Medical road

Chapter 1063 Habits are good and bad

After a day's rest, Zhang Fan and Zachstein boarded a direct flight to the tea.

Zachstein is also determined, afraid that Zhang Fan will go back.

In the group, there is also Johnson & Johnson's regional manager.This guy is really concerned this time.Although I paid attention to it in the past, it hasn't reached the point of heart.

And this time, Johnson & Johnson's manager really got a taste of Zhang Fan's power, so this time he went to Chasu with Zhang Fan in name. In fact, he went to open a branch with Chasu.

Johnson & Johnson only has a branch in the city of Shaanxi Roujiamo in northwestern China, not even in Bird City. This time they plan to establish a branch of Johnson & Johnson in China directly in Chasu.

On the plane, Zachstein and Zhang Fan sat together.The two were in first class.

Originally, Zhang Fan and the others traveled in economy class, because his level can only be reimbursed in economy class.It's not that Zhang Fan can't afford to sit, mainly because Zhang Fan feels a bit of a loss in first class.

This may be the difference between the medical world and the financial world. For example, there are very few doctors flying knife in first class, not even business class.Almost all economy class.

Who issued the ticket?It is from the patient.

When he learned that the Golden Retriever Zachstan was in first class, Chen Sheng was unhappy, and he quickly changed Zhang Fan to first class.

But Lao Gao was here, Zhang Fan couldn't take first class by himself, so Chen Sheng gritted his teeth and changed Lao Gao to first class.Because according to Lao Chen's understanding, the competition between Special Orthopedics and The Tea People's Hospital has already begun at this time.

Wang Yanan pouted his small mouth, "Chen Yuan, you are too picky!"

If the other doctors were talking, Old Chen would have to take a hard and simple party class.

But Wang Yanan is Zhang Fan's female apprentice, and it is said that she is still a big one.

If you don’t look at the face of the monk to see the face of the Buddha, it’s not like, "No tickets, no tickets, or I will switch to the front for you. Tell me, when did you follow your Uncle Chen, when did you suffer?"

Old Chen fooled Wang Yanan casually, and his thoughts on this meeting were all on Zachstein beside Zhang Fan.

Ouyang has already explained that if you can understand more, you can understand a little bit.

Zhang Fan and Zachstein were chatting without a word. Although it seemed to be a small chat, Zachstein would be blown up by Zhang Fan.

What Zhang Fan wants to know and what he wants to understand can be said in English. Although he stumbles, he can still express the meaning clearly.

But when it was Zachstein's turn to ask him if he wanted to know, and Zhang Fan didn't want to say it, Zhang Fan began to pretend not to understand!

It's really awkward. Zachstein's gums are swollen.It is estimated that Zachstein has scolded Zhang Fan countless times with the words beginning with F.

The plane flew over the snow-capped mountains, it can be said that it flew from the east end of China to the west end of China.

The plane finally landed at the Chasu Airport.

Zhang Fan got off the plane, dear, Ouyang Nong was too violent.I don't know which mine owner borrowed a few big Mercedes Benz, and also got out the long red flag for the government to receive leaders.

The black line of convoys makes people feel that the Chasu City Hospital is not a hospital but a bank.

Ouyang actually meant the same. If in normal times, let alone take over Zhang Fan, it would be nice to send a 120.

But this time, the old lady directly wanted to make the hospital a local tyrant.Anyway, my mother is rich, not bad, and wants to spend a small amount of money to send my mother away, but there is no door.

That is, there is no better car for tea.Originally, Ouyang planned to let the plane over, although the Chasu Airport would not let the helicopter from the Chasu Hospital fly over, is this still a problem?

The rescue plane mainly made of tea made Ouyang dressed up like a commuter car of an advertising company. Ouyang was also a bit embarrassed and showed it off.

However, it will definitely make the plane fly a few times in the hospital.It's not Ouyang's true color anymore.

Human habits are terrible.This thing has a good side and a bad side.

As soon as the leaders of the tea plant heard about the meeting held by the city hospital, they had to attend the meeting. The tea plant boss wanted to go back to the bird market.

Mainly, the tea hospital is horrible now.In the past, he could still suppress Ouyang, but now there is no other way. Ouyang always takes the leader to her office. The word in the office is a magic weapon for Ouyang to scare the leader!

It was originally said that Tea Suo will no longer allocate funds to hospitals, and Tea Suo hospitals do not have to hand in the income of foreign patients who seek medical treatment in Tea Su City.

In the end, Ouyang relied on it. Ouyang recognized that he did not turn in, and Ouyang recognized that he did not need to allocate funds. However, she said that the hospital did not approve the item.

Lao Gao came to the government every day, just like the one above, and when he saw the leader, he said that the government of the tea plant owed the debt.In the end, the government had to allocate half of the money, and it was all tears.And now it is said that Zhang Fan is also on the list of the general manager, and the Chasu Hospital is even more untouchable.

So when he heard that the Tea Suo Hospital invited the leaders to attend, the leaders of Tea Suo were big. He felt that the Tea Suo Hospital was asking for money again, which became a conditioned reflex.

This is habit.Not to mention other things, just talk about the common people's habit of dealing with colds. Zhang Fan encountered such a disease when he transferred to the respiratory department.

Needless to say, the girl is very beautiful. It was late autumn at that time. Her tall figure was wearing a black woolen half-length split skirt, and her slender legs were wearing tight black pantyhose, and she was slightly shiny.

The breeze blows, the skirt dances with the wind, the waist and the hair also twist with the autumn breeze, if there are falling golden leaves falling.Really, how do you look at it, how do you think this is a kind of landscape.

But when the girl gets closer, the beauty disappears.Because the girl coughed like a tuberculosis patient, and she was coughing up her lungs.

The doctor told the girl that it was cold, so dress more. The girl wore for her figure as if she had no money to buy clothes at home.

The doctor said that you should not take antibiotics easily because you have a cold.As a result, girls who have a lot of money have eaten cefepime. To tell the truth, in the hospital, doctors who are not deputy senior titles are not allowed to prescribe it.

As a result, the girl didn't know where to buy it, she ate it, and when it was cold and the season changed, it was like a shaking machine in motion.

What exactly is a cold?

In fact, there are two types of colds, the common cold and the flu.

Moreover, most colds are caused by viruses, whether it is the common cold or the flu.Therefore, not only is it useless to take antibiotics, but you also eat antibodies from other bacteria.

If it is a common cold, to be honest, just drink some boiled water and wait for it to heal.

If it is the flu, it will be treated symptomatically.

What is the common cold and what is the flu.To be honest, let alone people who don’t generally work in the medical industry, even some doctors can’t tell.

However, Zhang Fan knew that his internal medicine was not good, so when he was in the respiratory department, he had a solid experience in internal medicine.

In Zhang Fan's summary:

The common cold makes the patient a little tired, a little sleepy, and lazy with no appetite.Of course, if you are just lazy, you can eat three or four trotters at a meal. This is not a cold, it is lazy.

As for the flu, there will be fever and cough. The biggest difference is that the flu is contagious, while the common cold is generally not contagious.

Many people quickly cool down when they have a fever. In fact, it does not exceed 38 degrees Celsius. Don't worry about it. Just drink water and cover their heads with a warm towel.

What is fever? Fever actually means that the nervous system in the body raises the temperature, because it also finds that foreign viruses are laughing and giving birth in the body.

Therefore, it raises the body temperature.Viruses are actually similar to humans. If the weather exceeds forty degrees, people will have no thoughts.

So remember!!Don't take antibiotics easily when you have a cold, don't take antitussives easily, antibiotics are not a panacea!Please change this habit. Just like the leaders of the tea-sugar government, don’t always ask the tea-sugar hospitals for money. People now have the ability to go out to find food by themselves!

Just when the Chasu leaders hesitated, wandered around, and wanted to go to the Bird City for a meeting, the morning news of the ten sets of Yang Ma came out.

The leader took a look and was relieved, and went to the Tea Hospital in a mighty suit and leather shoes.

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