The next day, Lin Feng slowly woke up, looked at the two kind faces in front of him, and was stunned for a moment.

"Hello, little friend, my name is Lin Zhengyang and this is Martha. Lin, from today onwards, we will be your parents. Lin Zhengyang looked at Lin Feng and showed a hint of a smile.

"It's really called Martha..." Lin Feng pouted, and a sense of hunger surged up.

"My name is Lin Feng." Lin Feng struggled to spit out four words, now he was still in a baby state, and his speech was not very clear before he was fully developed.

"Did he speak your native language?" Martha looked at Lin Zhengyang, "This kid can talk at such a young age?"

"That's right." Lin Zhengyang's eyes were a little red, and after more than ten years, hearing his native language again made his heart a little touched.

"Hungry." Lin Feng spat out a word.

"Full." After drinking a large bowl of milk, Lin Feng slowly put the bowl down, looked at Lin Zhengyang and Martha, and a golden light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Lin Zhengyang, purebred earth human, male, 43 years old, height 178cm, weight 71kg; Martha. Lin, purebred earth human, female, 41 years old, height 165cm, weight 53kg. Lin Feng's mind suddenly flashed the information of the two.

"Is this so, 'parsing'?" Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, turned over, climbed out of bed, and walked two steps leisurely.

"The baby's body is still outrageous." Lin Feng pouted and walked to the bookshelf next to him.

"Dictionary." Lin Feng pointed to the English dictionary on the shelf.

"You want this?" Lin Zhengyang pulled out the dictionary from the shelf and handed it to Lin Feng.

"It's really ™ heavy." Lin Feng laboriously opened the dictionary, "Parse." "

After parsing, get knowledge, language, English." A stream of data poured into Lin Feng's mind, and in an instant, Lin Feng's English reached the level of his native language, and even surpassed it.

Lin Feng turned his head to look at the table next to him, and activated the analysis ability again, and the structure, material, manufacturing time and other information of this table directly appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

"It's pretty good." Lin Feng smacked his lips, and then felt a sense of vertigo hit him.

"Good to use is easy to use, you can't use it often." Lin Feng shook his little head.

After a brief period of vertigo, Lin Feng suddenly found that his control over his body had improved, and although he was still a baby's body, he could already make movements more accurately, including walking and talking, his vision became clearer, and the speed of receiving surrounding information became faster.

"Is it the energy consumption of 'analysis'?" Lin Feng was stunned, "This is the broken and standing in those fantasy novels?" After mental energy is consumed, it can grow more rapidly.

"The next thing is simple." Lin Feng recovered slightly, and began to analyze the things around him, repeating the cycle.

More than ten years are fleeting, Lin Feng is fourteen years old, he quickly completed his studies by relying on his ability to analyze, and his excellent results have also been noticed by many prestigious schools, and tomorrow, he will enter the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a special student for further study.

In the past few years, Captain America's promotional films, and Howard who often flashes on TV. Stark also made him understand that he had come to the Marvel Universe, and this year was 1985, which was about the time Tony Stark entered MIT at the age of fifteen.

"You must be Lin." A juvenile version of Little Robert. Downey came up, "My father told me that there was a genius younger than me who went to MIT with me, and I still didn't believe it." "

Tony Stark," Lin Feng greeted, "Heir of Stark Industries, I've heard of you.

"You know, I like to make friends with geniuses, and it's too much trouble to communicate with those low-IQ people." Tony was about to grab Lin Feng's shoulder, but suddenly found that Lin Feng was half a head taller than himself, and lowered his hand in embarrassment.

"I also just like to make friends with geniuses." Lin Feng shrugged, "I don't know if you can keep up with my progress." In

this way, Lin Feng and Tony Stark dominated a chase at MIT, and no one obeyed anyone academically, but in life, the two also formed a deep friendship.

"Do you want to come to Stark Group after graduation?" In just two years, the two of them completed all their studies in college, and at the graduation ceremony, Tony sent an invitation to Lin Feng.

"Okay." Lin Feng smiled slightly, Stark Group has the most advanced technology in the world, which can better expand his knowledge base.

"This is the legendary Ark reactor." Looking at the huge device in front of him, Lin Feng's eyes flashed with golden light, and soon the reactor was analyzed, and all the technologies in it had appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

"Is this MIT's youngest genius, Lin?" A middle-aged man walked over.

"This old man is not a good man." Looking at the middle-aged man, Tony pouted, "You'd better stay away from him."

"Lin, I'm Howard. Stark, nice to meet you. Howard stretched out his hand to Lin Feng.

"Mr. Stark, Jiu Yang." Lin Feng held Howard's hand and shook it.

"Don't be so distracted, you and Tony are friends, just call me Uncle Howard." With a kind smile at the corner of Howard's mouth, Lin Feng was stunned.

"Okay then, Uncle Howard." Lin Feng smiled and looked at Howard carefully.

It's 1987, and four years away, Howard is about to be assassinated by the Winter Soldier on the way to deliver the super soldier serum, and Lin Feng is thinking about whether to change this matter, after all, Tony has a good relationship with himself.

"Let it be, it will depend on the situation then." Lin Feng turned his head and began to analyze the contents of the Stark Group again.

Lin Feng pretended to sneak to a secret entrance nonchalantly, and before coming in, he analyzed the building, and the original design drawings were directly presented in his mind, and all the secret rooms and secret doors were visible in his eyes.

"Combination lock, I like this thing the most." Looking at the password door in front of him, Lin Feng smiled, and a parse flung it up, and directly got the password.

"Super soldier serum, I know." Looking at the half-finished blue liquid in front of him, Lin Feng analyzed it again, but this time, a progress bar appeared on the 'parse' data board, and it was not until ten seconds later, when the progress bar came to an end, Lin Feng's mind appeared the result of the analysis.

"It's also reasonable, after all, this is only a semi-finished product, and the technology content is relatively high, and it is normal for the analysis time to be longer." Lin Feng left the secret room directly, closed the door, and by the way, hacked into the program and deleted the monitoring he had just entered.

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