Mercenary War

Chapter 2421

The latest chapter of Mercenary War, 2,421 chapters, born cold and blood, floating astronomy
Phoenix is ​​very excited and very excited.

As long as she can shoot and target not the target, but she can still hit, she will be particularly excited.

It’s not excitement, it’s fun, whether it’s a pheasant, a wild duck, a bear, a wild boar, or a human. As long as the shooting target is a living thing, and it’s hit, Phoenix will feel inexplicable. Pleasure.

The feeling of shooting is unparalleled and unspeakable. It is the supreme enjoyment.

Phoenix knows that his hobby is not normal. Hunting is a human nature, but it is not normal to like to even enjoy hunting to her. Phoenix knows this, so she never shares herself with anyone. Happy, she just enjoys her happiness silently.

Sex is the greatest enjoyment of human beings, but Phoenix doesn’t know what it is. She doesn’t want to know. She only knows that she has only one kind of fascination. It is the pleasure of shooting, not hitting the target, shooting the prey. The thrill of it.

No. 13 is a hit man, but that’s just the job of No. 13. He was trained to be a hit man.

Phoenix is ​​also a hit man, and she is a natural hit man, a natural cold-blooded hit man.

No. 13 Killing is a job, and Phoenix shooting people is fun, this is the difference between the two.

Phoenix used a very, very big effort to avoid going to the street to find the target and shoot it. She knew it was a perverted act. Although she knew it was a metamorphosis long ago, she didn’t want to be a no one. The perversion of the pursuit and principle.

In fact, the first prey under the guns of Phoenix was a sable, and she didn’t fight a long time ago. Now she can only satisfy her, so Phoenix can’t stand her hopes of hunting and shooting. She will look for those who think she should kill to ease her impulses. From this point of view, she is actually more like a hunter, but her prey is a human being, just a little different.

Therefore, Phoenix is ​​extremely satisfied with his current career, mercenary, there is no reason to shoot any hostile person, which feels she likes it.

Cui Bo is shooting in a row, but his shooting is very bad. Phoenix knows why, because Cui Bo is in a hurry, he regards this as a competition, and his shooting style is the kind of long-term lurking. Shooting a very critical and deadly bullet, so Cui Bo’s first shot is the shot with the highest hit rate. It’s hard, unlike most snipers, not the other snipers don’t want to do this, but instead Not enough.

But if it is continuous shooting, then Cui Bo’s level is far less than the level he can only shoot one shot. This is a strong personal style, not related to the shooting method, because Cui Bo only has the most critical Only one shot can mobilize his full attention, in order to let him hit an unbeatable first shot.

Everyone has its own characteristics, unique characteristics, Phoenix is ​​very admired Cui Bo’s first shot, because she can not admire nature, the ability to shoot continuously, Phoenix most admire her head, she Proud to be a fast continuous shooting ability, the word fast can be removed in front of Gao Yang.

But Phoenix knows where her strengths are. Her biggest and strongest advantage is that she is a hunter-type sniper. She is cold-blooded, calm, pure, and fearless.

Cold blood makes her not care who she is going to shoot, calm so that she can always make the most correct choice, pure, let her focus on her own goals, fearless, is to make her fearless, she can shoot for the target Do anything and pay any price.

Phoenix has always known where its strengths are. In the face of her current strongest shooter, the man who claims to be a gun god, if he wants a life-and-death matchup, Phoenix believes he will win.

Phoenix’s most respected shooter is her head, but she feels that her head is not pure enough. As the head of the Mercenary Group, he has to think about a lot of things, do a lot of things, and try to avoid hurting himself, and she will It is not necessary to consider these things that are not related to the shooting target. Also, her head is not pure enough that he is a precise shooter and a sniper, or even a sniper, because he is not pure enough.

Phoenix has made her head the most ideal prey many times. She wants to shoot the prey. She has simulated in her mind how many times she has shot the most powerful gun god she has encountered. Finally, she has to At the conclusion, she was able to guarantee the shooting of the gun god Ram.

It’s not the kind of sneak attack or the shot behind. It’s not the two top gunmen’s showdowns. Phoenix has simulated countless matchups in his mind. It’s the two people’s righteous shooting. The conclusion is that she will shoot the only one. After shooting the bullet, Ram was killed, and she was also shot by Ram’s bullet. To achieve this result, she had to guarantee that she would shoot first and then be hit. It was difficult, but she was confident to create the conditions for herself to shoot. .

Why is the result of the same return as a victory, the reason is very simple, Phoenix only needs to be able to shoot the target is enough, after shooting the target she is life and death does not matter, because she is pure enough, cold enough, her own life is the same Can ignore, and Ram can’t, he has too many things to bear, he can’t die or he will die after death.

Since the opponent has failed, then of course he is a victory. Isn’t that simple?

I think that I can beat the most powerful opponent in my mind. I don’t have to really challenge my opponent. Because Phoenix has super strong self-confidence, because it has extremely strong self-confidence, then it is not necessary to shoot the opponent naturally. It has been verified that this is very logical for Phoenix.

But for Cui Bo, it is different. Phoenix wants to beat him. She doesn’t have to kill her comrade-in-arms. Because Cui Bo is amazing except for the first shot, she can’t stand any other aspect.

Can make Phoenix as an imaginary enemy over and over again thinking about how to shoot the opponent, now there is only one Ram, the other person does not have that qualification, there was a woman before, but the woman has been shot by Ram, so Phoenix will only put Ram now. As an imaginary enemy.

As for Cui Bo, for Phoenix, it is a comrade-in-arms and competitor that can’t be beaten. It only needs to defeat him if the opponent is dominant. Phoenix will not regard Cui Bo as an imaginary enemy. How to shoot him over and over again, because he still has no qualifications.

So what Phoenix is ​​going to do now, and what she is doing, is to shoot her shot with one shot and one shot before grabbing Cui Bo.

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