As long as he brings that big family he knows into the Freemasonry, won't the other party become a member of his camp?........

By then, his status will skyrocket!

Phil didn't dare to think so.


Mr. Su opened his mouth and gave him the opportunity to bring in a big family. Mr. Su said, no matter what Rembert did, he would not dare to refuse!

I don’t dare to give him a place!

There are still three places left. He doesn't ask for much, as long as he has one.

As for the remaining two places, even if they were both Rembert's, he didn't care. If he wanted one, he would have been satisfied, because it was enough.

If there are too many, something could easily happen..........

Looking at the excited Phil, Su Can smiled slightly.

This was intentional on his part.

Although the current Rembert is extremely loyal to Su Can, the loyalty of the current Rembert lies in the fact that the apparent power gap between him and Su Can is too big.

If one day.

This Rembert's strength is almost the same as Su Can's on the surface. In his heart, there may not be other thoughts born.


By then, he will have mastered most of the strength in the entire Freemasonry.

Then, he would think that he was capable and needed a bigger appetite. Why did he have to give some to Su Can? Su Can got so much without doing anything.

People's hearts will change.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a thing from happening, Su Can gave Rembert a small check and balance before he even thought about it.

Phil is not from Rembert's side, but a person who has completely surrendered to Su Can, so don't worry, Rembert will conquer Phil unless he gives Phil enough benefits.

And these........

Rembert was not qualified to give it.

Su Can is very relieved about Phil, because Phil is not the president of the Freemasonry, and his power, even if it increases, will not be much greater.

It won’t happen without great righteousness.

But he can increase the strength, even if it is just the Phil family united with the big family he recommended, it is not too strong among the other ten Masonic cores.

But it also took away part of the power.


This Sun Zhengyi is still under Su Can. Their three families are Su Can's faction. Even if Rembert gets all the remaining two places.

However, together they are only three big families, and they can only compete with Phil, Sun Zhengyi and another big family at most.

He wants to be the sole leader of the family.

This is almost impossible.

Even if he poached one or two families from Charlie's side by then, no, even if he directly gave them to two families, his strength would only be that of the five major families.........

Among these five major families, on the surface, they are the largest force besides Su Can, but this force, let alone challenge Su Can.

Even in Freemasonry, without Su Can's existence, there is no way to achieve this.

Because Phil and Sun Zhengyi are here, although they are only three major families, Charlie and the others also have four major families!

If Rembert's five major families target one, the other will definitely ally with them. This relationship is like the Three Kingdoms.

As long as it wasn't for one party's power, it would be as terrifying as Su Can is now.

Oh no!

Even if it reaches one-tenth of Su Can's strength.

He cannot suppress the entire Freemasonry by himself.

The current Rembert has not yet reached that level of strength, and naturally does not have that ambition. Looking at Su Can's behavior now, he feels that it is normal.

Su Can gave Phil a spot because of Phil's betrayal of Mater and the others and a heavy blow to Mater and the others.

Phil deserves two.........

And him!

Aren't there still two places left?

Speaking of which, Mr. Su still trusts him even more.

Rembert's expression did not change at all.

Su Can smiled slightly in his heart, as long as there was no change, if Rembert dared to think of those words now and had such a strong desire to control.

Su Can will not give any of these three places to Rembert.

What Su Can wants is a puppet to preside over affairs in the Freemasonry, an agent who stirs up the European capital circle and the Wall Street capital circle.

If this agent is disobedient and wants to eat the owner.


It is not difficult for Su Can to replace one. Even if Rembert and Su Can have cooperated for many years, it is very important in certain key cooperations.

But this little thing is nothing to Su Can.

Even if he throws these things away every year, he doesn't care.

What does this mean?........

"Rembert! Su

Can looked at Rembert and said with a smile:"Phil, you should pay more attention, but you should also recommend some!""

"You are the president of the Freemasonry, and Phil is only a core member. You will have more people to recommend than Phil, so you have to be careful."

Su Can spoke directly and said clearly.

Phil and Rembert knew it well, and they nodded sharply.

"Mr. Su, please rest assured that the two of us will do our best to do this. Phil said excitedly.

Rembert also said with some excitement:"Thank you Mr. Su for your attention. I will definitely try my best to do it, and the people I choose will be seen by Mr. Su.""

"Not only that.

He smiled slightly and said:"I will choose those who have a good impression of China and have some conflicts with Huaer Street.""

Su Can was extremely satisfied after hearing Rembert's words.

This Rembert.........

Still good at doing things.

As expected, he was the first core member of the Freemasonry to cooperate with him, and he boldly pulled himself into his company and became the second largest shareholder. have to say.

This thoughtfulness is even better than Phil's.

If Rembert didn't have independent ambitions, Su Can would never attack Rembert.

Not only that.

It is not impossible for his descendants who can support him to become the president of the Freemasonry one by one.

It depends on how Rembert does it.

He is a smart man. actually!

Su Can thought to himself: Sometimes, some simple checks and balances are not harmful to them, but are very beneficial to them.

Because some ambitions should be had, and some ambitions should not be.........

There's only one reason why it shouldn't be there, because if it is, it's easy to suffer a devastating blow

"As expected of Mr. Rembert, who has been with Mr. Su for the longest time. He has a good grasp of Mr. Su's thoughts. It seems that my candidate must be like this."

Phil rolled his eyes and felt that he had learned another trick. His candidate must be such a person.

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