Today, Ma Xiaoyun has long become the top Internet tycoon in the country. Who could have imagined that the young man who practiced speaking with foreigners by the West Lake would become such a person today.

Even if Zhong Mingqiang is killed, he would not dare to think like this.

Too mysterious........

What a look!

It brings tears to my eyes when I say it!

"Let's go!

Su Can shook his head, smiled helplessly, and said,"Go back!""

He knows Zhong Mingqiang's worries.


At his position, it is not suitable to go into places with too many people. Even if there are a few security guards around him, if someone has been planning for a long time, he may not be able to protect him.

Here he is. Nowadays,

Su Can is no longer himself.

Behind him, there are millions of people, even tens of millions.

Su Can’s industries around the world are huge. Just within the customs, those industries under his There are millions of employees.

It can be said that in China, if you want to become a Fortune 500 company, there is no company that does not cooperate with the industries under Su Can, even if it is not with this company, it is And that family.

Therefore, once something happens to Su Can, the entire business circle will be like an earthquake, and countless people will be affected.

At this age, Su Can is not willful.........

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the third brother would be willful and want to move on. Otherwise, something would easily happen.

That would be a big problem.

Now, the third brother is willing to go back, which can reduce a lot of risks.

If the third brother insists on going, can he stop him?

Even if you give him ten courages, he wouldn't dare to do this!

Turning around, Su Can put his hands on his back, bowed his body slightly several times, and walked back leisurely. It was only that time that they walked down.

Going back is a bit of an uphill climb, but it won’t take too long.

Dare to walk only a few steps

"There are people inside, dead."

"This is a forced demolition!"

"Dead people"

"Dead people"

"People were killed in the demolition"

"Call an ambulance quickly!"

Behind me, where the crowd gathered, there were shouts.

Some were frightened, some were angry, and some were shocked.........

When Su Can heard this, he paused and turned around to look back. He saw a puff of dust flying away from where the crowd gathered, and a building he had just seen suddenly collapsed.


Were people killed in the demolition?

Su Can's expression changed slightly.

As a man of two generations, he certainly knows that in these days and with rapid development, some demolition companies use dirty methods to bully ordinary people because of their money.

There were even cases of people being demolished and killed. these years.

Su Can asked Wang Er, Xu Hengtai, Xu Zhengmao and others who had real estate companies under their control not to allow similar problems to occur when they picked up the property. and.

Most of this kind of thing involves official land acquisition and then selling it to developers, so it actually doesn't have much to do with the real estate developers like Wang Er.

However, Su Qinqian warned Wan that these companies must discuss the demolition issues with the authorities before acquiring land, and must not cause any problems......... otherwise.

Don't worry about this investment.

Of course, not everything goes smoothly in this world, and there are exceptions. One time, Wang Er's company acquired a piece of land, and something went wrong during the demolition.

An old man died due to demolition.

Su Can was abroad at the time. When he heard the news, he took a private plane back directly, pulled Wang Er in front of him, and cursed him a lot.

Everyone under Su Can was frightened when they found out about this. did not expect.

Su Can is serious.

This also made them pay special attention to this matter when acquiring land. did not expect.

Now we meet again

"Mingqiang! Su

Can narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly:"Since you have met me, let's go and have a look!" If we encounter this kind of thing and have the ability to do something that is easy for us, but do nothing, why should we stand so high and make so much money in this life?"

"It's the third brother!"

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang did not object, but looked at Su Can respectfully.

The third brother remained as always, never forgetting his original intention........

This is also the reason why I now respect and admire my third brother. because!

It is not just the third brother who has brought him from the status of an unemployed young man and a small fry to the famous rich man in the country and the reason why he has become a master.

What's more important is the third brother's personality. He has great respect for ordinary people. He will not stand down and look down on all living beings just because their net worth is hundreds of millions of times different from his.

The third brother instead walked among all living beings.

Su Can went to where the crowd gathered.

Zhong Mingqiang followed behind, looking at Su Can's back. He took out his mobile phone and gave a few orders to ask the security guard at the B&B to come down immediately.

Now, there are only a few people around Third Brother.

If this matter is involved.

If there is a conflict, the few people around him may not be able to protect the third brother. They came down for a walk this time, and the third brother did not bring many people with him. fortunately!

It takes less than five minutes to drive down from the mountain.

Time goes very quickly.........

Soon, the received voice came from Zhong Mingqiang's mobile phone.

Su Can walked forward, walked about a hundred meters, and came to the place where the crowd gathered. Although there were countless people gathered on the three floors inside and outside.

However, Su Can still saw what was inside from the outside.

Several two-story buildings had collapsed, and next to them was an excavator. Next to the excavator, a sixty-year-old man and a young man in his twenties were holding rocks and trying to hit the excavator with sad and angry faces..

Then, he was knocked to the ground by several big men covered in tattoos.

A young man in his thirties, wearing a brand name and a safety helmet, looked disdainfully at the father and son who were knocked to the ground.

Su Can heard what happened from the voices of the people around him.

The father and son were the owners of the two-story building in front of them that had been demolished. Because they were unwilling to demolish it, they resisted the developer to the end. result.

Today, the developer came to demolish it. The father and son, as well as the son's mother, blocked the door and refused to allow the demolition.........

But they were pulled out by people from the demolition company. Just when they were about to demolish the house, the mother of the family of three ran into the house. At that moment, the house collapsed.

People are also buried inside.

If a two-story building like this collapsed, the people inside would probably be gone.

The father and son were so distraught that they wanted to smash the excavator, but they were beaten to the ground by the demolition company, and the family lay helpless.

The onlookers expressed their pity one after another.

But no one dared to speak out.

There are not just a few people in the demolition company, but more than twenty people.

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