"Lin? I received a message from Ross, he said that you maliciously assisted important criminals to escape, what happened? As soon as the phone was connected, Fury began to ask questions like a cannon.

"It's nothing, I want to find Director Pierce." Lin Feng said, "I have something to study with him."

"I'll ask for you, but I'm not sure he has the time." Fury hung up the phone and began contacting Chief Pierce.

During the time of waiting, Lin Feng did nothing, just took out a coin, controlled it with magnetic force and rotated it between his fingers, and a few minutes later, Fury's call came back.

"Lin, Director Pierce is just free now."

"Okay, I'll go over now." Lin Feng teleported directly into the office of the director on the top floor of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Tricurved Wing Headquarters Building.

"Mr. Lin." Pierce looked at Lin Feng with a smile on his face, "I heard Fury say that you have something to do with me?"

"That's right." Lin Feng nodded, "My relationship with the military is a bit tense now, and I need S.H.I.E.L.D. to help me solve this matter."

"With the power of S.H.I.E.L.D., it's really okay to solve this point, but why should I help you?" The smile on Pierce's old face didn't diminish.

"The reason is simple." Lin Feng grabbed Pierce's shoulder and brought his mouth to his ear, "Long live Hydra." "

Huh?" Pierce looked up sharply at Lin Feng.

"Huh?" Lin Feng sat back in his chair and raised an eyebrow at Pierce.

"I see, I will solve the affairs of the military." Pierce nodded, pressed a hidden button on the table, all monitoring was closed, and the doors and windows were directly sealed, "I need you to prove your identity."

"How do I prove it?" Will we just pull you up a list of our internal members, or will I dig up Dr. Zola underground in New Jersey? Lin Feng shrugged.

"We learned that you have telepathic abilities..." Pierce's eyes were serious.

"Since you know that I have telepathic abilities, there is no need for you to doubt my identity, because I can directly control you to control Hydra." Lin Feng said that he did not use his psychic ability, while doing tricks in Pierce's subconscious, so that Pierce's trust in himself increased.

"Well, it seems that I can only trust you too." Pierce sighed, "What are you responsible for?" "

Interpretation and use of supernatural abilities." Lin Feng loosened his neckline, "I've been studying superpowers, and I let that big green man escape in Los Angeles before to see how far this ability can develop without interference.

"Okay, I see." After such a while, Lin Feng's control over Pierce's subconscious was already strong, "But as far as I know, with your energy level, as long as you make a move, Hydra's plan should be completed very simply."

"I'm a scientist, not a combatant." Lin Feng stood up, "I joined Hydra also to have more research samples and better research conditions, as long as it does not affect my research, I will not care about anything."

"What else can I say?" Pierce also stood up, "Then, although I don't know what your research is, I still want to wish your research early success, I have an intuition that this research has great significance for the development of Hydra."

"You're feeling right." Lin Feng nodded, "Then I won't stay long, help me deal with the military's problems." "

Don't worry." Under the influence of his subconscious, Pierce had completely dispelled his suspicions about Lin Feng, and in his heart, Lin Feng was not only Hydra's comrade-in-arms, but also a boss with a higher rank than him.

"Hmm." Lin Feng simply snorted, opened a wormhole behind him, left the Tricurved Wing headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., and returned home.

"I remember that in the setting, the Red Skull Schmidt's Hydra was just one of them, and the real Hydra was based on an Inhuman named Hive as a belief." Lin Feng thought of the setting inside the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

"On which planet is the hive sealed?" Lin Feng frowned, "It seems to be called Maphus or something, but without coordinates..."

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and his spiritual power directly covered the whole world, and he began to look for the black boulder with spatial power.

"Found it." Lin Feng opened his eyes and teleported directly to the room where the black boulder was located.

"This thing uses vibration as a teleportation switch." Lin Feng raised his right hand and began to shake continuously, one after another vibration waves rippled, a few seconds later, at a certain frequency, the black boulder turned into a pool of liquid to engulf Lin Feng, and when the liquid receded, a desolate land appeared in Lin Feng's field of vision.

"This is the legendary Mapheth Star." Lin Feng closed his eyes, his spiritual power spread, and soon, he found a person in the wreckage of a space station.

"Hive." Lin Feng teleported over, sat in front of the hive, and analyzed it by the way, not to mention anything else, the hive's ability to control aliens is quite good.

"What are you?" The hive, which had been sealed for a long time, was very weak at this time.

"Me? In a sense, I should be a god now. Lin Feng thought of the body of a planet he was building in space.

"Gods?" Hive sneered disdainfully, "I used to think of myself as a god, but when I saw my creator, I realized how ridiculous my self-righteousness was.

"Your creator? You mean those Kree? Lin Feng smiled, "Do you know the accuser of the Kree?

"Ronan the accuser?" Hive raised his eyes, "That's one of the strongest of the creators.

"I just crushed it to ashes a few years ago, and I also took out a few Kree warships, threatening the Supreme Wisdom by the way." Lin Feng shrugged, "At least with you, I am a god who can do this."

"I don't believe it." A gray mist came out behind the hive.

"Believe it or not, I'll just wait for the analysis to be boring before I talk to you." Lin Feng stood up, and the power of the phoenix burst out, directly grinding out the hive, and then returned to the location of the boulder through the portal.

"He came out of the boulder." The hydras who heard the sound of the liquefaction of the boulder just now saw this scene.

"Gentlemen, congratulations on finding your Lord." Lin Feng smiled slightly, and his head changed into the face of the hive full of abstract art style, "Long live the hydra." "

Long live Hydra!" The crowd in front of them let out a feverish roar.

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