Time turned to 1970, and Banggan, who had lost one hand, was sent to the countryside. Su Luo found connections and sent the boy to the Northwest. At the same time, he asked the third child to find someone to follow him there, thinking that A way to leave a good comment there.

From now on, Su Luo didn't want to see Bangge anymore. The best way was to let the kid take root there. The local captain could arrange these things. All he had to pay was a few resources.

Nothing has changed in the courtyard. Silhu is still working as a cook in a small factory, but his salary has increased. He has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry. Life is okay, but it is more difficult to find a wife.

Silly Zhu is different from Xu Damao. The latter has a low seed survival rate but does not delay using it. Silly Zhu cannot be used at all. Coupled with his image problem and bad reputation, which woman is willing to marry him?

Qin Jingru's household registration has also been transferred to the city. In the past few years, she has been registered in the Purchasing Department. She has completed her monthly quota very well. She has also been admitted to the urban household registration after enduring the years, but she never has to go to work..

Qin Huairu and Qin Jingru have both completed a magnificent reversal, from two rural girls to local household registrations in Sijiu City, especially in the Qin family's household registration book, the sticks on it have been moved out.

Xu Damao's adopted son is also over three years old, about the same age as Su Aijun. The two little guys have a good relationship. They like to follow Huaihua around. She is the eldest sister. The older Xiaodang doesn't like to hang out with little kids. Playing.

Yi Zhonghai also adopted a child, but it was just a girl. He didn't meet a suitable boy. He looked at a lot of them, but there were more or less problems. He was getting older, so he simply didn't choose a boy and just let the girl be a girl.

If it weren't for Xu Damao's suggestion, Yi Zhonghai would still be undecided. Later, he saw that the adopted son of Xu Damao's family was quite good, so there was really no need to keep an eye on the people in the courtyard. There were many good children outside.

Li Gong in the backyard also got married again. This time his luck was not so good. The wife he married was obviously not as good as Yu Li, and her temper was even more violent. He could hear the quarrels between her and her mother-in-law all day long..

Yan Jiefang also got married. The wedding was held in the countryside. He married the female educated youth at that time. The couple lived in the countryside, but their living conditions were not bad at all. After all, he was also a craftsman.

Yan Bugui thought about it and used the money he had accumulated for many years to send Yan Jiekang to a factory. Even if he was a temporary worker, that would be fine. At least he would avoid the fate of going to the countryside.

At Su Luo's house, Qin Jingru was pregnant again and was concentrating on having a baby. When he needed it, he went to Qin Huairu. The relationship between the two was restored to what it was before, and the original rift could be considered repaired.

Yu Li concentrated on raising her children in other courtyards, and when they were old, she took them to the factory-run kindergarten. She rejected anyone who pursued her or a matchmaker who introduced men to her, on the grounds that she did not want to marry again.

He Yuyu still lives in the courtyard, does not get married, earns money and spends it on her own, and her life is pretty good. Now she also goes to the steel rolling mill and works in the finance department, which Su Luo helped arrange.

Yu Haitang is still dishonest and comes to see Su Luo from time to time. She doesn't have enough to eat at home. If Su Luo doesn't feed her, she will find someone else.

Su Luo's possessiveness still showed up. Even if he didn't have any feelings, he didn't want to see Yu Haitang looking for someone else, so he would do it himself. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Ran Qiuye's side was okay. With Su Luo's help, her parents didn't suffer too much. She didn't have to worry about being forced to marry, and no one wanted to marry her. She usually swept the floor in a polite manner. Extremely honest.

The seemingly well-behaved Ran Qiuye made Su Luo see what contrast is. It can only be said that she is really talented and can compete with Qin Huairu. On the contrary, the seemingly wild Yu Haitang is a scumbag in real fighting ability. Not so rainy.

Su Luo's life is enjoyable. Even in special times, he has not been greatly affected. No one can catch him. In addition, with the network behind him, no one is willing to offend him. He is now He is already a second-level cook, but it is not that simple to pass the exam to become a first-level cook. Without many years of work experience as a foundation, he is not even qualified for the assessment.

Su Luo doesn't want to wait for the years. He has a big weapon. There is not much left to finish the cooking encyclopedia that he has been compiling for a long time. By next year at the latest, he can rely on this book to become the number one chef in the circle. People.

If there is any downside, it is that it is no longer possible to make money by going out to cook for the boss. At his level, it is not something he can afford to spend money to do. He builds his own reputation by going out to cook. , to expand his network of contacts, he was left behind when he wanted money. If he really wanted to make money, he had to do carpentry. But over the years, all the orders that should be taken were completed. After all, furniture is not a consumable, it is made by his craftsmanship. How many years can furniture be passed down?

The sharp drop in income does not affect his quality of life. The deal between him and Lao San is still there, but it is undoubtedly bad news for saving money to simplify the tenth skill. It depends on whether he can make money after publishing the Cooking Encyclopedia next year. Money.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Su Luo went out to make a cold stove again, and went to see Ran Qiuye. Basically, he would go to see her once a week. When she was on her menstrual period, he would do nothing. It has to be delivered on time.

Ran Qiuye was in an extremely excited state today. She wanted to integrate Su Luo into her body. Her passion could burn someone to death.

Afterwards, Su Luo was curious and asked the reason.

"I have found out about my brother. He is doing well now. The people in that place are very simple and no one bullies him."

"That's good, go back and mail something to your brother."

"Does this cost you money again?"

"It's okay, this little thing is nothing"

"Um..."Ran Qiuye suddenly said:"Su Luo, I want to have a child."

"What's the reason?"

"I just want to give you a baby"

"This situation is inconvenient. How are you going to take care of yourself after you give birth? Moreover, if word spreads that you are pregnant out of wedlock, your reputation will be ruined."

"I do not care"

"I care, I can't let you bear all this"

"But I just want to have a baby"

"Then I can only send you away"

"That...forget it"

"Don't be in a hurry, just wait. In a few years, if there is a chance, we will have a baby."


Su Luo knew that this was because Ran Qiuye was insecure. She would be like this for the rest of her life. If she didn't want to get married, one day she would become old and lose her luster with him. What would she do when she got old in the future?

It's easy to find an excuse to have children. As long as she is willing to give up her reputation, Ran Qiuye's plan is to use the excuse that she was raped in the middle of the night. The child can definitely be born reasonably and legally, but her reputation will be completely ruined.

This is something Su Luo doesn't want to see. Besides, even if she gives birth to a child, her reputation will be completely ruined. If the child is born, who will take care of it?

Ran Qiuye is not Yu Li. The latter can ask the aunts in the hospital to help her. But if she can't, no one will help her unless her parents are released.

In fact, Ran Qiuye is not the only one who thinks this. He Yuyu mentioned it once before. Su Luo's attitude was the same. If she gave birth to a child, she could not stay in the courtyard and could only run away. He

Yuyu struggled for a long time and finally gave up. She didn't trust Silly Brother, so she was stupid. Regarding Zhu Zhu’s situation, after she left, who would care about Sha Zhu when he gets old in the future? In the autumn, Sha Zhu suddenly came to see Wang Zha. He was getting married. When he heard the news, He Yuyu thought he was in trouble. It’s so fierce.

As a lover of widows, Shazhu naturally married a widow, and she was a widow with a child. The reason why she was willing to marry him was also very simple. She couldn’t raise two children by herself, and Shazhu couldn’t. The widow said she didn't care. She was already in her 40s and she wasn't very keen on that matter. It didn't matter whether she had or not, as long as she could provide for her children.

This Wang Zha, Zha Zha made everyone in the courtyard confused. , Silly Zhu was only 35 years old, but he actually found a widow who was in her 40s. Moreover, the widow married him for the third time, and the children she brought were also from the second marriage. The widow’s surname was Liu, and she was also from the city. It was normal for her to marry for the first time. Introduced by others, they got married on a blind date and lived together for many years, but that man had a problem and liked domestic violence. After enduring it for many years, she finally couldn't bear it anymore and divorced with the help of the Women's Federation. She and the man had no children, and they had been pregnant before. , was aborted by a man, and then married another man and gave birth to two children. However, when the man went out to buy goods, an accident happened and everyone disappeared, leaving her orphaned and widowed. In fact, there were more than that, the man's family The situation is also very complicated. He is not married for the first time. He also has children from his ex-wife. The eldest son of the family has his own children and is making trouble for the whole family. Widow Liu’s husband died and she doesn’t want to be a free nanny for the whole family. So she might as well When she chose Shazhu, her only requirement was that she and her two biological children could leave that family. Anyway, she only gave birth to girls, and the family didn’t care at all. In this way,

Shazhu found a wife. There are also two daughters who are the same age as Xiaodang and Huaihua. It can only be said that the situation of Widow Liu’s family and Qin Huairu’s family are very similar. The difference lies in the gap between people.

Qin Huairu is 37 years old this year. Because she was nourished by Su Luo She is not young, and her condition is good. She looks about 30 years old. Widow Liu is different. She is not bad in appearance, but she looks old due to the pressure of life, which matches Shazhu. Now Shazhu also He knew that he was not in a position to be picky. After all, Widow Liu at least looked okay, and he was also curious about how a woman felt, and wanted to taste what it was like to sleep with a woman in his arms. The most important thing was that Widow Liu was not like Sister Qin. So cruel.

The BangGeng incident was a thorn in Shazhu's heart. He felt that he could not be so cruel to that boy. Sister Qin was his own mother. How could he be like this?

When a stubborn fool likes someone, he sees all the advantages. When he dislikes someone, he sees all the shortcomings. For Qin Huairu, he is greedy for the other person's body, but when he After his shortcomings were infinitely magnified, his filter disappeared. He even felt that a cruel woman like Qin Huairu was not worthy of his kind self. Of course, he wouldn't mind if there was a chance to take advantage.

Naturally, Qin Huairu would not pay attention to Silly Zhu, so he simply gave up on Qin Huairu and found Widow Liu. The two quickly obtained the marriage certificate and had a banquet in the yard, but Su Luo and others did not attend.

Su Luo hates Bangge and Silly Zhu. This is no secret in the yard. The Su family and Silly Zhu's family are basically on a break of friendship. They don't even say hello when they meet. Of course, he will not attend Silly Zhu's wedding. , he disliked it.

In the same way, Xu Damao did not participate, but Qin Huairu took her children to participate. After all, Silhu took good care of the Jia family back then, and she still recognized this love.

Silly Zhu's marriage is a good thing for Su Luo. At least this guy has a head start in life, and he no longer has to worry about Silly Zhu taking risks and doing bad things, and he no longer has to target Silly Zhu and embarrass He Yuyu.

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