Chapter 184 : Secretly copied the other side’s lair!

The Rock Firewall, as an epoch-making product developed by Chu Hao, integrates many advanced concepts in later generations. It is still a very advanced product in the 2006 era.

Last time, Chu Hao managed to escape with the help of the Rock Firewall and ACCESS’s first-class broiler.

When the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs faced the Rock Firewall again, when they quickly discovered the characteristics of the Rock Firewall, their new and old hatreds came out in an instant!

The other party is indeed Mr. M!

Shiharu Oda, head of the First Security Expert Team, International Intelligence Agency, Cyber ​​Security Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said loudly: “Mr. M’s position has been determined. Twenty-seven reserve teams will join the battle! This time, we will adopt a rotation method. Four hours of uninterrupted tracking of Mr. M! His firewall, we have already wiped it out, and we can take it apart soon!”

The core server of the Self-Defense Force is not an advanced server. Chu Hao connects the No. 2 server to form a cluster server to support the operation of endless defense.

Chu Hao knows that the Rock Firewall can only block for a moment, not for long at all!

Controlling the core server of the Self-Defense Forces, with the performance of the supercomputer Yan, Chu Hao reversely hacked into the computer of a security expert from the International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and established a temporary connection.

‘The waste materials of the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs do not pose any threat to me! I will face you head-on today and see how you can do it!’-Mr. M

In the Cyber ​​Security Department of the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an expert from the second group said loudly: “Group leader, my computer was hacked by Mr. M “~!”

The leader of the second group, the watermelon pufferfish, immediately stood up and approached the security expert who was shouting. Shiharu Oda, the leader of the first group, also walked over to check the specific situation.

Seeing Mr. M’s provocation, Oda Shiharu was not only not angry, but laughed: “Good, good! I only hope that this Mr. M can really head on with us! Everyone, give me crazy offense!”

Under the joint attack of the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 12 official security expert teams, and 27 preliminary expert teams, the Rock Firewall only persisted for less than a minute before it was suspended!

A large amount of data flow caused the rock firewall to be penetrated, and then the internal function was eroded by the virus, turning it into an empty shell.

Shiharu Oda looked at the defense of the Rock Firewall and had been compromised. He suddenly shouted: “Mr. M’s defense has been compromised, work harder, we are going to catch him today!

However, when they thought there was no defense, a large number of access links were directly rejected. Twelve formal security expert teams, 27 preliminary expert teams, and a total of 370 security experts were directly rejected by the endless defense.

Chu Hao leaves a message on the port of the server, and any other computer user who accesses this port will receive the message.

‘I’ll sit here personally and let you see what is called a peak-level hacker on the top of the world (money money)! Don’t think that if you have a large number of people, you can pose a threat to me!’–Mr. M

The reason why Chu Hao said that he had to head-on two times in a row was because he needed to use endless defenses to hold down the entire International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Last time I ate the head of the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chu Hao planned to attack the home of the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs this time. When they came to round up themselves, they secretly copied the other side’s nest!

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