As the car headed towards Sujia Village, Su Can was surprised to find that the road leading to Sujia Village had a completely new look.

It used to be a shabby path, but now it has drastically changed........

"Is this road newly built? Why is it so good!"

Su Can turned around and returned to the car, looked at the old village chief and said

"Yes, Mr. Su!"

After hearing Su Can's words, the old village chief straightened up and said with a smile:"Since the wig factory was established in our village, the city has built a road from our village to the city."

"This road is all paved road! Some counties do not have such a road, but only our Sujia Village has one."

Having said this, the old village chief was full of pride.......

Su Can nodded slightly, understanding.

Today, the Bazaar Wig Factory in Sujia Village is considered an important enterprise in the city, earning tens of millions of foreign exchange from exports every year.

In the next few decades, this would really be nothing, just a small small business in a city.

It won't attract much attention at all......

However, in this era, a company in the city may be a state-owned enterprise with a market value of more than one or two billion.

However, there are absolutely few companies that can earn US$10 million in foreign exchange for the country a year, and only Bazaar Wig Factory.

In the city, it is an absolute star company, a company that everyone envies. It is normal to build such a road.

"Except for this road, many roads in our village have been hardened. Good guys, they are all covered with cement dozens of centimeters thick."

The old village chief continued to talk excitedly. Next to Su Can, he felt like he had endless things to say and wanted to report the changes in Sujia Village to Su Can.

He knew that the changes in Sujia Village were all brought about by Su Can. , it can also be said that he single-handedly created today's Sujia Village.

Su Can did not appear impatient. Even when he heard the old village chief talking about the pros and cons of the village, Su Can showed an expression of relish.

Of course, this was not him. He was polite, but he felt sincerely happy and excited about the changes in Sujiacun.........

Bringing a village to prosperity with his own hands, no matter what Su Can said, it was a very happy thing, and at least it changed the fate of many people.

Seeing that Su Can was not impatient, the old village chief breathed a sigh of relief and continued:"Now, in Sujia Village, every door of every household has a cement road. It's not like before, when it rains, you can't walk on the road. It was all mud and water, but now it’s clean and spotless"

"In addition, there are also deep drainage ditches dug. By the way, Director Huang said that if this was in the city, this kind of drainage ditch would be called sewer."

"Not to mention, these are very good. The water that everyone usually uses is drained into the ditch, then flows into a dug pond, and then flows out into another pond."

"That factory director Huang said, this is to protect the environment or something. I couldn’t understand it anyway, but it was really magical!"

"The water we used was very dirty when flushed out, but after passing through several fish ponds, the water that came out became very clear!"......

Su Can learned intermittently from the old village chief that many changes in Sujia Village were in the direction of joy.

The construction of Sujia Village was also done according to what Su Can said, such as the several ponds for purifying domestic water.

It was all built by Su Can and Xu Zhengmao.......

The purpose is to prevent the villagers' domestic water from polluting the entire newly built villagers' villas.

Because Su Can knew that even though he didn't have much water for personal life, over time, the area around the villa could easily turn into a smelly ditch.

In this case, villas originally built for villagers to improve their living conditions have become houses in smelly ditches.

Living in a house like this is simply disgusting......

Who doesn’t want to live in a good living environment, although many people in this era don’t have that awareness yet.

But that's something people haven't experienced yet. If they live in a good environment, if someone secretly discharges domestic sewage, turning the surrounding area into a smelly ditch.

Needless to say, the villagers would probably beat him up. If he couldn't live in a good living environment, he had to live in a smelly ditch.

What's wrong?......

Su Can was very satisfied that Xu Zhengmao was able to do what he said without cutting corners at all.

You know, Xu Zhengmao has everything on his plate, and he still put so much thought into Sujiacun, which shows that he regards Su Can's words as an ancient imperial edict.

He did what Su Can said without reservation. Su Can could feel his thoughts and was very satisfied with it.

"Lao Xu is still very capable."

Su Can said secretly in his heart.

Fortunately, this sentence was said in the car, and Xu Zhengmao was not beside him. If Xu Zhengmao was beside Su Can. After hearing Su Can's words, Xu Zhengmao would definitely go crazy with joy. Got it......

Maybe, I will be happy for several days and giggle every day.

The car was driving on the highway, and on the smooth asphalt road, the car drove very fast and there was no feeling of bumps.

That is to say, the road leading to Sujiacun is like this. If you go to other counties or something, it is estimated that even if it is an asphalt road, it will be in dilapidated condition.

The new road here is as smooth as in later generations.

This is what will happen after people’s living standards improve! How could there be such a road anywhere else?

After driving for a while, Su Can was surprised to find a minibus coming from the opposite direction with a sign on it that it was going from the city to Sujiacun.

This surprised Su Can.....

"Old village chief, have all the minibuses in the city opened to Sujia Village?"Su Can asked with some surprise.

You know, in this era of inconvenient transportation, some towns do not have direct minibuses to the city!

Generally, if you want to go to the city, you have to go You can only take it from the county seat, and you need to transfer, but Sujiacun has a direct bus to the city.

"Yes, Mr. Su! The old village chief said with a proud smile:"This minibus was opened at the end of last year. With this bus, it will be convenient for us to go to the city.""

"Don't tell me, after the road is repaired and there are minibuses, there are eight villages in these ten miles, or maybe other villages or towns in the entire county. Who doesn't envy our Sujia Village!" ps please subscribe please subscribe

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