The ocean of books is vast, and every drop of water in it is useful knowledge

As a qualified flower planter, he has nine years of compulsory education, three years of college entrance examination and five years of university.

After graduation, you have to overturn everything you have learned and relearn skills in internships.

It can be said that books are something that every member of the flower family is not unfamiliar with.

Avery is now like a sponge, constantly absorbing every bit of useful resources, then sucking it up and looking back, and then going to his own memory kingdom to find the right place to lock it in

Picking up the next one, Avery continued to absorb.

Wang was still reading his book at first, but he was a little confused when he heard Avery flipping through the book.

Is this reading or flipping through a book?

At a glance and ten lines, I really scanned the past, and then the next page, do you understand?

After a while, the magic book with a thickness of ten centimeters will be read to the next one?

At this moment, Wang felt that the other party was either teasing himself or he was a scumbag!


"The nature of magic."

After reading the three books, Avery closed his eyes and recalled what he saw, the basic things he cared about the most

Only by understanding the essence of the basics can you understand the existence of magic.

"Why can't the power of magic be built on science now?"

Avery suddenly spoke, breaking the silent library, and voices surrounded him.

Hearing the question, Wang thought for a moment, and was just about to answer, but did not want Avery to continue to speak.

"Because science today can't explain idealism. The power of the heart comes from itself, from its own energy, cells, DNA, blood, skin. "

"The soul is the manifestation of spiritual power, and the essence of spiritual power is the heart, so idealism is more suitable for learning magic, and now science cannot be explained, and people who believe in science cannot understand, so scientism cannot replace idealism."

Avery was talking to himself, asking himself, answering himself.

Wang looked at the other party sluggishly, and Ailey's answer was somewhat similar to his thoughts, but he couldn't explain it so comprehensively

Wang wanted to say "because magic is not science", obviously, his answer seemed a bit one-sided.

"Where does the power of magic come from?" Avery 's next question arises.

Wang thought for a moment, "It's with the help of other demon gods..." Just as he was about to speak, he heard Avery speak by himself again.

This time, Wang's expression was even more dull.

"Personal energy! The mage's own development of mind and spiritual power, such as the "qi exercise", "thought casting", "spiritual energy" and even "astral projection" written in "The Source and Use of Magic", use personal energy, that is, his own spiritual power. "

"The magical energy of the cosmic environment. With the help of the power of the universe, this power cannot appear out of thin air, so his source has a source."

"The word 'eternal' was mentioned in the "History of Billions of Years of Magic", one of the four gods, his power is the magical ability of the universe, but this power is limited by the latitude and can only be used in the dimension where the eternity is located, such as teleportation and energy waves."

"Outer Dimension Magical Power, use this ability to summon magical dimensional existences and objects to obtain power, they are different from the physical and magical rules of our world, users need to plead with these people, through sacrifice or commitment as a price, to these demon gods to use power!"

"All three have their own good and bad, the first one is too difficult, few people do it. The second has the Great Terror, making a deal with the four gods, he can't look at what mortals have, so what you have to pay may be something you can't understand. The third gets the fastest power, but it is also very dangerous, because the price may be his own life or becoming a slave to the other party. "

"What else?"

Eli's voice slowly darkened, and he also stood up and walked to the bookshelf, continuing to search for the books he needed.

Wang watched the other party leave his seat with his mouth wide open, and then swallowed.

Is this guy really getting into magic for the first time?

Wang thinks this is a fantasy, and after reading a few books, he has already advanced his understanding of magic to such a level? This is a yokai!

Or is the other party a legendary archmage or the reincarnation of a demon god?

Suddenly Wang was stunned!

His current stage is stuck in the advanced use of magic, of which he has not yet mastered astral projection

Just now Avery said that the power projected by the astral body requires its own spiritual power, not the power of the Latitude Demon God?

Not with the power of the Visan Emperor, but with his own? After Wang was silent for a while, he began to try.

"What do you think I will read in my next book?" Avery sounded.

Wang Gang was startled as he was about to continue studying, and he could hear that Avery was asking questions, so he wanted to answer.

"What do you think?"

Who knew that before the king could speak, Gu Yi's voice sounded in the library, and the Supreme Mage was there?

But I didn't see it.

"Advanced magic use, basic magic represents the essence of all magic, and all extended magic is slowly developed according to basic magic." Avery replied.

Wang sat in his seat and tugged at the corners of his mouth, and he found that he was no longer suitable to listen here.

Because in front of his eyes, Avery is talking to the void, and the person who spoke to him is the ancient one mage, and it is not surprising that it should be an out-of-body soul, that is, the ancient one under the astral projection.

Avery could directly see the Supreme Mage projected by the astral body, but he couldn't see it himself.


Gu Yi's spirit body stood aside, watching Eli's study and couldn't help sighing

This guy's talent is so amazing that it's like Avery has no ceiling.

Is this kind of comprehension really something that a human can do? It's just been a while

The spirit slowly leaves here, and she needs to meet Emperor Vishan once, which is also one of the promises to Eli.

[Your understanding of magic has found the essence, combined with the "Refining God Meditation Method", you have an epiphany, you created "Casting Magic"! ] 】

[Casting magic: the method of casting magic power, condensing the spirit to a greater extent, replacing the input required for meditation, can forge your own spiritual power all the time, and great growth. 】

The moment he comprehended the magic casting, Avery also had a clear understanding of the true meaning of magic.

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