Chen Yang's heart is very active. He is weighing the gains and losses at this time.

Moreover, Chen Yang takes an unusual route. At this time, a wonderful and adventurous idea suddenly flashed into his mind. Then, Chen Yang jumped out and quickly walked towards the center of the war. And he cheered indignantly: "so many despicable people have besieged Yinyue master. It's too much. Today, I can't say it. I'm going to put in a bit. " After he finished, Lixue Weiyang sword directly drew out and cut ten thunder rays towards the three white haired old men.

All the people had no time to stop Chen Yang. Chen Yang's ten rays of thunder intertwined together and quickly destroyed the three white haired old men's Sancai Jue sword array.

The ten thunderlights crushed the infinite sword light of Sancai Jue sword array.

The three old men with white hair did not expect to be disturbed by external forces. They were suddenly exhausted and spat out a mouthful of blood.

More than 20 experts at the scene glared at Chen Yang.

"Look at the sword, thief!" A disciple first issued a flying sword to Chen Yang.

The flying sword stabbed like a streamer. Chen Yang cut off the sword and knocked it out directly. He said righteously: "no matter how many Yinyue mages are not, but you people bully Yinyue mage by relying on more people. I just can't see it anymore."

"To die!" The disciples were furious, and then a group of people gave up their magic weapons.

For a moment, flying sword, sword, golden gourd, judge's pen and so on in the air, all kinds of magic weapons came to greet Chen Yang crazily.

The magic array and magnetic field in the air fluctuate violently. Those magic weapons carry strong tornadoes and fierce killing intention.

For a while, it was blocking the sky!

Chen Yang immediately displayed his sword formula of fortune!

In a flash, the light of thunder twinkled and the light of sword was heavy!

Those magic weapons were quickly twisted into pieces under the light of ten thousand thunder. Today's Chen Yang holds the Lixue Weiyang sword, which is so domineering.

The more than 20 masters were stunned when their magic weapons were destroyed.

But Chen Yang did not give up his hand. He took back the Lixue Weiyang sword.

At this time, master Yinyue had already got up. He said to the three white haired elders, "I don't want to kill you today. Please go back, benefactors."

Endless hatred flashed in the eyes of the three white haired elders, but they were more helpless.

Then the head of the three white haired elders stood up and looked at Chen Yang and said, "young man, who are you?"

With a cold smile, Chen Yang said, "if you don't change your name or sit down, Chen Yang is the same."

"I'm in the world, but I haven't heard your name. But you are not to be underestimated. " So said the old man.

Chen Yang said: "well, I'm just a prodigal son in the Jianghu, wandering around. I just can't stand your shameless behavior today. "

"Since you know that we are encircling Yinyue, don't you know that Yinyue is full of evil and is the head of the cult?" The old man was quite angry.

Chen Yang said: "how can I not know that master Yinyue is the head of the cult, but you also want to kill people and grab treasure. How can your behavior be better?"

The old man suddenly stopped talking, then gave a loud drink and said, "let's go!"

The rest of them were unwilling, but they had no choice but to turn away.

This group of people went very fast.

Soon, only Chen Yang and the Indian moon Lama were left in the field.

The Yinyue Lama looked at Chen Yang and said, "thank you very much, poor monk."

Chen Yang laughed at himself and said, "I know that even if I don't do it, they can't help you."

"Benefactor, since you know it, why do you want to do it?" A different color flashed in the eyes of the Indian moon Lama.

Chen Yang said: "I just can't stand this group of people. I have a lot of words and boast of justice. It's not just a matter of crowing and stealing. And although you master Yinyue is not a good man, at least you are not hypocritical. "

After he finished, he hugged his fist and said, "goodbye."

Chen Yang turned around and was about to leave. The Yinyue Lama said, "wait a minute, benefactor."

Chen Yang looked at the Yinyue Lama and said, "what else can I do for you, master?"

The Yinyue Lama said, "the sword in the hand of the almsgiver seems to be nothing. I wonder if I can have a look at it?"

Chen Yang immediately put the Lixue Weiyang sword into jiexumi. He said, "are you kidding? Can you watch the magic weapon at will. I want to read your little destiny book, will you

The Yinyue Lama immediately put his hands together and said, "I'm rude."

Chen Yang said no more and turned to join Shen Moneng and Wen Tianzhun.

A group of three soon left the scene.

"Are you crazy?" After leaving the scene, Wen Tianzhun said immediately.

Shen Mo Nong was also puzzled and said, "just now was a good opportunity to kill the Indian moon Lama. Why did you help the Indian moon Lama instead, Chen Yang? Besides, you have also revealed the sword of Lixue Weiyang. Isn't it intentional to expose yourself? "With a smile, Chen Yang said, "it's called virtual reality. It's impossible for those people to kill Yinyue. I deliberately show my bloody sword to spread doubts in Yinyue's heart. He will not doubt me if I do so. "

"You are playing with fire." Wen Tianzhun said.

Chen Yang said: "what we do is not playing with fire?"

After that, Wen Tian must have nothing to say.

Later, the group continued to climb the mountain.

This time I went up the mountain smoothly, and finally came to the main peak.

In the front is the crater of Mount Fuji, which is towering and surrounded by nothing.

On the lonely peak, Chen Yang saw four old people around the crater.

The four men were divided into four directions and arranged the array! It seems that he is determined to win the seed of xuanhuang Shengu.

Chen Yang is not close, just looking at it from a distance. He could see that the four old men had profound accomplishments. If he went up on his own, he was afraid that they were far from rivals. Even if there is a bloody Weiyang sword, it is not the opponent of the four.

It's no wonder that there are so many experts who come to grab treasure this time. Everyone is keeping a low profile and waiting for an opportunity. No one dares to go "brother, let's fight and make a quick decision, so as not to attract more arrogant people!" I said.

"Good!" Toure yelled: "eclosion of the book of heavenly scriptures, kill the enemy!"

All of a sudden, the four of them were solemn, and then surrounded the Indian moon Lama. Then, with a wave of Tourette's big sleeve, a white heavy Sutra immediately flew into the sky. He poured the magic power into the book.

"The Tathagata, give me a light!" The Yinyue Lama was not ambiguous, and immediately offered his little destiny book

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