Mercenary War

Chapter 2416

The latest chapter of Mercenary War, 2,416 chapters have eyes, floating astronomy
In fact, Gao Yang is not sure that the little old man is a spy. After all, in a small village, the possibility that a very old man who is very common in Yemen will be a spy is not too big.

But Gao Yang has always been very careful, and his eyes are very good, so he saw that the little old man was shaking something in his hand while holding the water. Gao Yang felt that it was only a half. Phone.

If it’s in a big city, even in a village in China, it’s nothing to take a mobile phone. But here is Yemen. In most places, there is no cell phone signal at all, even in Sana’a. The signal is also very poor and sometimes not.

Even if the village is very close to the city of Kamal, there is no cell phone signal in the city of Kamal. In a place where there is no cell phone signal at all, what to do with a mobile phone.

Joseph slammed the old man on the ground, and the old man yelled loudly, and the villagers in the vicinity looked weak.

Yemen is one of the most exclusive countries in the world. When it comes to seeing foreigners bullying a villager, it is hard to say what these villagers will do, especially in Yemen, where the world has the highest rate of guns.

“Your people took over and controlled him, warning the villagers here to let them go, from which person to search for something, there is something.”

When Gao Yang was yelling at Salim, Joseph had already pulled out a mobile phone from the old man’s robes, and then loudly said: “Mobile! Open the machine!”

Salim shouted two loudly, and immediately his two guards took control of the old man, and the local leader of Hussein also yelled at his men, making them loud and unfriendly. The villagers rushed to the side.

Gao Yang walked over and got the mobile phone. After just a few turns, she turned a photo out and said to Salem: “Look, what he shot.”

A total of two photos, one of which is very clear, can clearly see the self-propelled artillery mounted on the truck.

Salem was shocked and angry, and yelled at the old man: “Who are you! What are you doing with these photos? Say!”

Gao Yang did not agree with the nonsense that Salim said, but he still said quietly: “There is definitely no cell phone signal right here?”

“Yes, there is no cell phone signal here, it was gone long ago.”

“Without the signal, the message cannot be delivered. His camera is only used as evidence. There must be a real spy here. This person will contact him, inform Shah of the military situation here, and interrogate him, who is his connector. ”

Based on common sense and experience, Gao Yang quickly gave advice.

Salim screamed at the old man who was extremely scared. “Who is your superior? Just say! Where are your connectors? Tell me, otherwise I will marry you immediately!”

The little old man was scared, but he is now firm, and he begins to read words. Gao Yang can understand a few words. The little old man, Salim, is a heresy.

Gao Yang shook his head and walked to Salim’s side and whispered: “Don’t say here, take him to a place where no one is going to interrogate, and the news that we are here will never be transmitted. The consequences are very serious. To dig up his superiors or those responsible for communication, this guy is only the person responsible for collecting the news at first glance, the lowest-end one, meaning nothing.”

Salim looked gloomy: “Take him away! Take it away! Interrogate immediately!”

Gao Yang said quickly: “And, let your people surround the whole village. No one is allowed to leave the village until we reach the destination. This village is not big. It is easy to completely control all the passages and see people approaching. Take control and interrogate, there may be spies coming.”

Salim nodded: “I know, I know what to do, rest assured, I must dig people out!”

Salim’s position in Hussein’s armed forces is very high. He can fully command the head of Kamal. After saying a few words to Gao Yang, he called the two responsible persons together. After a few orders, the two responsible persons quickly commanded the troops to encircle the entire village.

Gao Yang waved at Joseph. When Joseph passed, he handed the phone to Joseph and whispered: “We have our photos on the phone and deal with it technically.”

Hu Sai’s armed punishment of the spy certainly does not require any evidence, so Gao Yang did not intend to hand over the mobile phone to Salem, and Salim did not intend to.

After paying homage to Joseph, Gao Yang said in the intercom: “Look, we just found a spy, a tortoise, divided the sharp knife commando into several parts of the rotation, not allowing anyone to get close to our equipment, if someone finds snooping immediately In case of resistance, kill on the spot.”

At this time, Salim had already finished the matter. He went to Gao Yang and whispered: “Let’s go to rest, I have to stare at handling this matter. What’s the latest progress, I will inform you.”

Gao Yang didn’t want to intervene. He didn’t have the time and leisure, so Gao Yang and Satan’s team went to rest. After a night of running, he was really tired.

Bringing Satan’s people together, announcing the latest espionage incident to them, telling everyone that they are in a hostile place, and after everyone is alert, Satan’s people have eaten something and then take turns. go to bed.

I started to rest in the morning, but Liang Dong had no chance to rest. He began to be busy preparing lunch in the morning. After the lunch at Satan, people had no choice but to continue to rest. Liang Dong had to clean up as an anecdote. The soldiers are really very hard.

Gao Yang is also very hard. He has to study the route and talk to Jake who is staying in Sana to see if there is any change in Shah, especially if he has to pay special attention to the news at several airports in Shah. It doesn’t take much physical effort, but I feel tired.

By two o’clock, Salim finally came back.

“We caught a few people, all of them who provided intelligence to Shah! They were Yemeni, but they betrayed Yemen, these damn Asshole.”

Although it was awkward, Salim seemed very happy, so Gao Yang smiled and said, “It’s very good. It seems that they haven’t been able to send out the information about us?”

Salim nodded. “Yes, we opened the mouth of the old man. He is an ordinary villager. He can’t help but use his sentence. After we caught his superior in Kamal City, we dug three people. They will use the satellite phone to contact Shah and tell the Shah people any valuable discoveries.”

Gao Yang sighed with some worry and whispered: “So, we can’t enter any city anymore.”

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