Tangshen No.2 is a kind of magic medicine, and there is almost no need to worry about its sales.

At present, it is only sold in the whole province, and it will soon become nationwide.

At that time, the scale of their culture and medicine will need to be expanded, either to recruit agents, or to open their own branches.

No matter what, the company is going to be bigger.

And in less than half a year, the overseas market will certainly open up, when the time comes to recruit a few foreign agents, income will continue to flow.

With the lessons of the last time, Zhu Linlin took the lead in applying for a patent this time.

Of course, it was agreed by Qin Jun.

This prescription is very common for Qin Jun. it's given to Zhu Linlin.

After all this, the whole family was happy. Suddenly, Zhu Yong received a call from the old man. After a few words, he frowned.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Zhu Yong said, "your grandfather asked us to go back to dinner in the evening. He said he had something to say."

Zhu Linlin also frowned, "it's not related to uncle's family, is it?"

At this juncture, the old man told them to go back to dinner, obviously for the sake of Zhu Ming. Is it hard to succeed? Did the old man ask for love?

Qin jundao, "very likely, but what I said before is not a joke. If Zhu Ming wants to be soft, he wants them to kneel for three days."

Zhu Linlin also snorted, "yes, they are so shameless, can not easily forgive."

In the evening, Zhu Linlin's family and Qin Jun came to Zhu's house. As soon as they entered the house, they saw Zhu Ming squatting in front of the old man and beating his legs. His face was haggard. Next to him, Zhu Sangu's face was just the same. It seemed that she was sad these two days.

See Zhu Yong come in, Zhu Ming quickly get up, "the second Lin Lin is coming, come on in, let's make dumplings today."

Zhu Ming's flattering smile is disgusting.

Only Wang Yun came forward and said with a smile.

"Big brother is too polite."

After the family sat down, Zhu Sandao was silent for a while, but he still couldn't help it and said.

"Second, I heard that there is a contradiction between you and your elder brother."

Although Zhu Sandao is no longer concerned about the world and is ready to provide for the aged, there are problems in his family, so he still needs to participate.

These two sons, in particular, are most worried.

Zhu Yong said, "Dad, to tell you the truth, elder brother has driven our family out of the house. I'm afraid he didn't tell you about it."

Zhu Ming said quickly,

"I was just impulsive. I can't finish thinking. Who would have thought that you should take it seriously!"

"Second, if you say you're leaving, you can't tell your father if you leave. Is it hard for you to fly alone?"

Zhu Linlin's face changed and said quickly.

"Uncle! Don't talk about it, will you

This old man is really shameless. The villain complained first. It was he who drove people out, but he said it as if he didn't know anything.

Wang Yun a listen to this words, seem to be back to wish home to have a play?

"Come on, Linlin, don't talk about it. Since it's a misunderstanding, let's talk about it today. Dad is also here. Don't investigate anyone. We'll still be a friendly family in the future."

Hearing Wang Yun's words, I wish you happiness.

"My sister-in-law is still reasonable. I thought it was the big brother's fault before. I'll give you an apology!"

Zhu Ming took up a glass of wine and laughed to the past.

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