Chapter 112

40. Boundary Collapse (2)

There is an end to the dungeon.

It feels like a completely different world from Earth, but the size of the dungeon is actually small. No matter how large the dungeon, the radius cannot exceed 10 km. It’s hard to call it a ‘world’.

Anyone who enjoys gaming will understand. Even in games with a high degree of freedom, there are areas that cannot be reached. Especially at the end of the map, most of them are blocked from going out. Because you can’t create infinite maps.

Dungeons are similar. Whether it’s a field, a mountain, a jungle, or a snowy field, one day you will come across a wall. A soft, opaque, iridescent curtain surrounds the entire dungeon, and of course it cannot be broken.

I don’t know what’s behind the wall, but I can’t get through anyway, so there’s no reason to worry. It was enough to name the inside of the wall a dungeon and hunt the monsters that appeared there.

However, the cracks in the Chiaksan Dungeon appeared in a corner of the dungeon.

Cornered means that there is a wall nearby. It was less than 200 meters from the wall, so if you looked down at the crack from the top of the hill, you could see the wall of the dungeon as well.

Usually it was. It was like that before.

not now

“what… Hey?”

The rainbow wall was gone.

“Do I see vain now?”

“Why is that, bro?”

“Hey, hey, look over there.”

“Did a bunny girl really come out?”

Throwing a rude joke, the youngest turned his head in the direction Yoo Ji-woong was looking.


The youngest’s eyes widened.

A new land spread out beyond the place where the old wall had disappeared!

She couldn’t not notice.

The terrain of Chiaksan Dungeon is a grassy field with gentle hills. However, the new area was suddenly a mountain-like terrain with steep slopes and trees growing everywhere.

When it comes to mountains, it’s like a mountain in the neighborhood, but like an unnatural composite photo, a meadow and a ridge are suddenly divided by a certain line.

“What is that?”

“Your reaction suggests that my eye is not sprained. Did the earthquake break down the walls earlier?”

“It was definitely serious, but… I guess that’s it. The game was updated and a new area was created. No, should I say that the areas I couldn’t go were lifted?”

“There’s even a rabbit Chananter 2, what is it? Damn, we’ve been quiet for a while, but we’ve got something else to report.”

Yoo Ji-woong complained in a voice mixed with annoyance and anxiety.

He headed to the new area with the youngest. It was as big as a crack and a new monster popped out, but I couldn’t just look at it from afar and report it.

Arriving at the border, they carefully inspected the surroundings. He carefully stretched out his hand and looked at it slightly crossing the border.

At least there was no particular change when crossing the border. The wall was a fake, and it seemed to claim that it was a part of the dungeon from the beginning.

“There is nothing strange about it, except that it feels like it was cut and pasted in another place.”

“You may be right. Look here. It’s different from the grass.”

Said the youngest, who was squatting and observing the ground.

Unlike the original terrain, where grasses suitable for animals to graze like pastures grew, the new terrain was simply littered with weeds.

“I feel so bad. Let’s scout a little and go back.”

“It is.”

It was unnecessary against rabbits, so they were two people who didn’t even wear armor properly. I’m glad I brought a weapon.Watching the surroundings, the two entered the mountainous area.

I was very careful to run away as soon as something happened, but after wandering through the mountains for about 30 minutes, there were no signs of anything.

“… Isn’t it a dungeon?”

“Yeah, I don’t see a single bird, let alone a monster.”

It was so dark that it made me even more reluctant. It would have been eerie if the forest wasn’t thick enough to get a lot of sun, but it was even dark.

What I’ve found out in the meantime, is that it’s not a mountain that has been maintained by human hands, as there are no hiking trails in sight? Find out what needs to be done and don’t do it.

“It will probably take more time to investigate this in earnest.”

“And we have no obligation to do anything up to that point. If you report it to the superior, the higher-ups will take care of it.”

This is not a sabotage, but a very rational decision. Wouldn’t it be a bigger problem if they were roaming around for nothing, even if they weren’t middle-level hunters, in a place where there was no information at all?

It was a courageous act to scout for 30 minutes each. Never say anything about this above.

“Let’s go back. If you go further without equipment, you will get lost.”


The two went back the way they came. There was no road, but you remember the direction, so you can keep going in that direction.

Had it been like that for 10 minutes?

Suddenly, Yoo Ji-woong stood tall.



“Can you hear me?”

As he spoke softly, the youngest also quickly shut his mouth. When the two people who were walking down the mountain road stopped, the whole area fell into silence.

quack- quack-

A faint sound flows through the silent crack. It became an echo on the mountain, and although small, it was clearly audible.

“Can you hear me?”

“beast… Maybe it’s a monster… … .”

“Don’t you think it’s bunny version 2?”

“Not even a bunny girl. If you cry like that, no matter how beautiful you are, you wake up.”

“Are you still talking about that? So, let’s hurry.”

The two hurried their steps.

However, the roar of the beast does not think away from it, but rather comes closer. The situation did not improve even though the speeding foot of the two men turned into a sprint.

“Fuck, I think it’s a monster.”

“Just beasts would be faster than us!”

The stats of the two are still faster than the average person, but it was not enough to be faster than the four-legged beast. It was difficult to run away whether it was a monster or a beast.

Fortunately, the two were able to descend the mountain before being overtaken by the unidentified beasts.

“haha… … .”

The two crossed the border and landed on the grass, slumping down on the spot. Since I had been running in the mountains in a state of constant tension, it seems that the consumption of stamina was worse.

After taking a deep breath, Yoo Ji-woong wiped the sweat from his forehead and muttered.

“It’s chewy.”

“It was close. You looked like a scout, and if you went deeper for five minutes, you might not have been able to get out.”

“Isn’t that part of your brother’s pioneering vision?”

“I admit it.”

He is proud of himself, proud of himself, and very affectionate.

But there was something they hadn’t thought of.

This is not a game that is cleared when you cross the finish line.

It is true that they made their way through the hills and returned safely to the grasslands, but those who chased them were like, ‘Hey, did you go over there? I have to stop chasing you!’

The moment he saw them just stepping on the bottom of the mountain, Yoo Ji-woong vaguely realized that a step later.

“Sa, three Miho?!”

Yoo Ji-woong was shocked when he saw the group of three-tailed foxes.

Sammiho. A monster that appears in dungeons with a risk of 6, that is, appropriate levels 25 to 30. In other words, it was a monster in a medium-risk dungeon. Not only the youngest at level 18, but even he at level 21 can’t get into hunting!

Dungeon risk is determined by both the quantity and quality of the monsters that appear, so just because it’s a medium-risk dungeon doesn’t mean that each monster is stronger than Yoo Ji-woong.

However, one thing was certain: Yoo Ji-woong and the youngest two could never deal with a three-tailed tiger, which is much more than ten. They weren’t that strong.

“What a pair!”

It was painful to think for a moment that I had “fallen over” to a peaceful dungeon where only rabbits live. A group of three tailed foxes also “crossed” the border and sprinted through the grass. There was no time to run away.

In a hurry, Yoo Ji-woong and the maknae turned their backs to each other.

Immediately after forming an embarrassing formation to even call it a formation, a herd of three tailed tigers attacked.

shhh! Scratch!


The blade cut through the fox’s body, and sharp teeth bit the flesh.


It is a plate to be pushed even in a state of being fully equipped, but there is no armor. When attacked, it immediately leads to bleeding, which is directly related to a decrease in combat power.

In addition, since the beginning of this year, I have been comfortable with rabbits and studying, and my sense of battle has dropped a lot. The situation itself was awkward when confronting a powerful monster with a sword, so he couldn’t even show his original skills.

Neither equipment, senses, skills, nor numbers had any advantage. Even though Yoo Ji-woong, who is a bit strong, is like this, how about the youngest?


The youngest, with a deep bite on the shoulder blade, screamed. The pain is painful, but the muscles are cut and the strength in the arms is lost.

When the attack was sealed, the foxes who smelled like ghosts rushed more fiercely. It was not enough to withstand the situation with two arms alone.

In the end, the youngest allowed several more attacks and collapsed.

When he lost someone to protect his back, Yoo Ji-woong was quickly put on the defensive. He resisted desperately and succeeded in cutting and killing three foxes, but that was his limit.


Yoo Ji-woong bit his leg so deeply that he couldn’t stand any longer and staggered. The foxes rushed in without missing an opportunity and pushed him down.

“Oh my gosh… … .”

Looking at the Sammi with his mouth wide open, Yoo Ji-woong felt his death. He closed his eyes as he saw his sharp teeth approaching to bite his whole face away.

That was the moment.

Nettle juice!

A single pore that cuts through the wind.


At the same time, the three tails screamed desperately from above.

Instead of the horrific biting experience, Yoo Ji-woong, bewildered, lifted his eyelids as he sensed that the pressure on his body had disappeared.

“Kill them all!”Someone shouts from afar.


Several arrows flew through the air at once.

Don’t fall for it!

A spear of lightning split the space in a straight line.

Attacks that are clearly stronger than the maximum power that Yoo Ji-woong can deliver. The foxes, who were biting the two of them happily, were ambushed and collapsed pick and pick.

“what… … .”

Yoo Ji-woong raised his upper body with difficulty. Except for the two men who continued to fire arrows and magic, the rest of the people were running fast this way.

Shortly thereafter, the three tails were all cleared up by a ranged attack.

“I start with treatment.”

Among those who approached, a woman with a good impression was the first to open her mouth. She seems to be a cleric.

“I would like to ask my friend first before me.”

Yoo Ji-woong asked politely. He was more worried about the fainting youngest than himself, who was still keeping his spirits up. The woman nodded happily.

“It is.”

“Are you okay?”

asked a man who looked like a captain. Yoo Ji-woong bowed his head deeply to express his gratitude.

“I lived thanks to you. Thank you very much.”

However… How come a man is familiar

Yoo Ji-woong, who was rolling his head, immediately recalled his memory. he asked in amazement.

“Uh, Chief Seo Ji-woong?”

“Do you know me?”

“I’m Yoo Ji-woong! In charge of the tutorial dungeon.”


The man’s eyes widened as he tilted his head. He finally recognized the face of his opponent, which had been covered in blood.

“No, Team Leader Yu?”

Since Chiaksan is not a small mountain, there are several dungeons. Seo Ji-woong was in charge of another dungeon in Chiaksan.

Of course, as a medium-risk dungeon manager, his guild status in the guild was much higher than that of Yoo Ji-woong, who is in charge of a team of mature hunters.

“Why is Chief Seo here?”

“Is that what I want to ask? Why is Team Leader Yoo in our dungeon?”

“… Yes?”

Yoo Ji-woong made a confused expression. It wasn’t just the pain that made it difficult to speak.

“here… Is this our dungeon?”

“What are you talking about. We came here after chasing the three tailed foxes. The team leader dungeon only shows rabbits.”

Seo Ji-woong, who said puzzledly, then turned his attention to those around him. After chasing the fleeing three-tailed tiger and seeing people being attacked, he ran without counting back and forth, so he thought of looking around the area now.

It was not a mountainous area they were accustomed to, but a plain with only a few gentle hills.

A grassland area with no trees and only short grass growing.

And the rabbits you see occasionally instead of the three tailed foxes.

“… What is this?”

Seo Ji-woong muttered blankly.

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