It is also related to the social structure of Meilijian. The middle class needs to pay a lot of taxes, and there are also various insurances. If you don't pay insurance.

A small cold can cost thousands of dollars........

If you call an ambulance, it will cost you thousands of dollars.

As for so-called free medical care. joke.

It is true.

However, you have to queue up. Their doctors are closed on weekends and only see ten or eight people a day, which is a lot. If you have a cold, you have to queue up even to get medicine.

Many people are queuing, queuing, and getting better from a cold.

Some people are seriously ill.

If you line up, you will die.

Unless you buy commercial insurance, you can go to a private hospital, which will be faster. However, the insurance of these private hospitals is safe.

But over the course of a year, the insurance premiums amount to more than 10,000 US dollars.

Plus various taxes........

These middle class people actually don’t have much money left. Once a crisis occurs, they will have no extra money to repay debts.

There is no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

Those debts will be completely cleared, and you will become a homeless person.

As for transferring property, that is almost a felony in America. In our country, people pretend to be divorced in order to avoid debts.

Once the other party is caught, they will be imprisoned for decades.

Not many people dare to do this.

Old castles like Rembert will be repaired every few years, so even if they are very old and have existed for hundreds of years, they can still be inhabited normally.

Soon, the car stopped


The car door opened and Su Can walked out.

Looking at this old castle, Su Can was no stranger to it. The place where the Rembert family is located is also the foundation of their family. But now, in this huge old castle, only Rembert Living.

With the changes of the times, there are not many young people who are willing to live in the castle. It is the older people who are still insisting.

And the young people are willing to live in the castle..........

More like, more exciting, a city full of passion

"Su and Sun have been waiting in the castle for a long time. Do you want to see him tonight?"

Rembert looked at Su Can and said with a trace of expectation.

The Sun he was talking about was naturally Sun Zhengyi.

Sun Zhengyi came more than ten hours earlier than Su Can, and Sun Zhengyi was also Su Can. Among the princes under his command, Su Can had convinced Sun Zhengyi more than 20 years ago.

Sun Zhengyi did not dare to have any evil intentions.

But this time,

Su Can asked Sun Zhengyi to arrive. The sun never sets, giving Sun Zhengyi an opportunity, which can be regarded as improving Sun Zhengyi's status.


Sun Zhengyi has become an upstart rich man in the island country with SoftBank Group, but he Most of his industries are in the financial industry and investment industry.

Although he has a lot of assets, he even became the richest man in the island country.

However, in the island country, the five major chaebols that have existed for hundreds of years are the island country. The truly terrifying existence has almost mastered the core technological power of the island country.

Moreover, they are all high-quality assets..........

Even though Sun Zhengyi's wealth has reached this level, he has always been unpopular in the island country.

Some were even excluded.

If Su Can hadn't secretly helped, Sun Zhengyi wouldn't have had such an easy time.

How could these old island nation plutocrats allow a new plutocrat to emerge? To equally share the entire market they originally occupied.

The emergence of a new chaebol means that the power they control will weaken.

Of course they are not allowed to appear.

Just like Su Can's previous life, there was a young man on Bangzi's side. In just a dozen years, he became the person with the most personal wealth in Bangzi.

However, do you really think that because she has so much wealth, she belongs to a wealthy family? actually not.

Before his properties were listed on the market, he personally visited the major chaebol families in Bangzi and personally asked everyone to meet with them. After those people agreed.

Only then can his company be listed on the market........

Not only that, some of the shares in his company belong to these chaebols. This is because behind him, standing behind him is the Penguin of China.

Without the support of the giant Penguin behind it.

How could the big chaebols of Bangzi allow it to succeed, go public smoothly, and let its wealth reach such a high level?

And those wealthy plutocrats, although they don't look like many, don't have a net worth of tens of billions of dollars or tens of billions of dollars, they are so terrifying.

However, the industries they control are all industries that can influence the world level.

Behind the scenes, there are Meili Jian's chaebols. Their strength cannot be underestimated, and many of their properties are placed in family funds.

These do not fall into the personal net worth, so naturally it is not possible to tell how huge this person's net worth is. most of the time.

It’s not about how huge the person’s net worth is, but more about how much technology and core industries the company has mastered.

Sun Zhengyi's current net worth has reached the richest man in the island country, but he is still suppressed by the five major chaebols of the island country. This is how it is. fortunately.........

Standing behind him was Su Can.

And Su Can doesn't have a good impression of the island country. Over the years, Su Can has continued to take advantage of many of the island country's high-tech industries, leaving the five largest chaebols in the island country in a hurry.

In addition, Su Can took advantage of his rebirth to acquire one of the three major animation weekly magazines in the island country, and then ordered the people there to sign the animations that would become popular in later generations.

Whether it's a sea of ​​dead fire or something else.

They were all brought under Su Can's banner. Over the years, these animations and some games have earned hundreds of billions of dollars in return for Su Can.

And, more.

If these are united, they can become one of the five major chaebols in the island country. This is still a chaebol in the entertainment culture, directly comparable to Sony.

With such power and closeness to Sun Zhengyi, Sun Zhengyi's relationship in the island country gradually improved a lot.

To know.

Even in Su Can's previous life, Sun Zhengyi was much more powerful than in this life. However, after encountering a big crisis, he never turned to the island country's major chaebols.

Instead, he went to Central Asia to seek help from those oil royal families. why is that........

It is because he is at odds with the ancient chaebol families in the island country, and has even been suppressed by those big chaebols. Those big chaebols can't wait for Son Jung-yi's SoftBank to fall.

How could you help?

"You arrange a place for the three of us to chat and implement things. By tomorrow, we can sit firmly on Diaoyutai."Su Can looked at Rembert and said in a calm voice.


Rembert said excitedly, respectfully like a subordinate.

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