Chapter 251 : Make a fortune in silence!

With a superb level in the dark night, in the JFS internal network, it only takes less than half a minute. It was discovered by the JFS internal early warning system that there was a problem with his identity authentication information!

The JFS internal network silently notified the Cyber ​​Security Department and let the security experts of the Cyber ​​Security Department handle it.

Shiharu Oda, the leader of the first safety team, was irritated by Mr. M. After receiving the news from the internal early warning system, Shiharu Oda immediately brought security experts from the entire Cyber ​​Security Department. Round up the people of the Dark Night Dynasty!

When the internal early warning system is triggered. Chu Hao already knew the situation, but Chu Hao waited patiently, waiting for the guys from the Dark Night Dynasty and JFS security experts to fight on the JFS~ internal network.

The power displayed by the Dark Night Dynasty is very strange, Chu Hao guessed where the Dark Night Dynasty might come from. Strong foreign aid was invited. Just take this opportunity to test the true strength of the Dark Night Dynasty.

Shiharu Oda led a team of twelve formal security experts to round up the personnel of the Dark Night Dynasty. Twenty-seven preparatory security expert groups began to track the relevant personnel of the Dark Night Dynasty.

Formal Security Expert Panel. Entangling the offensive personnel of the Dark Night Dynasty, so that they can not get out of their bodies to process the recorded information; and the preparation of the security expert team, tracking the personnel of the Dark Night Dynasty.

Combining the two forces, this is a trend to catch them all!

From the JFS internal network, Chu Hao found out that the Dark Night Dynasty and JFS security experts had fought, and immediately proceeded to the confidential information server.

Since there has been a fight over there, the JFS internal network is in various chaos. Chu Hao took the opportunity to intercept the alarm system of the confidential information server so that the confidential information server could not report to the Ministry of Network Security.

Under normal circumstances, cutting off the alarm system will also cause an alarm. But at this moment, all kinds of chaos inside JFS, and Chu Hao is well prepared, successfully blocked the confidential information server’s alarm system.

In addition to the dark night of the seven people of the Dark Night Dynasty, the remaining six have erupted with great fighting power. In the JFS internal network, under very unfavorable circumstances, they actually succeeded in constructing a temporary system.

This temporary system, like a country in a country, successfully blocked the attack of JFS security experts in the six-man team led by Y and D, and also protected the dark night.

……For flowers………

Dark night has become a burden at this moment!

Not only that, Dark Night also attempted to attack JFS’s security experts, almost crashing the temporary network composed of six people including Y and D.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.

Dark night is a teammate like a pig!

Chu Hao didn’t mind paying attention to the battle between Dark Night Dynasty and JFS. He entered the confidential information server, led by the supercomputer Yan, and formed a cluster server to scan the confidential information server system.


Chu Hao analyzes the confidential information server system, looking for vulnerabilities he is familiar with. As a reborn person, Chu Hao has many unreleased vulnerabilities in his hands.

As for why Chu Hao does not use these loopholes to make money, such as blackmailing Microsoft, for such behavior, Chu Hao can only say that it is brain damage!

Blackmail Microsoft?

Take the initiative to find death, right?

Microsoft has a close relationship with Li Jian. If Chu Hao dares to blackmail with fanfare, he might be invited by Cai to drink tea, talk about life, and exchange ideals.

Chu Hao just wants to make a fortune in silence now, and doesn’t want to attract too much attention. At.

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