"Um! Half a year is enough."

Su Can nodded, agreed with his son's words, and said:"In half a year, a company with a small framework has developed locally."

"Most of the people I faced were from the countryside. Under such familiar circumstances, there would be no way to take charge of this company after half a year."

"So! Su

Can's eyes showed a hint of emotional ups and downs, and he said:"Wu Shen is really not suitable for starting a business. If this company fails, it will fail.""


Su Zeming nodded and said with a smile:"From a business point of view, it is indeed like this, but our team is all elites."

"If Wu Shen studies seriously, it will definitely be of great help to his future. I hope he will not disappoint."

Such specifications........

Not to mention it was in such a small place.

Even those entrepreneurs with strong academic backgrounds in Yanjing City would not be treated like this by today's capital and given such good human support.

Such treatment.

It's big.

This is also the reason why Su Can asked his son Su Zeming to do this, because it is just the name of the company invested by Capital Today.

Not to mention in that small county, even in the provincial capital of Hunan Province, once such a thing is exposed, it will be pursued by the media.

Now, although there is not as much entrepreneurial enthusiasm as there was five or six years ago.

However, the popularity is not weak now!

As the largest private investment company in China, Capital Today has an extremely strong reputation in the industry, and its founder is extremely young.

Investments from Capital Today have always been the targets of financial reports.

As for those places........

The entrepreneurial growth of young people has always been of great concern, and for the officials responsible for this aspect, it is their daily work.

If a company emerges that is invested by Capital Today, this will be a great achievement! estimate!

When the news broke, all major media in Hunan Province reported it.

And Wu Shen.

With this level of relationship, he will directly become the darling of the media in Hunan Province.

If nothing else happens, the media in Hunan Province will make Wu Shen a model for young people and carry out large-scale publicity.

You know, the media in Hunan Province are not ordinary media.

Under CCTV.

The TV stations in Hunan Province are ranked number one.

If they promote it, not to mention ordinary news, even those popular variety shows can make Wu Shen appear on it.

Thus, publicity nationwide.

That's right.........

These are the two ace programs in Hunan Province, the two major variety shows, Friday Happy and Saturday Happy. These two variety shows are extremely powerful these days than they were ten years ago.

In the entertainment industry, no matter how popular a big star is, if he releases a new movie, he will go to these two programs to promote it.

The reason for not going is simple.

That is, these are all celebrities who are too little famous.

I also thought that after all this happened, for Wu Shen, who had just entered the business circle, this was an extremely tempting vanity fair.

Although he had passed the test some time ago, this famous test was even more challenging. Su Can and Su Zeming felt that Wu Shen might not be able to hold on. so.

Although Capital Today invested one million in Wu Shen to start his own business, the company he established was established in his own name and he held 100% of the shares.

As for the one million capital investment today, a contract was signed with Wu Shen, and it will not be announced until half a year later.

This half year.

It is a time for Wu Shen to learn and a test for Wu Shen. If Wu Shen cannot do it and the company collapses, it will be meaningless if the news is exposed.

And once........

At that time, if Wu Shen can learn quickly, this news will definitely put Wu Shen's company on the fast track.

Su Can and his son had already arranged a path for Wu Shen, but in the end, how far could Wu Shen go?

Not looking at Su Can and his son.

But look at himself.

As long as he has strong abilities, relying on the path Su Can arranged for him, he can achieve a net worth of tens of billions, which is not a problem.

If there is no ability.

It is possible to go bankrupt.

And go bankrupt!

With the help of Su Can and Su Zeming, if this company goes bankrupt, Wu Shen will be too incompetent! certainly.

This company is not held by Wu Shen alone, but by the entire Wu family. Now it seems that Wu Shen alone holds shares.

However, after half a year, all the shares will be split. because.

What Su Can wants to help is the entire Wu family, and Wu Shen just happens to be the youngest and out-of-society person in this family.........

All, he will take charge.

In this company, there are Wu Changguo, Wu Tieshi and his wife, Wu Tiezhu and his wife, as well as Wu Shen's younger brother and cousins.

These are all shares.

However, Su Can did not let them share it equally, but gave them corresponding shares according to the current level of contribution of the Wu family. for example.

Wu Changguo controls 10% of the 60% of the shares that today's capital accounts for 40%.

The rest is Wu Tiezhu, Wu Shen's uncle's family, who control 18% of the shares, while Wu Shen's father, mother and brother hold 12%.

The remaining 15% is owned by Wu Shen himself.

It seems.

That's not much.

Only 15%.


This is just the initial stage. If he can get this industry started, his holdings will increase as it develops.

Not to mention, do you really think that Su Can let Su Zeming take control of the 40% share in order to harvest the Wu family in the future?

Not really.

Su Can planned that when the time comes, only 20% of today's capital will be left among these shares, and the remaining 20% ​​will be returned to the Su family.

Of course it's not for free.

This is a matter of friendship and enmity.

In this world, no one is grateful for things that are given for free. Only those who spend money to buy things will be grateful to the person who sells them to them.

These all depend on Wu Shen's abilities. as far as I can tell........

Su Can distributed the shares to the Wu family according to this share ratio. Now none of them are dissatisfied. Instead, they feel that they have made a lot of money and dare not accept it.

They are all a little worried!

Even though this seems to be only a 10% share, the Wu family didn't invest a single penny and it was worth 100,000 yuan.

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