Chapter 297 : All are listed as suspects!

But as Chu Hao left a message in the earthquake prediction agency, after being found on the hard drive, the watermelon mountain pufferfish was suspected of being associated with EQ, which is a serious private law!

Although both belong to dereliction of duty, negligence of duty and selfish violation of the law are totally different charges. If the Kanagawa earthquake happened this time, if it is negligence of duty, it may be sentenced to life imprisonment. If it is for favoritism, it is definitely a death sentence of “two or four zero”!

Shiharu Oda took a report and walked into Kurai Jonari’s office. He carefully locked the office door before handing the report to Kurai Jonari.

“Director, the owner of the IP address that the hacker EQ finally connected to has been found, but” Shiharu Oda did not continue, but handed the report to Kurai Jiharu.

Kurai Erbo picked up the report and read it quickly and carefully. In the front of the report, there are some picture evidence, recording the connection IP address of the hacker EQ.

After turning to the last page, Kurai Ermo looked at the final report, his face suddenly hard to look.

The IP address that Chu Hao left in the last broiler server in Li Jian country at the beginning directly pointed to the FBI of Li Jian country. Originally, the three major cybersecurity agencies of the Worsang Country had unanimously guessed that it was just Chu Hao’s trick.

Because this principle is very simple, even if the FBI is really messing with it, can they use the FBI’s internal IP address?

It is impossible to use the FBI’s IP address if you want to start with Wosan Nation!

Originally, the clues were interrupted when they arrived here, but Shiharu Oda had a new eye, and he continued to arrange personnel to investigate. Although the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not as powerful as CIIA or FBI, their power is not bad, and there are intelligence personnel in foreign countries.

After Oda Zhichun used the relevant intelligence personnel of Liken Country with his own authority, he finally investigated the FBI’s IP address and who the owner is!

The FBI is divided into eleven major departments. Eleven assistant directors are in charge and directly accountable to the FBI director.

The EQ finally connected to the IP address investigated by Shiharu Oda was one of the FBI’s assistant directors in charge of the Cybercrime Department. Although Oda Zhiharu was very surprised by this result, he was not too surprised.

Because, Shiharu Oda knows one of the great secrets!

Before joining JFS, Shiharu Oda was actually a hacker, and a very powerful hacker. He later fell in love with him, so he abandoned the shameful profession of hackers and chose to become a glorious cyber security. expert!

During the period of being a hacker. Shiharu Oda learns a great secret. This secret is hardly known.

Kurai Jonori put down the report, “Oda, is there anything wrong with this report? The EQ’s final connection IP address points to the FBI’s Assistant Director of Cybercrime. This is obviously a trap!”

Shiharu Oda didn’t speak, but picked up the gel pen on the desk of Kuraijimoorori. On a piece of paper. Started to write.

‘Minister, is your office environment safe? I mean, is there an eavesdropping 3.0 device?’

Cangjing Erbo nodded, and also picked up the pen and began to write.

“There are eavesdroppers. We communicate real things in text, but we need to say something to paralyze eavesdroppers!’

After the earthquake in Kanagawa Prefecture, the entire Cyber ​​Security Department. They are all listed as suspected targets, including Kurai Nitora, and they are all monitored. .

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