Medical road

Chapter 1138 Eating, there is definitely

"The delegation is not only good for surgery. The speech is also quite wonderful, and the personal charm is very fascinating!" Jingdong professor who came with Zhang Fan from the tea found Zhang Fan in the background. Zhang Fan's three confirmed that the other party was not laughing, and he also accepted the other party's praise.

"Prepare for insufficient, preparation, no big leak." Zhang Fan said with this middle-aged person.

In the past, Zhang Fan never believed in what language genius, he felt that it was a chicken soup, what Oh Ma learned Mao Zi, Lao Yang, seven-eight language. He feels that this is the teacher to make students.

It can be thoroughly known in front of it, and this world is really language genius. For example, this is a half-year tea life, this can be used to communicate with Chinese, or even a little. Language, this is a man who encounters the headache of German English.

"It's already good." The professor of Jingdong smiled.

"Is there a collaborative amount has been determined, how much?" To be honest, Zhang Fan is not pursuing the style of the meatball, anyway, it will not come here. Even if the Hua Guo's specialty is not good, it is not your country.

"Amount!" Zhang Fan asked naked, let the scholar are slightly embarrassed. "After all, it is a professional nature, there is no sure. But you can rest assured, as long as you are sure, I will inform you the first time!"

"Well! I am anxious."

Zhang Fan is also a bit embarrassed. In the past few years, it has a sense of urgency to the influence of Ouyang. The old lady will give Zhang Fan to Zhangfan, and what hospital is not developing, and how many beds have been there. What is the bed of the South River, a few times, you have to work hard, you can't let the tea hospital is lonely in your hand.

It seems that Zhang Fan became the same emperor.

"Next?" Time for a week, only five days, and two days. Zhang Fan is thinking that this guy will not take me to a tour show.

"This time, Zhang Sang has worked hard, your family returns to Tokyo, these two days we sent you a good tour in Jingdong."

"Oh, this is a good thing!"

Go back to the hotel, Jingwu and Shao Hua screamed. "How is the tour?" Zhang Fan smiled and wanted to touch the skeptical head. The result is now growing up, and it is beginning to discover Zhang Fan to mess with her hair style.

"Travel a ..." Zhang Fan is just to open complaint. Just screwed by his old lady. I can't say it.

"Well, eat well, sleep, but also watching snow, strict the temple. This is the monk you can marry your wife!" Zhang Fan old Niang and his mother laughed and Zhang Fan said.

"Good . Eating fish meat every day, is not cold, sleeping hardboard, what is good." Zhang Fan and the old man estimate in his heart.

"That's good, then, I can't take you, I am also worried that you are unhappy. I am disconnected tomorrow, they sent cars, we went to the big city of the salad."

As a result, the old lady does not go.

Nothing, Zhang Fan has sent a stranger with Shao Hua and his sister.

"Wow, you see you, the green floral floral on the roadside of people is so neat." It is estimated to be the willingness to go abroad, Shao Hua and Jingwu have a lot of things to many things.

"So older old man is still working!" Yan Yusheng looked at the old man who helped the command to say to his brother at the door of the shopping mall.

Meatball Country, what is the country? In the fineness, it is definitely the world's first-class, and if you use Huazhi, it is the master of the truth in the snail shell. They don't worry on small details.

For example, medical care, the research and development in high-precision is definitely not in some countries in Europe, America, but the big breakthrough will never exceed Europe and the United States, which can be improved in improvement.

Why is the national life they can be the world? This place is a shock for a while, and there is still a volcano. What can I live in this old age? This is to say a basic medical treatment.

People are different from the basic medical care, they don't require you to engage in research, but ask you to have a craftsman. For example, you are engaged in lung tuberculosis, I don't need your inventions or research on what tuberculosis.

But I asked you to play this disease in the development of technology and drugs. Therefore, when Hua Guo first proposed the relationship between diabetes and tuberculosis, when Hua Guo did not act, people have begun to study diabetic drug combined with tuberculosis drugs to kill tuberculosis.

Therefore, in terms of basic medical care, the capital of the meat countries is particularly strong. But when you get high-precision, they have begun weak. What is the medical care? When you basis, you ask you to have a craftsman, a knife must be a hammer of thousands of hammers.

When you get a high-precision, you have to innovate. This is a bit hard, so some people say that the Hua Guo is a high-looking far from the meatball.

"Wow, cosmetics, the flower king is particularly good. I bought it for your dean, give you a vice president!" Shao Hua and Jingwu sideways, while giving Zhang Fan.

"How old she is mostly, still uses cosmetics?" Also with Shao Hua and Yan Liancheng came, otherwise Zhang Fan will never think about buying souvenirs to the old lady.

"You float! Women can not be maintained?" Shao Hua Xiaohu teeth exposed.

"Okay, your dental tip, you said!" Zhang Fan huh and smiled, and he didn't raise.

Two women bought a lot of piles in Zhang Fan's seemingly useless junk, there are many people who are accompanying, otherwise, this pile is bought, I can only go back to the hotel.

"Dean Zhang, the president calls you to eat tomorrow." The female translation took the phone to find Zhang Fan.

"Oh, his son has a problem? Should not!" Zhang Fan is alert, because two million have been given, in general, there will be no more links. After all, Zhang Fan can't give him a family doctor.

Moreover, the big camp of people is not in the country of China.

"No, the president child is very good, because you are busy these days, so I didn't disturb you, listening to you is idle, this will let me ask you to have time!"

"Oh, eat, you must have time."

Zhang Fun thought, I agree.


"Brother, this president is a level!"

Silent and curious asked Zhang Fan.

"You don't make money, this president is estimated to be the level of the old king in China!"

Zhang Fan casually thought about it, I said that I just said that I didn't know the level of the old king, but Zhang Fan knows that this person is really money.

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