Chapter 290 :leave!

Chu Hao never had a good impression of the country that tried to deny the past!

NHK, as the court station of the Wasang country, is like CCAV’s status in the Xia country. The news they report is basically certified by the government. Except for the reports that discredit Xia Guo, the others are basically true.

After more than two days of statistics on the loss of the earthquake in Kanagawa Prefecture this time, there has been a preliminary result.

Chu Hao clicked on the news titled “Kanagawa Prefecture Earthquake Loss Public Report”. This is a public report, basically without any hidden information.

After all, Wosan State allows private media companies. The five private TV stations are not much weaker than NHK TV. All kinds of news information, even if NHK TV conceals it, the five private TV stations will broadcast unceremoniously.

On December 20th, at 20:02 in the evening, 237 Kanagawa Prefecture in the capital region, at 35.2 degrees north latitude and 139.3 degrees east longitude, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 on the Richter scale broke out!’

‘Due to the wrong forecast made by the Tokyo Metropolitan Earthquake Prediction Agency, the metropolitan area failed to make reasonable arrangements. So far, 102,398 people have been confirmed dead, 32,975 people are missing, and 305,231 people have been injured. 642,342 houses were damaged, 3,086,19 were severely damaged, and 2,842,100 were burned. The fire caused a burnt area of ​​138.3 square kilometers. ”

“Yokohama City burned an area of ​​13 square kilometers, and 84% of the houses were destroyed. The tsunami caused by the earthquake. The highest wave reached 12 meters, causing more than a thousand people to be missing!’

*The magnitude 7.9 earthquake in Kanagawa Prefecture caused direct economic losses of more than 300 billion U.S. dollars, and the indirect losses cannot be calculated!’

‘The cabinet government has once again increased the amount of rewards for earthquake hackers EQ. Anyone who provides clues about EQ hacking can get a reward of up to 1 billion U.S. dollars!’

Looking at the disaster situation in Wosang Country, Chu Hao was expressionless, as if all this was not caused by him.

After reading the full report, Chu Hao showed a cold face and muttered to himself: “Death to one person is a tragedy. One hundred thousand deaths is just a statistic! Humph, 1 billion U.S. dollars, it makes me want to sell myself! ”

Wasang was hit so hard, the whole world extended a helping hand to Wasang, including Xia Guo. Medical assistance and material (cdda) rescue were also provided.

This is the state-to-state communication. Openly and secretly, I can’t wait for the entire Wasang country. It is best to sink all into the sea. But on the face of it, I still want to say that I am very sad about your experience, and you should thank me for giving you something.

Chu Hao couldn’t help but control the second server and entered the network of Lijian country. A message was posted on the official website of the famous CNN news network in Lican country. The reason why CNN is in the Lican country is to induce the Wasang country to give them a wrong message. Think that EQ hackers are a strong national.

‘Watsang’s bitch from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice, don’t you want to catch me? I think you might as well give me a billion dollars, and I promise not to harass you in the future!’–EQ

In the last two days, media all over the world have paid close attention to the “earthquake hacker” EQ. Originally the title of earthquake hacker belonged to Mr. M, but at this moment this crown has been picked by EQ.

CNN was invaded by EQ. Instead of regaining the authority, EQ’s messages were deleted. Instead, EQ’s messages were broadcast on their official website. This is a trust in CNN’s communication capabilities.

I have to say that sometimes, foreigners have strange ideas!

After Chu Hao left a message, he immediately flashed. Don’t flash people waiting to be tracked?.

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