In the blink of an eye, another three years passed, and the time came to 1995, and Lin Feng, who had fused the power of the phoenix in previous years, had reached an unimaginable point at this time.

"No wonder it takes so long to parse, it's actually the full version of the power of the phoenix." Lin Feng felt the information of the power of the phoenix in his mind, "But it's a pity that my physical fitness is not enough to fully use this power now. "

The power of the complete phoenix is a multiverse-level power, and what Lin Feng can use now is probably the state of Qin Gray in the X-Men Dark Phoenix, but because Lin Feng analyzed the power of the complete phoenix, his spirit will not be affected when he uses his power.

"Lin, there is an incident on my side that is suspected of being superpowered." At seven o'clock in the morning, Fury dialed Lin Feng's phone.

"What's going on?" Lin Feng opened his eyes and yawned, "If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I promise, you can only be a drooling child for the rest of your life."

"A woman fell from the sky and smashed the roof of a Blockbuster and dressed like a game character." Fury explained over the phone.

"Oh?" Lin Feng straightened up, "Yes, it's been nine or five years, Aunt Marvel should come."

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look." Lin Feng snapped his fingers, and a set of clothes appeared on him, then turned into a cloud of blue smoke and disappeared into the home.

"What's going on?" There was another burst of blue smoke, and Lin Feng appeared next to Fury.

"Hey!" Fury, who was staring at the frightened team, was startled, gasped, and patted his chest, "Lin, can you stop being so scary?"

"Don't talk nonsense, is that the one?" Lin Feng pointed to the back of the green uniform in the phone booth.

"That's right, it's her." Fury stood up, "I'll be much more relieved when you come, let's go over and take a look."

"So you just asked me to be bold..." Lin Feng shook his head and walked over.

"Kerry Legion, Firth, huh?" Lin Feng patted the shoulder of the starter team.

"That's right, it's me, there is finally someone who knows us." The shocked team turned around, but what came into view was not the generous face in memory, but closer to the face shape in the comics.

"It's good." Lin Feng pouted, put two fingers of his right hand on his temple, and entered the brain.

"What did you do to me?" Feeling the clearer and clearer memory, the starter covered his head.

"Just give you back your lost memories." Lin Feng shrugged.

"Is this really my memory?" The fright team frowned, "Why am I not impressed at all?" "

Nonsense, the explosion of the lightspeed engine gave you amnesia, of course you have no impression..." Lin Feng sighed helplessly.

"So, the Skuru are not the evil side, the Kree Empire is?" Carol looked dazed, as if faith had collapsed.

"Not really." Lin Feng shook his head, "In the war in the universe, how can there be a difference between evil and justice? It's just a different position.

"Either way, the Kree Empire is the first to start the war." Carol stood up, "We have to find the lightspeed engine." "

Check the location of the Pegasus plan." Lin Feng looked at Fury.

"Already looking for it." Fury took out the pager and glanced at the coordinates sent to Lin Feng, "Found it." "

Let's go." A wormhole opened behind Lin Feng, engulfing the three together.

"The archive room should be..." Lin Feng floated in the air, closed his eyes, stretched out his right hand, and sensed the internal structure of the Tianma Plan test site,

"Found it." Lin Feng opened his eyes, teleported again, and brought several people to the file room.

"Find information on Dr. Lawson." Lin Feng casually found a place and sat down, "I'm only responsible for bringing you here, and you will handle the rest." "

Okay." Fury took a deep breath.

"These two are Dr. Lawson's materials." Carol pulled out two thick books and handed one to Fury.

"This is the blueprint of Lawson's light-speed engine." Carol unfolded a drawing, "I don't know why the project was terminated.

"It's a good thing." Lin Feng glanced at the design drawing and analyzed it by the way.

"Is it possible that Lawson is a crazy person?" Fury picks up Dr. Lawson's diary, which is a pile of ghost drawings.

"This is the Kerry script?" Carol took the diary, and Lin Feng also parsed it a little.

"Found the language, the Kerry script, has been parsed."

"What?" Fury stepped in.

"Lawson is definitely not crazy." Carol held the diary, "She's a Kree.

"She's dead anyway." Fury shrugged, "He tested without permission, and as a result, he was killed in a crash, killed a pilot, and lost billions of dollars in this accident."

"To be precise, she didn't kill the pilot, the pilot just had amnesia." Lin Feng waved his hand, and a document flew out, flipped it over and landed on Carol's hand, "That pilot is you, Carol. Danvers.

"The plane crashed in 1989, and unfortunately, I was dealing with other things, and I felt a wave of energy, but by the time I got here, all traces were gone." Lin Feng flipped through the documents in his hand.

"I'm going out." Fury glanced at the pager and walked out.

"Contact the Kerry Legion, I need some information." Lin Feng looked at Carol.

"Good." Carol took a deep breath, walked to the phone, and began to contact Kerry Commander Yong. Rogue.

"Lin, found the news." A moment later, Carol walked back, "Lawson is indeed a Kree, his real name is Mar-Will, who was sent to Earth to study some kind of energy core technology.

"It's about the same as the message I parsed." Lin Feng nodded, "What about Fury?" "

I'm here." Fury and Khloe (Taros) walked over.

"Huh?" Lin Feng glanced at the two of them, and directly lifted him up by Taros' collar, "Are you changing back by yourself, or will I directly disintegrate you?"

"Okay, okay!" Talos raised his hands and changed back to the appearance of the Skrulus.

"Okay, give your explanation." Lin Feng put Talos down.

"I have a copy of your recording of Project Pegasus here." Talos reached into his arms and pulled out a black object, "It was left over from the plane crash six years ago, which you humans call the black box."

"I really need your help right now, and if you're willing to sit down and listen to me, I promise you won't regret it."

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