Chapter 240

Many years ago.

There was a sensational advertisement for the sale of the disabled.

This advertisement circulates in the hands of certain criminals.

When I finally saw this small advertisement.

The police were shocked.

The ordinary people were even more shocked.

There is actually a handicapped trade with clearly marked prices.

One: Both legs are completely cut, 20,000 yuan.

Two: Shrinking legs, 18 thousand.

Three: Deaf and dumb, ten thousand.

Four: mentally handicapped, ten thousand.



The police arrested a gang of human traffickers.

There is also a criminal gang that uses beggars.

It can be seen from it.

Human life is precious only in the eyes of human nature.

In the eyes of inhumane people, it is just a cheap cost of making money.

This also shows that most of the disabled beggars on the street are already controlled by gangs, and the disability is also man-made.

Think about it.

One day, maybe an ordinary person walked into the street and was knocked unconscious with a stick and sacked away.

When he woke up, his hands and feet had been broken.

Never see familiar friends and relatives again, and become a tool for others to make money. Eating a full meal is a luxury. How desperate will it be?

For these frantic criminals, let’s not say that the people are ruthlessly immortal.

When the police met, they all wanted to kill them by themselves!


Since the introduction of the management measures for the rescue of vagrants and beggars who have no means of living in the city.

Departments of public security, health, transportation, railways, etc. shall do a good job in relevant work within their respective responsibilities.

Staff members who find vagrants and beggars while performing their duties shall inform them to seek help from the rescue station.

For the disabled, minors, elderly and other persons with mobility impairments.

It should also be guided and escorted to the rescue station…

In other words.

When the police saw the beggar.

Only the right to guide and escort to the qualifications.

You need someone to report the crime to get out of the police or make an arrest.

Why is this happening?

Because of the international ‘human rights’ organization.

Beggars are also humans and have human rights!


In every country.

This is a very sensitive topic.

Which country dares to cross this bottom line?


Relief stations in various countries.

All fell into a three-no matter situation.

Women and children protection organizations have no right to manage.

The civil affairs department also has no power to enforce the law.

The police force does not report to the police and cannot be dispatched at will to restrict the freedom of beggars.

In addition, the beggar gangs are too mobile.

Want to rescue the victims who are under control.

It is even more difficult.

This is also easy to understand.

Even if you catch those beggars.

They dare not say anything, they are sent to the rescue station, and they will also escape.

The rescue station is not a violent agency, and it is not allowed to set up ‘incarceration’ facilities.

How to do?

It is difficult for the country to do it, the police do it hard, and the people scold it.

How about it.

The emergence of some organizations in the world.

It’s purely disgusting!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the system requirements and completing the system task: the first time in my life is extremely angry!”

“System rewards, ability: listening!”

In the Crime Squad Office, Xiao Yao frowned and watched the surveillance video on the computer, ignoring the voice of the system in his mind.


Xiao Yao is on the verge of a runaway.

Never been so angry.

That child died terribly.

It’s too pitiful.

Everyone in the serious crime team was like a grumpy lunatic.

Searching for the hiding place of the group of beggars who fled through the block monitoring.

Only when they are found, can rescue be carried out and criminals can be arrested.

Xiao Yao is looking for some case information about using beggars to commit crimes.

One of the most typical cases.

Found through investigation by police officers.

Some outsiders specialize in “receiving people,” initially collecting children from their hometowns and paying thousands of dollars a year in rent to their parents.

Later, I felt that this was not cost-effective, so I simply “made the disabled” by myself, smashed the abducted people, and crippled children and adults alive by inhumane methods such as smashing bricks and wooden sticks.

The more miserable the better, the more miserable the more money you will make.

They are carried by minibuses every day and begged for money on a small wooden cart.

Through the interrogation of criminals, they would break their children’s hands and feet and force them to beg.

The so-called “harvesting and cutting” refers to the artificial creation of some disability or “monsters” among beggars in order to achieve the purpose of making money.

Simply put, it means catching normal living people, especially young children…

Use knives, axes, and other methods to transform into a poor monster with a strange shape and a disability.

Put it on the street in the early morning to beg, and then pick it back in the evening.

Win the sympathy of the world.

To get a lot of money from passers-by for charity.

How to stop it?

Some people will say, what is the use of your police?

This is not to say that the police are rubbish.

But how can Xiao Yao and others who are police officers follow every ordinary person around the clock for personal protection?

Why do you always say that the police are not?

Just because the police ate public meals and a crime occurred, is it the police’s pot?

Are you justified as a taxpayer?

Unreasonable, verbal justice?

You are so powerful, why don’t you be a god so that there will be no bad people in this world.

In this way, there is no need to even appear as a police officer.

Anyway, the few types of people that people hate most today are those “Keyboard Man”, “Three Views of Incorrect Views”, “Hei Zi”, “Tan Zi” with a mouth full of benevolence, justice and morality, “Huh, stubbornly entangled,” and “just have a mouth.” ‘…

To solve the problem, such incidents must be completely eliminated.

Ordinary people should protect themselves and their families, and don’t let criminals take advantage of it.

When people see suspicious disabled people on the street.

The kindness of the people is not about giving or not giving money.

But never give money.

You should call the police immediately, or take a video and broadcast it online.


The disabled beggar you are facing is a relative that others are looking for!

After reading a few typical case files, Xiao Yao had to close his eyes and adjust his mentality.

Let the body trembling slightly because of anger, enter a relaxed state as soon as possible.


Ye Qingzhu called.

“found it.”

“Criminals used disguise to disguise these beggars as ordinary people, rent a long-distance bus, and prepare to escape from the city.”

“However, we only found these… poor beggars!”

“The offender did not have the same vehicle, and is now investigating suspicious vehicles in the surrounding area.”

“We suspect that criminals are following in other vehicles. Because there are too many vehicles, it is a bit difficult to dispatch vehicles, and it is necessary to dispatch police support.”

Xiao Yao opened his eyes instantly, staring like a knife, and spoke coldly at the phone.

“Wait for me, I will be there soon!”.

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