Chapter 1029 : Cursing wars in various languages!

Because of an announcement, the official player forum of Dream Entertainment, there has been a grand occasion of cursing wars in various languages.

Xia Guo’s players, using the “noble” first-sequence operation language, that is, Xia Guo’s Mandarin, cursing the little devils of Wosanguo, humiliating the little devils for not understanding the first-order operation language.

The players of the Wosan Kingdom immediately counterattacked, indicating that the second sequence of operation language is the result of the compromise of dream entertainment, and it has more meaning for victory.

The players of the free country also provoked the players of the Soviet fighting nation, and even the players of the Lanxi Kingdom and the Will Kingdom were brutally attacked by the English-speaking players.

For the chaos in the forum, Chu Hao not only did not stop, on the contrary, there was a laissez-faire push.

Brave World is about to open beta test, the more the players make a fuss, the better, and the deeper the contradiction between each other, the better. Only when the contradictions of the players are deepened, and after the world of brave is opened, they will fight!

“Boom boom boom boom~”

Nokia’s classic mobile phone ringing, Mu Shuang called, Chu Hao answered the phone with a smile, and said first: “Mu Shuang, now I am a little happy in my heart/”?”

After Chu Hao saw through the cautious thinking, Mu Shuang confessed openly, “Huh! Even if you handled it properly! Those nasty players from the Wosan Kingdom should be defined as second-class players!”

“Mu Shuang, you can’t say such things outside!” Chu Hao exhorted. Mu Shuang is now in charge of all subsidiaries of Mirui Technology. If some tabloid reporters learn about the gossip news, I am afraid the second Tian will report all kinds of negative news against Mu Shuang.

Chu Hao is not afraid of negative news, but is afraid of Mu Shuang being hurt.

“Do you think I’m as stupid as you?” Mu Shuang retorted, “Chu Hao, players have been asking a question recently, what is the charging method in our Brave World?”

In 2007, the free system of online games did not last long, and the reputation was not as bad as that in the future, and even the reputation of free online games was not bad.

The original purpose of Brave World was to make money. Naturally, it is impossible to simply charge game card fees like WOW.

To put it in a nasty sentence, a little bit of money from a card is considered a sling?

woW has a large group of game players, but it is not the most profitable online game. The most profitable online game crown was won by CF, known as the “No. 1 FPS Game in the Universe”!

CF is just a “free” game, why can it win huge profits?

That’s because of various paid items!

Brave World also has to follow the CF route, with a free game environment and paid game props.

“~Mu Shuang, the operation method of Brave World, I plan to use a free game environment. That is to say, any player can play the game with zero consumption.” Chu Hao said hehe.

Mu Shuang doesn’t believe that Chu Hao is so kind!

“Chu Hao, do you have any other ideas?” Mu Shuang asked curiously. In Mu Shuang’s cognition, Chu Hao is indeed not proficient in company management, but some of his ideas are very advanced.

It’s a pity that Mu Shuang will never know that Chu Hao’s advanced ideas are only the memory of the future.

Chu Hao briefly described the basic situation of free games, “We can make some paid props, such as paid versions of various equipment.”

“Charging equipment is handled in a special mode, so that the durability of the equipment can only be reduced and cannot be repaired.

“In this way, the fairness of the game can be balanced, and the equipment can be quickly consumed, so that the player does not want to buy more equipment after purchasing one piece of equipment.”.

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