Medical road

Chapter 593 Second goods, Lord's buttons!

I'm really afraid of death, not delicious.Parasites in the brain are similar to brain tumors, almost impossible to cut clean.

Even if you are so prolific that you are lawless, you can't cut it cleanly.If it grows in the functional area, do you cut it or not?

It just grows in the place where you manage your sex.It just grows in the place where it manages the breath, don't you cut it?

Therefore, craniocerebral diseases are difficult and difficult here. It is really a clear division of labor, each with one piece. If there is something missing, there will be a corresponding lack of function.

When the disease is dying, you can only choose to avoid the seriousness and give up the slight.It depends on the patient's luck, just like throwing a dice.

What to do now, only the craniotomy can be done, the patient is already in a life-threatening condition, and there is no room for hesitation.

"Notify the family! Obtain the right to surgery." Zhang Fan made a request to the county leaders.

To be honest, if you want to talk about unity, the southerners are really united than the northerners. This is not a black region, but a real experience. Perhaps it is the truth that everyone has to go to sea to fish from ancient times to the present. Everyone must be in the same boat. Understand more thoroughly.

Some people who have the same hobbies as the patient are panicked all day long, and it is estimated that someone is ready to go to the city for inspection.

The patient's family members are thousands of miles away, and they can't come here for a while, and the temperate chamber of commerce is really amazing.

Those who can contribute money, those who can contribute, and Zhang Fan's information will be heard by them in a while.

"Done! I've already asked about it. Dr. Zhang is the best doctor in this place at this time."

The directors of the chamber of commerce gathered together to gather information together.Money is easy to do!

At the beginning of the operation, the craniotomy is first. This disease is not cerebral hemorrhage, just run to the bleeding spot.This disease is super troublesome, and the patient’s symptoms must be resolved first.

For example, if the patient is now vomiting, has abnormal bowel movements, and has symptoms of epilepsy, the lesion must be removed first.If it is bleeding, adjust the blood accumulation and stop the bleeding.

But this encephalopathy will not work, first cut off the lesion, then decompression, catch the adult worm, and finally medicine, a large dose of medicine to kill the insect, as for whether it can be killed, God knows.

The brain tissue is too complex, and there are barriers. As long as the parasites enter the brain, there is generally no good way. Surgical treatment is also destructive treatment.

The patient is already bald, and there is no need for skin preparation.The human skull is like a piece of the earth, not as a whole, but pieced together, and the weakest place is the frontotemporal region, which is the so-called temple.

Entering the skull, Zhang Fan and Xue Xiaoqiao entered little by little and slowly separated.

In the operating room, Zhang Fan was about to collapse, and the training at the county hospital was still a bit close. When Zhang Fan and Xue Xiaoqiao opened the patient’s brain and began to enter, the anesthesiologists and itinerant nurses were all close together as if watching some wonderful accident. come.Scratching his head and looking at strangeness.

This is really the first brain surgery in their county hospital, and it is inevitable for these people to be curious.However, at this time, the anesthesiologist must pay close attention to the patient's vital signs and not be distracted at all.

"How much breathing, heart rate?" Zhang Fan said in a very dry voice to the anesthesiologist and nurse watching the excitement.

Everyone walked away in disbelief.For the first time, Zhang Fan rolled his eyes at the assistants on the operating table.

Entering, the ophthalmic forceps in Zhang Fan's hand entered the brain tissue very carefully, just like using a small fork to fiddle with an immature brain flower.

Gently avoid blood vessels and important functional parts. The brain is an irregular ball. When Zhang Fan enters a little, he gently enters the ophthalmology hook to set aside a space for manipulation.

Then hand the retractor to Xue Xiaoqiao."It must be steady!" Zhang Fan gently confessed to Xue Xiaoqiao.

"Okay!" Xue Xiaoqiao knew how great he was, holding the weightless hook in both hands, as if he was supporting a heavy object as heavy as a kilo.

A little bit, time is slowly lost, surgery outside the brain is slow, very slow, and time is actually spent in the separation structure.

The separation of general surgery and orthopedics, as long as the blood vessels and nerves are avoided, is actually very rough, and the thumb and index finger are like peeling the flesh, very fast.

But outside of the brain, I don’t dare to do this. To put it in a simpler way, how to avoid the nerves of the brain?

Therefore, when doctors perform extra-brain surgery, they must first choose a place where there is a gap to enter. When there is no gap, they can only choose an unimportant place to start.

For example, when the two places of managing breathing and managing sex have to choose to give up, the doctor doesn't even think about it, just clicks the place where the sex is taken care of.

A few days ago, Zhang Fan had surgery for cerebral hemorrhage. Xue Xiaoqiao had already seen Zhang Fan's hands. They were abnormally stable, and there was no shaking at all with the naked eye.

Today, he has seen what precision is.The millimeter-level gap, Zhang Fan went down with a pair of pliers, without a trace of melancholy.

When Zhang Fan held the matte metal pliers and went on, when the pliers were inserted into the white brain tissue covered with blood vessels, Xue Xiaoqiao's heart was lifted.

"Don't you need to explore it first? Isn't it afraid of getting into the organization with such a narrow gap? It's really..."

However, the clean forceps entered, without a trace of blood, without a trace of tissue, and it did not damage any brain tissue at all, only a little mucus between the brain analysis!

"Too accurate, really too accurate!" She was also single, but Xue Xiaoqiao really admired it.

With cerebral hemorrhage, Xue Xiaoqiao could still feel like chasing after him, but when he encountered this kind of penetration, he knelt directly.

Little by little separation, not only Zhang Fan, but also Xue Xiaoqiao’s sweat came out.The separation of brain tissue is really troublesome, and there should be no distraction at all.

According to a study, a person's concentration can only last for about half an hour to forty minutes. It's all ridiculous. Come and see a doctor outside the brain. If you don't concentrate for two hours, you are not qualified.

What if you get distracted?The patient who is lying on the operating table is unlucky. A careless, mild person with hemiplegia and a crooked corner of his mouth will flow uncontrollably without seeing a beautiful woman, just like a confinement baby.

The serious ones can kill the patient right away.Therefore, doctors outside of the brain can only be hired by people with great feelings and wealthy families.

Counting on letting someone who makes a fortune do it really doesn’t work, so when a doctor has a mortgage, don’t let him perform brain surgery on you. Too many distracting thoughts will definitely affect the operation.

When Zhang Fan's sweat had soaked three or four pieces of gauze, they finally entered the patient's brain lesion.

At this time, only Zhang Fan and Xue Fei could see the lesion, because it was too deep and narrow.

It's just like inserting a hole in the brain flower with chopsticks, without a shadowless lamp, it is really a black hole!

"Bug!" Xue Xiaoqiao said with a slight tremor. This was the first time he had undergone this operation. So, when he saw the bug, he was really excited, just like playing a barbecue by the bomb. It's so exciting.

Extra-brain surgery is high-end, regardless of the high-end technical requirements, the high-end difficulty factor, and the cleanliness.

There is a brain suppuration outside the brain, and this kind of suppuration is not a thing in the general public, just like a mouthful of sputum.

Let’s talk about parasites, apart from other things. In general, they can directly kill a person, especially the parasites that cause obstruction. The nausea is extreme.

I opened my stomach and opened my intestines. When it became more serious, I saw a ball of bugs. The ball of bugs is not much smaller than the steamed buns that everyone eats. It is definitely Dongshan big steamed buns, not curved small steamed buns.

The tail and the tail, the body and the body are entangled together, just like an earthworm mass that has been magnified dozens of times, squirming, squirming, and then the body of the worms keep secreting fluid, which means that their ** officials have matured , Ready to mate.

The pink and tender insects secrete a sticky liquid, which is constantly squirming between the feces. For a time, it is really like a ball of powdered meat. The elderly have countless branches of powdered meat swimming in the sputum, yellow , Fans surge!

If the cute color becomes disgusting, it is really disgusting. It's like Peppa's nose is stained with some kind of yellow object, and he is still babbling and drooling wanton!Also TM is sticky saliva.

Just let the doctor spit out the pilaf of carrot sticks eaten at noon!

It doesn't count if you see it, the doctor will also use both hands to hold these bugs out of the stool.

Just like holding a bowl of soup and rice, I didn't dare to shake it out at all.

The special sexually mature smell of insects, coupled with the smell of stool that has not defecate for a long time.

Oh my god!People who have smelled this smell, there is no smell in the world that can knock him off.

Outside of my head, it was no longer so nauseous. At most, I took a bite of an apple and saw a yellowish-white worm. This worm was a bit plump.

The worms are in the digestive tract, because the food is more complicated, so the body will appear strange pink.

In the brain, phospholipids are mainly used, so the color will be whitish, with a slight yellowish touch under the support of the brain tissue.

Generally, there are not too many bugs in the brain, and one bug will die. If there are too many people, it will be dead.

Therefore, when Xue Xiaoqiao saw the worm, he let out a sigh of relief. He was deeply afraid that after Zhang Fan made a hole in the patient's brain, he could not find the worm.

The brain is not broken and broken. If you open a hole, it is already very damaged. If the hole is opened and the bug is not there, it is really super troublesome.

Encountering two knives, opening holes in the brain, this brain hole is really unnecessary.

"Zhang Yuan, it's too accurate! It's really too accurate!" Seeing the bug, Xue Xiaoqiao's whole body suddenly became weak, and his heart was relieved when he lifted it up.

"Yeah!" Zhang Fan didn't say anything. This is a problem. This is Zhang Fan's problem. He doesn't like to talk after the operation. Unlike some doctors, who do the operation while flew up.

In the hospital, talking about pornography, urinary first, gynecology second!At the end of the brain row, this ranking cannot be rebutted. As for the reason, it is very simple, because they have seen too many strange things.

The bug has been found, and now we must find a way to get it out.Don't think it's easy to see bugs, this is also a very troublesome thing.

The parasites of the digestive tract are a big deal. It is impossible to cut off a section of the digestive tract.But the outside of the brain is different, not to mention other things, it is Zhang Fan's level, not to mention the fingers, the thicker pliers are not easy to unfold, the level is too high.

Can't it be bigger?No, outside the brain, what is important is that the less damage the better.The size of one millimeter can distinguish doctors into different ranks.

And if one is not careful with the pliers, the worm will be broken. The tapeworm is too hateful. It can be said that if you keep a little bit of the body full of officials, you may become a family.

"Silk thread!" Zhang Fan thought slightly and said to the nurse.Then, after receiving the silk thread, Zhang Fan volleyed the knot, and then slowly pressed the knot with pliers.

"Uh! The mutation of the deep knot?" Xue Xiaoqiao was directly silly, really silly. The simplest operation of a surgeon made Zhang Fan play.

"Yes!" Without Li Zixiong, Zhang Fan was not too proud of him. If Lao Li was there, Zhang Fan could still sigh.

With two knots, one end and one tail, Zhang Fan gently hung the head and tail of the big insect.This kind of small-scale operation is really difficult.Zhang Fan's hand knotting is very amazing.

This worm is like the tail of a gecko. With a pair of pliers, it will struggle and struggle. If it fails, it will become a worm apple that has bitten half of it. Half of it enters the stomach and half of it goes deep into the apple.

Its body structure is super terrifying, just like a wild sow, with two rows of milk on the abdomen of the sow. (a) The head is like two rows of buttons, and the back is bristles.

In this thing, there are two rows of suckers on the abdomen that are denser than the buttons of the sow, and the spine is filled with barbed cilia like a flag.

It can not only be attached firmly, but also can be hung up rigidly.It's really a flying monster.

Hang the thread at both ends and clamp it lightly with the pliers in the middle. What Zhang Fan did is really foolproof. The gripping force of the pliers is really amazing. It's like a tongue licking on a sugar coat, sticking to it without breaking. This is kung fu.

"I grab the silk thread on the right side with one hand, and the pliers with the other hand. You lift the silk thread on the left side. When I say to lift it, I must lift it slowly. Never use violence. Remember to lift it slowly. Can it be done?"

Zhang Fan said to Xue Xiaoqiao.

Xue Xiaoqiao gritted his teeth and said to Zhang Fan with certainty: "Yes! You must use slow energy!"

"Okay, get ready, mention it. Come, slow, slow, slow, can you feel resistance?" Zhang Fan asked Xue Xiaoqiao as he raised it.

Resistance of insects~!The requirements are really high. It is really hard for a single Wang to experience such a small resistance.

Nervousness is really nervousness. As long as this time, a carelessness, a little greater strength, all previous efforts have been discarded, as long as one section is in it, you can only expand your brain and look for it!

Once enlarged, there will definitely be problems where the patient’s lesion is located, and it may be the patient’s lifetime dementia.

Hundreds of suction cups are attached to the brain tissue, gently pulling, and continuing to gently pull, just like a tug-of-war, and the two sides compete again.

It is as heavy as a thousand catties, at this time, I can't say too much.Continued, lasting for a few minutes, Zhang Fan waited again, waiting for the insects to release their strength.

And the bug waited, waiting for Zhang Fan and Xue Xiaoqiao to release their strength, if the bug could talk, he would definitely say: Two or two things, I'm exhausted, and the buttons are about to fall.

Sweat is flowing like a small river, and the soreness from the muscles of the arms has kept protesting.

As for the thighs that have been standing for hours, they have long been ignored by the brain.

Pulling, pulling, pulling, it's really funny, two strong men are pulled out of strength by a bug.

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