Medical road

Chapter 1061

In fact, Zhang Fan also wants to cooperate with each other, especially the cooperation between hospitals.After all, in medical care, many things are not only a technology, but also a concept that can become the world's top specialist hospital, no matter if it is for money or what.

They are all desirable, but Zhang Fan did not directly agree, instead handing the knife to Ouyang.In terms of surgical techniques, Zhang Fan now does not need to be said by others, he can also study it himself.

Even subjects that I haven't opened in the system, such as obstetrics and gynecology, have actually made some achievements. It's like doing math problems.

I can’t figure it out, and when I don’t figure it out, I can’t do it anyway, but once I think it through, it’s actually a different proficiency.

But in the human mind contest, he really felt that he had not yet become a teacher. If he added an interest to the human mind contest, Zhang Fan felt that he was not enough.

This kind of world’s top-level hospital has not only a lot of money, but also a lot of things that money can’t buy, so Zhang Fan will never open his mouth easily. Where to find it.

But if it is done with a single knife, not only Zhang Fan will regret it, but it is estimated that Ouyang will regret it for three years.Professional matters are left to professional people.

The old lady is no longer at the forefront of medical skills in the hospital, but even if it is axe, there is one in the entire hospital, and they are not opponents.

So in an instant, Zhang Fan became a shy young man who was harmless.If before the operation, Zachstein would definitely treat Zhang Fan as a white rabbit.

But now, he knows that this little white rabbit not only eats carrots, but also eats meat!Someone used to say that the Chinese people compete with their Jews.

He didn't believe it. He felt that Chinese people could not compare with theirs.Now he understands.Those who said this sentence were definitely hurt by the Chinese.

The appearance of the Chinese is too confusing.If Zhang Fan yelled at the beginning, he would feel better, but from beginning to end, Zhang Fan was like an old cunning man, smiling while watching his performance, he felt like a clown.

The more I think, the more angry, the more I think, the more uncomfortable.As the saying goes, forbearance is calm for a while and takes a step back, but the more he thinks about it, the more he gets angry, the more he suffers.

At this moment, the mouth-cannons also gathered around.If the technology is not technical, they actually don't pay much attention to it, because they don't make a fortune by technology.

But if you cooperate, this can be a big profit!

"Actually, if we cooperate, we can also help, we..."

The anger that Zachstan could not vent, broke out on the mouth of the mouth!Getoffmyface.

A few mouths looked at Zachstein with incredible expressions, my God!What about the good gentleman?What about cooperation?Mother, this foreign professor can also speak nothing!This foreign professor can also curse!

How many years and how many years have they been with the officials, small and powerful, I didn't think it would be so embarrassing here today!

In fact, speaking of it, this is the charm of technology.Technology, as long as you are strong, just like international hard currency, regardless of men and women, regardless of whether the skin color is black or white, it will be recognized.

However, rights are sometimes not necessary.

"Haha!" Not knowing whether it was habit or deliberately, Zhang Fan looked at the group of people and laughed.

At this time, silence is really better than sound!

Lin Cong gave Zhang Fan a hand, "Go!" He worried that Zhang Fan was young and energetic and quarreled with these few.Although not afraid, it is still troublesome after all.

"Look, you see, this villain looks like he has aspirations. I'll go back and check to see if he has declared scientific research projects. Don't want funding!"

One of the leaders pointed to Zhang Fan's back, his hands trembling.

"Yes, go back and check it carefully, there will always be times when he cries!"

In fact, the current Chasu City Hospital is not short of money in private.Moreover, Zhang Fan really doesn't have any scientific research projects declared. How did he even publish his papers? Where does the scientific research project need funding?


"Dean Chen, quickly report to the European Academy and prepare the family."

Zhang Fan's thoughts have long been absent from the mouths.He didn't beg them, there was nothing to worry about.

"Okay, I'll call home now." Chen Sheng said while calling.

"Haha, you kid, if you don't speak, it's already a blockbuster! Didn't you go out with Lu Yuan. You didn't see it today, Zhao's mouth was crooked."

Lin Cong said cheerfully.He is also willing to make Lao Zhao in Water Pool a last resort.

Orthopedics, in fact, are roughly classified into joint spine and trauma.To be honest with these disciplines, Shuitanzi is similar to the world-class level.At most, the spine is slightly worse.

But it’s hard to say for fine orthopedics. In this regard, all of China’s top athletes go abroad for surgery.

However, people's major orthopedics is still quite fierce. For example, Lin Cong couldn't lift his head when he was crushed.

"Haha, Director, I registered for orthopedics!" Zhang Fan smiled.

"Hey, you kid, it’s also a talent. Okay, I won’t tell you more. I will come to Jade Bird for a few days later and give us this fine surgery class. Okay, I’m leaving. You are fine, don't mess with them, no need. Also, I will call Lu Yuan later. When we came, the old man was very anxious."

"Okay. Thank you Director." Zhang Fan sent Lin Cong out of the hospital gate quite politely.People are here to help, you must be polite.As for Lao Zhao, this will take Wang Yanan and Xu Xian not knowing where they are going.

Zhang Fan doesn't mind the old Zhao digging people. Those who can dig don't need to dig them. They have already flown away. After all, Chasu is in the frontier.And he even hoped that Shuitanzi could cultivate more talents for him, and it felt quite comfortable to pick peaches.

After Lin Cong was sent away, Zhang Fan was also ready to go home.Although Zhang Fan attended the annual meeting for the first time, he always felt that the taste was not good.He wondered whether he could host such annual meetings in the future?

"Zhang Yuan, hehe!"

Zhang Fan was still thinking about it. He turned his head and saw that Johnson & Johnson's regional manager was blushing all over his face, as if he had eaten too much money, and the fire was going out.

The youthful lumps on the corners of the mouth are all in rows, how they look like a volcano about to erupt in the stubble.

"What's the matter!" This guy posted too close, and the top white pus on the corner of the other's mouth was clearly reflected in Zhang Fan's eyes. Zhang Fan was shaking all over!Two steps back quickly.Too much should be.

The regional manager who couldn't help Johnson & Johnson was not excited.Originally, I completed an annual meeting to find excuses to give gifts. As a result, I did not expect it to become a top-level annual meeting. According to today’s situation, although it is slightly worse than the casino side, it is better than other so-called annual meetings. It's a lot of high-end.

It’s so clear to him that it’s all Zhang Fan’s credit. Without Zhang Fan, they would be able to invite the co-chair a and the chief doctors of some general hospitals at best. How can they think of today? Almost half of the top orthopedic surgeons in China have come.

"Zhang Yuan, we have printed the high-resolution pictures of your anatomy, and we are going to send a paper in your name. Hey, can you bring our company's name with you?"

Zhang Fan was just about to speak.

The guy said immediately: "Don't worry, we have prepared the picture quotation fee!"

"Oh? It's not necessary!" Zhang Fan didn't take it seriously, he thought it would have some money.When the Johnson & Johnson district manager started talking about funding, the boss and the others went away pretending to talk.

"It's necessary, it's necessary!" Johnson & Johnson's regional manager smiled and said, while giving a quotation contract, and asking Zhang Fan to sign it.

Zhang Fan was puzzled, this stuff was quite formal.It's not too much trouble to have some money.

Zhang Fan took the pen and took a closer look. Obediently, three pictures were 300,000 yuan.

"It's so easy, I have to put a bitter knife once, only 20,000 to 30,000, but I didn't expect that drawing three pictures would be so expensive!" Zhang Fan got a dog in his heart.

"Don't let me make mistakes!" Although he was very surprised, Zhang Fan is not what he used to be. If he used to, he would never ask and sign directly.

But now it's different, it's not the time to wait for the rice to be cooked.

"Haha, scholars are scholars. You probably have never sold papers. Anatomical drawings like yours have been released in advance. If they are sold to other doctors in private, three drawings can't be blocked with one finger. It’s your own papers, maybe there is a company that will invest.

This also counts as our company's investment in your anatomy, and I hope we can use your pictures for free in the future.Originally I wanted to mention a few, but after all, you released the pictures before publishing the paper first, so..."

"It's okay, it's okay, this is fine." Zhang Fan muttered in his heart while signing, I want to write a paper!

"One more thing, after this time, it is estimated that your throwing knives will increase. Can you use our company's equipment every time you throw a knife."

"This, the equipment that suits you, I will definitely use it. If it is not suitable, it is unnecessary."

"My good Zhang Yuan, I mean as long as you have a flying knife, you will notify me. No matter which city you are in, we will prepare the equipment for you as soon as possible. You can rest assured that it is absolutely suitable. Which company you like is fine, as long as you greet us in advance."

Zhang Fan hesitated, and the district manager continued: "Zhang Yuan, there is a signature fee~! As long as you agree, I will call the head office to apply for the highest signature fee."

"There is still such an operation? This is the time to endorse? How do you know that my flying knives will increase?"

"Hey, Zhang Yuan, Director Zhao from Shuitanzi, flying knives are our equipment for going out! As for flying knives, let me behave."

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