Chapter 124

44. Elther (2)

After tasting Cha Shin Hyeon’s power, Elter gave up fighting, and Cha Shin Hyeon had no intention of hitting an unwilling opponent first.

Elter lowered his body as far as he could and crouched in a circle. This is a comfortable position to take when you are about to fall asleep.

Of course, he wasn’t trying to sleep right now, but in his own way to make eye contact with Cha Shin Hyeon. As the body attaches to the ground, the eye level naturally becomes similar.

“Is this okay?”

“Does not matter. It’s good that I don’t have to bend my head upwards.”

Cha Shin Hyeon nodded her head.

“I didn’t even draw a picture in the first place, sitting at a table and talking while drinking tea. Actually, the first meeting wasn’t very pleasant.”

“I heard the story. Did we attack first?”

“Yeah, letting Mardil and the rest of them alive was a bit of mercy for me. If it wasn’t for the special existence of an intelligent life form beyond the dimension, there’d be no reason to keep things in your hands.”

“Apologize for that, and thank you at the same time. We are in such a bad situation right now that we regret losing even one such warrior.”

“okay? I’m sorry about this. It’s such a serious situation, but I killed three dragons.”

“… Unfortunately, it’s better to cut it out in advance. If something similar happens later, after things have progressed, it will be more difficult then.”

Elther muttered bitterly. From Cha Shin Hyeon’s point of view, there was nothing to be sorry about, so she didn’t care about her opponent’s reaction.

“Anyway, he said while contemplating Mardil’s treatment. I’m sure a conversation with you would be beneficial. When I got back, I heard that they would arrange a meeting, so I let them go.”

“I can’t bear to say that there was no way to avoid the position, but at the time, he was saying with the nuance that if both sides fight, each other will suffer a lot of damage.”

Elter sighed.

“Now that I know your true skills, Mardil’s words are clearly wrong. Now, even if we stick together, our loss is obviously huge. Even if you are only dealing with yourself.”

“Thank you for noticing that without having to explain it.”

“Then we can’t fight anymore. We are not going to cross the dimension to die to you.”

“You are very honest.”

Cha Shin Hyeon said it was funny.

“It’s much better than trying to hide it in a sneaky way. In negotiation, the best part is not showing your hand.”

“Those who bear the dragon’s name do not like to lie, as is the case with all of their kind. For those of us who speak a powerful language, lying is an act of deceiving ourselves. It interferes with the training of the dragon.”

Elter replied calmly.

“And even if we don’t speak frankly about our situation… It doesn’t look like you’re afraid of exaggerating your power.”

“It is.”

“It’s even more difficult if your heart goes wrong while you’re bluffing. Wouldn’t it be better to tell the truth rather than tell lies that will come out one day?”

“That’s right.”

I liked the dignified and savvy attitude that reminded me of the scent of the old Moorim, which is hard to find in modern people.

attitude is so

“But trust and acceptance of the offer are two different things.”

Cha Shin Hyeon crossed her arms.

“I know what you are asking, even if I don’t listen. To put it bluntly, isn’t it that you want the whole dragon blood to pass over to this world and live there?”

“Yes.”“Originally, I was going to take it by force, but I changed the route because I didn’t want to.”

“… I can’t deny it.”

After hesitating for a while, Elter meekly admitted. Cha Shin Hyeon sighed softly.

“Honestly, the best way is to pretend you haven’t seen each other like this.”

“Huh, do you mean you’ll let me?”

“No, literally in the sense of not seeing it. You don’t come this way, and we don’t go there either. If this is the case, then we will never see each other forever.”

“It’s a bit… … .”

Elter’s expression, which was about to brighten up a little, suddenly became blurred. What Cha Shin Hyeon meant was a complete rejection.

However, Cha Shin Hyeon’s words are not over yet.

“Yes, but physically that is not possible. The passage to and from the dimension has already been opened, and it cannot be blocked or closed. Won’t you come if I tell you not to come?”

“I will come.”

Elther murmured.

“We, pushed by the demons, were destined to die someday. Whether it dies slowly, or burns and goes out like a flame. What I discovered then was a dimensional rift. It was a shameful escape, but everyone thought that if they could leave the humiliation behind and move on to another world, they could dream of revitalizing the race.”

“So the Earth is the only way out?”

“okay. If it is the same as it always dies and then dies anyway, rather than waiting for the destruction that will surely come one day, we will see at least one glimmer of possibility and come down desperately. No matter how strong you are, I don’t care.”

also come out like this

Kicking inwardly, Cha Shin Hyeon raised her hand.

“just a second. Let’s discuss.”

After asking for forgiveness, he manipulated the magic. The range of the interpretation magic that was scattering waves within a radius of 10 meters rapidly decreased.

When the scope narrowed enough to cover only himself and Alex, Cha Shin Hyeon turned to Alex.

“Did you hear it all?”


Alex nodded with a serious expression. Cha Shin Hyeon shook his head slightly and said.

“I had been expecting it from Mardil for the first time, but it seems that these guys are desperate to come to Earth.”

“If you see that you will come even if you die, you will definitely do that. It’s not that I don’t understand the situation. Even if it were me, I would rather do something and die than sit down and die.”

Alex’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“But the death penalty. Are you going to accept them?”

“Are you against it?”

“The only thing that can stop them is the death penalty, so the decision rests with the death penalty, but I am not in favor of it.”

Alex’s continued tone was strong.

“It was the same with the man named Mardil, the man who fought with me, and the dragon at the top. Has anyone ever started out peacefully? That Elther dragon is certainly a gentleman, but it would be foolish to be cocky when three of its people have died.”

“Is that hypocritical?”

“I don’t know about that dragon, but there’s no guarantee that the other dragons will be sanctified. Where is the guarantee that if this side shows weakness, it won’t hit you in the back right away? If even one of the dragons has a bad heart, it won’t blow the city away.”

His concerns were well-founded.

He was living with a time bomb that would explode if he had a monster more powerful than an incomprehensible monster live on Earth.

You think you’ll be fine with intelligence? Those who commit all kinds of heinous crimes, then, don’t have brains, so why do they do it? A smart person is also more meticulous in committing crimes.

Alex, who had already gone through the process of calling humans microbes, couldn’t trust dragons at all.

“But if you don’t accept it, isn’t that just a problem? What if they all flock to this judge’s board at once? You have to remember that there are not just one or two cracks.”


There is still only one passage between the two worlds, but there is no guarantee that they will be one forever. Jeju Island, which is similar to Hawaii, is also a case of concern, and another passage may be created somewhere on Earth.

If dragons come out simultaneously from multiple cracks, even Cha Shin Hyeon of the world cannot respond. Because he only had one body.

Moreover, he must be holding a grudge against Cha Shin Hyeon, who told him not to come. It can be said that the area near the passage becomes a swampy field. Evacuation is not easy because you do not know where the passage will be connected.

“If you give permission, you are living with a bomb that will explode, and if you deny it, do you mean that you have to live anxiously about a bomb that will explode someday? Damn, what kind of dog is this?”

Alex snorted.

After a moment’s silence, Cha Shin Hyeon opened his mouth.

“So, by the way, there are some things I’ve been thinking about.”

“uh? okay?”

“It’s kind of a compromise. Of course, it was just a concept, and in reality, we have to talk to him and make adjustments.”

“If there is such a thing, we will talk about it immediately.”

“I wanted to hear your opinion first.”

“It is the death penalty to come up with a good plan, and the decision-making power ultimately rests with the death penalty, right? The death penalty is an original monster, so if it’s the one that does less damage to ordinary people, I’m okay.”

“You truly are a heavenly demon full of humanity. Is it trendy these days? Dark Hero?”

“I just don’t want civilians to get involved.”

Alex nodded bluntly. Cha Shin Hyeon giggled and waved his hand.

Again, the scope of interpretation magic has been expanded. Cha Shin Hyeon, who put Elter in range, spoke.

“The top is almost finished.”

“Uh, how is it?”

“I have made up my mind, let me ask you one thing before answering.”


“Did you say that the reason you came to this world was to avoid the devil?”

“Exactly, it’s a demon. The devil is a kind of annihilation.”

“Anyway. Then I have a question.”

Cha Shin Hyeon tilted his head.

“If you run away to Earth, won’t the demons chase you?”

“I will follow you.”

Elther answered without hesitation. Cha Shin Hyeon frowned.

“It’s not that I didn’t think of that. Surely this is not a feat to bring us into the battle between dragon blood and the devil, is it?”

“Never. In the first place, didn’t we try to get over by force? If it did, I would have become an antagonist with you. I didn’t even think to include you in the first place.”

“Then what’s the difference? either there or here.”

“It’s a big difference. If we cross the dimension, the demons and we will exist in a different dimension.”

As if he felt it was lacking, Elther immediately added an explanation.

“Being in another dimension, demons must cross the dimensional rift to attack us. A large number of troops cannot come over at once, and even ultra-long-range attacks are impossible. On the other hand, we can intercept enemies coming over in front of the rift. It’s an overwhelming advantage on defense.”“Huh, okay?”

Cha Shin Hyeon’s eyes flashed.

It was one of the expected responses. He said that with his own mouth, so now he can’t say anything else related to that.

Cha Shin Hyeon, who got the answer she wanted, nodded happily.

“great. come and live Please allow me.”

“Really? Thank you. Thank you so much!”

“Sa, the death penalty?!”

Elter was overjoyed, and when Cha Shin Hyeon, who had said there was a compromise, accepted it right away, Alex was a little embarrassed.

However, both of them were too hasty to show such a reaction.

Cha Shin Hyeon only brought out the introduction.

“By the way, Elther.”

Suddenly, Cha Shin Hyeon called for Elther in a rather warm voice. Elter, who was overjoyed with her joy, passed over without noticing the change in her tone of voice.


“I gave permission. You think it might be too sudden for other humans to come? From their point of view, a monster… Um, sorry for saying this. In any case, it would be very difficult because you look very different from normal human eyes.”

“I understand that. We are obviously strangers, so we may be persecuted. But it can be tolerated.”

Elther, who did not know the average fighting power of a human, said resolutely.

Without Cha Shin Hyeon, no matter how few dragon blood there are, it is humans who are ruled. The fighting power of the two races differs at the level of the sun and the fireflies.

Cha Shin Hyeon doesn’t know that.

“No, we can’t stand it. It is harsh to force the entire human race to make the decisions I have made at my own discretion.”

“… Didn’t you say you would give me permission?”

“Because I allow it. Crossing the rift.”

Whirling, Cha Shin Hyeon turned the topic around.

“Elther, what do you think of the space we are in right now?”

“Well. There’s only one path I’ve been through. There is also one passage through which you probably passed. Although it is quite large, it is too small to be viewed as a single world. I guess it’s like a gap between a dimension and a dimension.”

“Well, it’s similar. It used to be a popular hunting ground… My main role now is to serve as a bridge between the world I live in and the world you live in.”


I don’t know what the other person was saying, but since he was getting new information, Elther calmly listened to what he was saying.

“We call this place a dungeon. The rift that Mardil had crossed had also formed in one of the dungeons. Perhaps all the other rifts you were watching are also connected to the dungeon.”

“It makes sense. According to old knowledge, dimension-to-dimensional connection is a very rare and dangerous phenomenon. It is not unusual to have a buffer zone to cushion the impact of a direct connection.”

“okay? I don’t know about that. Come on, Elther. Please take good care of me here from now on.”


Elter tilted her head.

“Did you tell me? It even allows you to cross the crack. Not the ‘entrance’ from the dungeon to the Earth, but the ‘rift’ from your world to the dungeon.”

With a grin, Cha Shin Hyeon nailed it.

“Your house is here.”

In the future, the dungeon will be protected by dragons.

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