Cai Yan was in a bad mood. After all, she was driven out of the house by her parents, and she didn't have any money on her body. Can she be in a good mood.

However, seeing Lao Qin's smiling face, Cai Yan broke her tears into a smile. Although she had nothing left, at least the man was wholehearted to her.

Cai Yan looks at Qin Jun, a little embarrassed.

"You see, the second aunt saw you for the first time. As an elder, she didn't give you any gifts. She even made you laugh."

Qin jundao, "second aunt, you can rest assured that if you have me, you will not suffer. Come with me."

With that, Qin Jun makes a phone call to long Yihui. Soon, long Yihui's car comes and stops in front of several people.

"Get in the car."

Cai Yan takes a look at the car and is a little confused. Although she is poor, she happens to know the car. When she was a waiter in a restaurant before, she saw a lot of wedding cars. Someone told her that the car is called Maybach, which is more than two million.

Who is Lao Qin's nephew? How can he take such a good car?

The three get on the bus. Qin Jun asks long Yihui to take them back to the Qin family. Although the Qin family will be demolished soon, the old house is still there. Qin Jun takes the second uncle home to have a look, hoping that the second uncle can remember something.

Entering the Qin family's big house, the second uncle's expression became a little strange.

Caiyan asked quickly, "Lao Qin, do you think of something?"

"Second uncle, this is our former home. Do you remember?"

Uncle Qin turned around the room, his face suddenly changed, and he was lying on the ground with his head in his arms, shaking all over.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

His face was full of horror, as if he had seen something terrible.

The scene of the Qin family being surrounded and killed at that time has caused an indelible shadow to the second uncle of Qin. It was in this courtyard that they were killed at that time.

"Jun! Jun, run

Qin Er Shu lay on the ground, struggling and shouting.

Qin Jun's eyes are also a little moist. The second uncle is still thinking about him.

He quickly took out the silver needle and stabbed it into the back of Uncle Qin's head. Then uncle Qin calmed down, closed his eyes and passed out in a coma.

Qin Jun did not dare to stay here, so he picked up the second uncle and got on the bus. This time, he drove directly to Qingmei manor.

On the way, Caiyan is very curious.

"Jun, right? What kind of family are you

Caiyan has always been curious about Laoqin's life experience, but Laoqin has always been silly and can't tell why. This time she meets Laoqin's family, she can finally ask.

Qin jundao said, "ten years ago, our Qin family was the first family in the East China Sea..."

Qin Jun began to talk about history slowly. Cai Yan's family is the lowest class of the common people. The four major families of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting have never heard of them. Only the rich know about these high-end things. They are poor people who can't understand them, and they have no channels to understand them.

Later, when it comes to the fact that more than a dozen members of a family have been killed, Cai Yan exclaims.

I didn't expect Lao Qin to escape from death! And he used to be such a big man!

There was a trace of inferiority on her face. She lowered her head and said.

"If you change to do before, your second uncle certainly won't look at me, I don't deserve him."

Qin Jun said solemnly, "second aunt, you are a competent wife. My second uncle can find you, which is the blessing he has cultivated for several generations."

Cai Yan was moved in her heart and showed gratitude on her face. Qin Jun was polite and talented, but she didn't look down on her, which made Cai Yan feel good about her.

Soon, we arrived at Qingmei villa.

As soon as she got out of the car, she was dumbfounded.

"This, this is the park?"

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