Mercenary War

Chapter 2434

The latest chapter of Mercenary War, 2,344 chapters are in a difficult condition, floating astronomy
Liang Dong quickly opened the intercom, listening to the lack of sound inside, and immediately hurriedly: “The mouse called the sheep, the enemy Apache stopped firing, a large number of soldiers surrounded the antelope is still narrowing the encirclement, they want to catch the living, Finished.”

“I have been surrounded! Repeat, I have been surrounded, the enemy is very powerful, the antelope has more than two-thirds of casualties, escape is no longer possible, rescue is no longer necessary, I will commit suicide at the right time, finish!”

Liang Dong just finished speaking, and the sound of the quick speech of Volvicsky was heard in the intercom.

Volvicsky’s words are very urgent and desperate, but it’s really calm. He’s certainly not panicked, but he’s already accepted the fate.

“Keep it! Hold on! Cobra, hold on!”

Volvicski didn’t panic, but Gao Yang was anxious to listen to the sound. Liang Dong sighed and said to himself: “I didn’t see it. The cobra is a bad student. .”

In the gap between Gao Yang and Volvicsky, Liang Dong said: “Cobra, I am near you, the enemy helicopters have stopped attacking, it seems that they are going to live, you still Have the opportunity.”

Having said that, Liang Dong feels that he must speed up the operation. Although he can do a limited job, but it has a limited effect, it can also play a role.

A sniper, a qualified infantry trained by China, an excellent squadron, what can be done? Liang Dong himself is considering this issue.

Liang Dong’s gun is a hk416. Satan’s current rifle is very complicated. The assaulter sometimes uses hk416 in a unified way. Sometimes he will use scar-l uniformly, but most of the time, as long as there is no requirement, the gun must be unified. The task is still what the individual wants to use.


The time spent in United States is not short, Liang Dong sometimes goes to the shooting range to play a few shots, and the most common rifle in United States is the ar gun family, so Liang Dong is very familiar with the m4 model civilian rifle. So he chose a hk416 as the main weapon.

In fact, in the mountain battles, there are very few opportunities to shoot close to two or three hundred meters. Therefore, it is more appropriate to use 7.62 caliber rifles in the mountains. Many Satans have changed to hk417 or scar-h, but Liang The main task of the building is to cook. Although his body armor does not leave his body, the rifle does not have a shoulder, but the rifle carrying the 7.62 caliber is too cumbersome, so the hk416 has been used up.

The gun is an 5.56 millimeter assault rifle. It is far from the bird. There are only four magazines on the beam, and there is only one magazine on the gun. There are only five magazines 150 bullets.

Pistol no, no grenades, no scope on the gun, no night vision, no one in the day, who is carrying it, full of things related to combat, that is, a gun plus a walkie-talkie, in addition to Liang Donglian There are no knives.

Compared with the disadvantages caused by too little on the weapon, Liang Dong is even more depressed. He is still wearing a white robe. Although the bulletproof vest is covered in a white robe, the helmet is not just a lattice. The headscarf, the only thing that made him feel used to it and familiar with it, was a pair of boots on his feet.

Without a telescope, Liang Dong felt particularly inconvenient. Looking at the shadows on the mountain in front of him, he occasionally showed a figure. After Liang Liang grabbed two on his head with a headscarf, he whispered: “恁娘! This is capable. What?”

The only advantage may be that the enemy who is fighting has not found the Liang Dong from the distance, but look at the white robe on his body. Liang Dong feels that he has not been discovered or that the enemy has blinked or the enemy has seen it. He did not want to take care of him, or the enemy did not notice him, but as long as he continued to approach, he would have been discovered.

If Gao Yang is here, it must be shot at a distance of one kilometer. It is also possible to play a role in the encirclement and delay time by playing the enemy from behind, but Liang Dong has neither the skill nor the gun. what.

“A hard struggle is an excellent tradition of our army. If there are no conditions, then we must create conditions! Mother, fight!”

Liang Dong hid behind a large stone, then he quickly took off his white robes, put the white robes on the ground and rubbed hard, whether it was stone powder or mud, greeted the white robe.

I want to turn the white robes into black, but soon the white robes become gray-black. From a distance, the camouflage effect is still good. As for the white robes, the camouflage effect is stronger. went.

In a hurry, the robes were put back on the body. When Liang Dong slammed his headscarf and wanted to do the same, he suddenly looked at the handcuffs of his headscarf: “Hey, look so troublesome!”

The bare black stone mountain, a little white is conspicuous, the yellow man’s hand and face are on this bare mountain. If you don’t pay attention, you don’t think it is conspicuous, but for the person who pays attention, That would be too conspicuous.

When the headscarf was thrown on the ground and squatted back and forth in the soil, Liang Dong gathered a pile of soil by hand, picked up the robes that had just been put on, and urinated a pile of mounds he had gathered. Still licking the urine.

The worst thing is that you have to urinate and mud.

Liang Dong does not have much psychological burden. Isn’t it a live urinary mud? Is it a good thing to fight?

The soil is not applied to the face, but the urinary mud can, Liang Dong quickly applied a layer of black gray urinary mud to his face quickly and evenly, and then exposed both hands and robes. The ankles are also painted. The soil here is actually a stone powder. After being soaked in water, it is very sticky. You don’t have to worry about falling off quickly. Even if it will inevitably fall off, the camouflage effect is still there.

After three minutes of delay, I simply disguised myself. Liang Dong immediately turned from a conspicuous white target to a black-gray pile of objects. As long as it was still moving, even in the daytime, the human eye would not really It’s easy to see at a glance.

After cleaning up and stopping, Liang Dong carefully looked at the battlefield still in battle, visually measured the distance, and then calculated how far he needed to run to get to the fire zone, and then roughly planned a hidden road, then he Holding the gun and bending over, three steps, one stop and five steps, the copy of the enemy’s back road.

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