Chapter 129

46. ​​Mad Monster (2)

Cha Shin Hyeon frowned.

“Magic? The devil’s hand?”

“Didn’t you also feel something strange and ask? What is at stake with these beasts is a kind of psychic magic. It’s also an area that demons are good at.”

Elter replied calmly.

“Do you think it touched the brain and amplified negative emotions? Naturally, the realm of reason for beasts is dim, but that is why it is easy to induce them to act even more close to instinct.”

“It’s very quick to understand for a brief moment. Isn’t that actually your area of ​​expertise?”

“… That’s pretty disrespectful, that’s it. Of course, it is true that I am also well versed in spiritual magic.”

In a blunt tone, Elther continued.

“Knowing and using are two different things. Unlike dragon blood, demons have no qualms about rubbing their opponent’s mind. So, even if you don’t know the theory, in practice, you’re going to show off the demons’ skills.”

“Hmm, have guys like Yangcheng become a tribe? I don’t know if it’s a psychopath or a sociopath, but I don’t like either of them.”

“What do you mean?”

“There is such a thing.”

Cha Shin Hyeon, who answered in moderation, returned to the subject.

“Anyway, according to what you said, are you saying that the demons were rubbing the spirits of the monsters and sending them to Earth?”

“okay. Hemolysis cannot even be a suspect. Because there are only demons left in the world over there.”

“I didn’t ask because I was suspicious of you. I’m just curious about two things.”


“Only the monsters I dealt with would be at least four digits. Isn’t it a lot of hard work to control the minds of all those monsters one by one?”

“… I mean, I keep forgetting just looking at it. That your knowledge of magic is infinitely low.”

As Elter was about to breathe involuntarily, his eyes met Cha Shin Hyeon.

El Ther, noticing the uncomfortable feeling that was revealed in her expression, secretly changed her attitude.

“According to your words, it is painful to work hard on all those beasts one by one. The demons aren’t even that patient. Isn’t it natural for wide-area mind control?”

“You’re controlling multiple people at once?”

“Control and steering are different realms. Manipulating the mind at will is a very delicate task, but control only determines the direction. What’s more, there’s no way there’s a mental barrier for a beast whose instinct is almost everything. It’s not that hard to just reinforce ferocity.”

“I don’t understand everything, but… It’s a much more troublesome ability than magic.”

Cha Shin Hyeon clicked his tongue.

I’ve seen Yangcheong behaving like an icy phoenix in the Mt. Geumgang dungeon, but from the opponent’s point of view, it’s just as difficult as a monster that obeys its owner’s commands or a monster that runs rampantly.

If both are difficult, it is said that magic that controls many at once is effective for attacking humans. In other words, it is very annoying for humans.

“Well, yes, since their names are demons, let’s say that that level is possible. Now, only the most questionable thing remains.”

Cha Shin Hyeon’s head tilted.

“Why do they do this?”

“… Well.”Elther muttered in a tone of confidence.

“One thing is certain, it is never meant to be good for you… … .”

“Hey, what kind of agitator are you picking up and serving?”

Cha Shin Hyeon stopped talking relentlessly.

“Have you ever dealt with demons directly? Instead of saying something that even an inexperienced person can say, give me a more helpful guess.”


Hearing the pain, Elther was deep in thought.

After shaking his head for a while, he carefully opened his mouth.

“First of all, I think we should look at whether this is a one-off or not. If it’s a one-shot, it could be just a joke.”

“What, are you kidding me?”

“It means it could have been done because I was bored.”

“When you are bored, do you send bombs to other dimensions and play? That’s a very elaborate prank.”

When Cha Shin Hyeon asked a ridiculous question, Elther calmly responded.

“Fortunately, the values ​​of humans and dragon blood seem to differ within an understandable range, but demons are completely opposites. They have the mindset that if they’re happy, that’s it. It’s hard to understand what you enjoy doing in different ways.”

“They are just crazy people.”

“It’s not that we call it the devil for nothing.”

After resting for a while, Elther continued.

“However, apart from incomprehensible tendencies, demons are not bad at all. If the current situation is not a one-time thing, but continues to happen, it must be up to something.”

“Do you have any guesses?”

“The fact that he manipulated the beasts and sent them over the dimension means that the demons know for sure that there is a dimensional gap. If you know the dimensional rift and have confirmed that you can cross through the rift, you will be convinced that we have crossed this way.”

“As long as you have a head that can connect causality, that would be natural.”

Cha Shin Hyeon shook her head. If you treat demons as idiots who can’t reason even that much, you’ll feel so sorry for the dragon blood.

“If we search the location where we last saw us, it wouldn’t be difficult to find the rift we came across. But they probably don’t think they’ll get over it easily. It’s not hard to predict what will happen the moment you cross it. This time, I think the mass release of the beasts was probably to shake us up.”

“It’s difficult from the front, so turn around and hit it. How do you feel?”

“right. Since they can’t come through the small cracks themselves, they must have thought that if we sent them out by making them ferocious, our nerves would be dispersed. They don’t know what’s going on beyond the dimension, so maybe they did it with the idea that they had to go downstairs?”

Elther’s reasoning was quite plausible.

“… No, hey, it’s us who have to run around frantically. not you.”

Thanks to this, Cha Shin Hyeon’s forehead was wrinkled.

“As a result, isn’t that saying that we are being harmed instead by the tricks of the demons who are trying to eat you?”

“In other words, we can see that there is no direct confrontation with the demons because we are closing the rift.”

Elther responded timidly.

“If we unconditionally blame ourselves, we are also unfair. After all, isn’t the fault the demons are doing? Is there any guarantee that the demons wouldn’t have had any interest in the earth if we weren’t there? After all, the dimensional chasm opened up on its own.”


It wasn’t wrong, so Cha Shin Hyeon only made the sound of being sick.

Fortunately, I hoped that I understood, but I’m still a little anxious. Elter looked at Cha Shin Hyeon with a slightly anxious look.

“… then.”

Cha Shin Hyeon woke up from her thoughts after a long time.

“Any way to detect it?”

“There could be. It’s beyond a dimension.”

El Ther shook her head.

“However, it can be assumed that the same thing will never happen again in a dungeon where an event has occurred. Didn’t I say that the number of monsters in the dungeon suddenly exploded?”

“Yes it was.”

“It must have happened because the demons dragged all the nearby monsters and forcibly put them in. The monsters that would have crossed the rift over a period of time passed all at once and disappeared. You won’t see them for quite some time.”

“I’m hoping for pre-blocking, not post-safety… If it’s impossible, there’s nothing you can do.”

Cha Shin Hyeon let out a short sigh.

“Even if it is difficult, we must return to the regular monitoring system. Fortunately, a lot of the integration between dungeons has taken place. It would have been more painful if there were more dungeons.”

If you are an Archer class of level 25 or higher, you have the Clairvoyance skill by default. They monitor the inside of the dungeon 24 hours a day, and when there are signs of a large number of monsters, citizens immediately evacuate and build a defense line.

Ultimately, Cha Shin Hyeon has to make the final resolution.

It is a yard where you never know when or where things will happen. Other high-ranking hunters have no mobility, second to their skills. If you don’t mind killing civilians, Cha Shin Hyeon had to run around to minimize damage.

“And, as you said, if Operation Yangdong is the goal, aren’t the demons going to launch a massive offensive sooner or later? Are the defenses good elsewhere?”

“The less complete it is, the less complete it is.”

“Even if there is a hole there, it will be a problem. We need to establish a contact network for dragons as well… Wait a minute. Let’s take care of our business first.”

Even if all of them are unreasonable, the absolute coordinates of only a few major cities had to be explored. So that you can go the shortest distance when work breaks out.

“You don’t have to rush. Even if I don’t rush you, you look busy enough.”

Elter, who readily agreed, suddenly smiled bitterly.

“It’s really hard.”

“Huh? It’s a sudden slap in your mouth.”

“Sometimes it’s great and sometimes it’s sad. I’ve met and got to know a few other humans. The skills of those who pride themselves on being ‘middle-level hunters’ are pathetic, but the average human being is inferior to that. Isn’t this too busy because it wouldn’t be possible without you?”

“I can handle it. Each time, the damage is huge.”

Cha Shin Hyeon shrugged.

“Actually, I don’t go to other countries to help, but there is no country that is whining that I’m not there.”

“It is normal to not have one. It is not normal to stumble without one of you from the perspective of the human race.”

Elter replied seriously.

“There is, of course, variation in the strength of each individual within a race, but in your case, it is too strong. It’s like receiving the protection of a divine being.”


A smile formed on Cha Shin Hyeon’s lips.Was it a blessing in abducting an ordinary 20-year-old young man, imprisoning him in a cave and throwing him a secret book?

As a result, he has mastered the tens of thousands of martial arts and became the number one in the world, so can it be said that this is also a divine gift?

Efforts in the process? Well, if you insist on giving him the ‘talent to work hard’, you can attribute that to God.

“Yeah, maybe it is. Only God knows if heaven exists. Because even I don’t know if I’ve really reached this level on my own.”

He paused for a moment, and his smile widened a little.

“It’s one cause. Anyway, the only thing that can wield great power is the truth. It may not be a holy thing to use this power for the sake of all mankind, but it is using it well according to the standards I have set. It’s a standard that most people can agree on.”

“For humans, it must be very fortunate.”

Elther muttered quietly.

“Because your way of thinking is extremely human.”

“Yeah, it’s human. Yet, I… … .”

Cha Shin Hyeon’s eyes deepened.

“… Because I want to be human.”

* * *

The damage was minimized thanks to Cha Shin Hyeon’s arrival so quickly, but he couldn’t undo the damage he had already done before his arrival.

More than a hundred people were killed, and property damage was unusual. The government released a statement to the public, and the media sent out articles with the title “Bucheon Disaster” every day.

The dungeon break had already occurred a long time ago, but thanks to Taegeuk’s response, monsters are still creatures of another world to the general public. It was the first time such direct and full-scale civilian damage occurred.

Netizens who were ignorant of it unconditionally blamed the government and the hunters. Then, as soon as I heard the news that such a disaster occurred all over the world, the damage was very small in Korea, I shut my mouth.

While the government is taking emergency measures and looking for ways to move military forces, Taegeuk has strengthened the surveillance of dungeons across the country to the highest level. Of course, the high-risk dungeon was the top priority.

However, the lava giant dungeon in Chuncheon, the only incomprehensible grade in Korea, was surprisingly poorly monitored.

It was never meant to be said that he was playing because he was sloppy. It means you watch less hard than other high-risk dungeons.

That’s because this place was a typical ‘you don’t have to touch it first’ type of dungeon.

The inside of the dungeon is a volcanic terrain. The lava giant lives in the crater. Although the lava giant was terribly strong, there was no problem even if I did not hunt and left it alone.

After the Dungeon Break incident, nothing really changed. Even if the monsters can come out, they won’t come out of the crater, let alone the dungeon, so what’s the problem?

So, unlike other high-risk dungeons, the alert level was not high. Just in case of emergencies, I’m just watching it periodically.

However… … .

Even if you were very careful, the result would not have changed.


From the guard post to the dungeon entrance, it wasn’t long. Long distances are no good to be prepared for emergencies.

He couldn’t even run away from that distance, and the Hunter spit out a flurry. A large air hole that penetrated from his back to his chest took his life at once.

“They are weak.”

He pulled out his hand from the back of the dead Hunter. Flesh was smeared on the tips of his sharp claws.

His corpse, which had lost his support, slumped to the floor helplessly.

“It will be enough for us.”

The devil laughed as he licked the blood flowing from his hand.

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