cloud that was hard to see with naked eyes. She quickly locked in a person.

Chen Yang and Lin Bing saw the smoke coming into the man's ear.

But the man didn't feel it.

After a while, Chen feirong returned to Chen Yang's jiexumili.

She said: "I've got the address. The city Lord's mansion is one kilometer ahead of this road. Turn left and walk another 3000 meters. Then you can see the city Lord's mansion."

Chen Yang and Lin Bing are happy.

Chen Yang suddenly feels that finding Chen feirong is like finding treasure.

This little girl, who is used to investigate, has a marvelous effect!

Chen Yang and Lin Bing arrived at the city Lord's mansion ten minutes later.

The building of the city Lord's mansion is quite magnificent. At first glance, it is a big gate with two magnificent stone lions at the gate.

Sandalwood to create a red door, double noble!

At the gate, there are two ghost soldiers guarding.

Surrounded by a courtyard wall, you can see the dense trees inside from the outside.

In the shady world, it can be said that there is no grass outside the city. But in the city, it is still full of vitality.

Chen Yang and Lin Bing are standing quite far away from the city Lord's mansion. They dare not get close to each other for fear of arousing suspicion.

It is obvious that the city Lord's residence is heavily guarded.

Chen Yang and Lin Bing don't know what's going on inside at this time. If they go in rashly, they are looking for death.

So at this moment, Chen Yang and Lin Bing are helpless in the face of this situation!

If it was anywhere else, Chen Yang would have been a bold man.

But this city Lord's house is really a terrible place, especially before Sima also said. If Chen Yang dares to come back, he will kill him.

In this way, it is doubly dangerous for Chen Yang.

Most importantly, Chen Yang and Lin Bing are not familiar with the situation inside. It's almost black, so rashly go in, there is no sense of security.

At this time, Chen feirong's voice rang out in Chen Yang's and Lin Bing's brain.

"Brother Yang, elder martial sister Lin Bing, let me help you find out the news." Chen feirong said.

Chen Yang was a little worried. He said, "no, I can't let you take this risk. Sima's accomplishments are very high. Even if you are a Yuanshen, you may be found if you fly in rashly. "

Chen feirong said with a smile: "brother Yang, it seems that you are still very concerned about me!" After a pause, she said, "don't worry, I have my own way. I can let a part of my mind dominate a mouse or something. They couldn't have found me

In principle, Yuanshen or Shenhun is composed of the spiritual waves of human beings. The mind wave is equal to the idea, people rise countless ideas, what I want, how, that is one idea after another.

And Yuanshen or Shenhun is a complete Shenhun or Yuanshen after training!

Chen feirong is the God of 3600 ideas!

There are nine kinds of thunder robberies in the sky, and Chen feirong spent one. Then every thought will become the body of pure Yang, and will be born of lightning!

If you pass the double thunder, then every idea can produce a small world!

As the saying goes, one flower, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi, is this truth!

However, the thunder robbery is not so good. At present, Chen feirong is a ghost immortal, but she doesn't even dare to have the idea to spend the thunder robbery!

It's just going to go up in smoke.

At this time, Chen feirong can drive some ideas out.

She herself can stay with Chen Yang.

So even if that part of her mind is discovered and destroyed. Then she herself will not have anything, at most, the spirit will be weakened.

Chen Yang understands this. Smell speech also slightly relaxed tone, he said: "that is good, you are more careful!"

Chen feirong grinned and said, "good!"

Then, Chen feirong directly drove ten ideas out. Those ten thoughts are a cloud of smoke, which is hard to see with the naked eye.

This cloud and smoke soon flew into the courtyard of the city Lord's mansion.

There are lakes, trees, bridges, water and pavilions in the courtyard!

It's like a garden!

The life of this city Lord's mansion is very noble and luxurious.

And there are many servant girls in the garden taking care of the flowers and plants.

However, no matter how luxurious the mansion is, it still needs the patronage of mice.

Chen feirong flew low and soon found a mouse in the grass. Ten mice immediately entered her brain.The brain nucleus of the mouse is as big as peanuts, and the mental wave is particularly weak, so Chen feirong can easily control it.

If it's human beings, with strong willpower and mental wave, she can't control it so easily.

At this moment, Chen feirong completely drove the mouse to crawl.

She also fused the information of mouse brain domain, so she immediately became very familiar with this city Lord mansion.

There are underground passages and mouse holes. Chen feirong knows all about them.

Soon, Chen feirong climbed in from the underpass dug by the mouse and went directly into the city Lord's mansion.

This underpass is just a mouse that can crawl in and out. It's impossible for people to climb in.

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