Chapter 803 : Super administrator!

“Sir, you are the super administrator!” Izuel said without hesitation. On the display, the code for judging Chu Hao’s identity through the comprehensive dynamic recognition engine was displayed.

Chu Hao was happy in his heart. From the computer desk, he picked up his mobile phone and car keys, ready to go out to test Izuel. Not only test Izuel’s function, but also test Izuel’s advanced learning modules and advanced logical thinking modules.

Putting on the Bluetooth headset, Chu Hao stood in the elevator and said, “Can you see me?”

“Yes, Sir.” At the same time, Yizuer replied and sent a picture to Chu Hao’s mobile phone. It was Chu Hao standing in the elevator. There was a camera on the top of the elevator and it was connected to the police station in Shuangqing City. There are 24 networks, so it was monitored by Izuel.

The elevator goes directly to the underground garage, and the underground garage is also equipped with a monitoring system. Izual can naturally find Chu Hao.

Chu Hao knew the camera in the underground garage. He didn’t bother to ask if Izuel could see him, and walked straight to the white Porsche Cayenne.

But he had just taken a step, and Izuel’s voice sounded in the Bluetooth headset.

“Sir, please stop.”

Chu Hao was a little unclear, so he asked, “Why?”

“Sir, stop walking!” Izuel’s tone was eager.

Chu Hao stopped, and when he was about to ask Izuel why, a black car passed by Chu Hao and almost hit Chu Hao!

The black car clearly did not pass the reversing technology, plus the driver’s hands and feet, if Chu Hao hadn’t stopped just now, he would be hit by the black car.

Chu Hao patted his heart beating violently and at high speed, calmed down, and asked, “Izuel, is this why you stopped me?”

“Yes, Sir, the situation is critical just now and I can’t explain more to you because it will delay the time. Judging from the camera information, if you just don’t stop, the chance of being hit by a black car is as high as 99%!”

Chu Hao took a look at the camera in the underground garage, then looked at the black car that was leaving the underground garage, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

‘Is this the power of Izuel?’.

In the underground garage of the tenth building of Jingyayuan, Izual reminded Chu Hao through the camera to prevent Chu Hao from being harmed.

Using human thinking to understand Izuel’s behavior in reminding Chu Hao may seem sparse and ordinary, but in fact, it is quite difficult for a computer system to do this!

From the camera shooting to the situation of the black car, the software analyzes the movement trajectory of the black car, combined with Chu Hao’s forward direction, and finally calculates that the black car will hit Chu Hao and give Chu Hao a hint.

The entire process requires very powerful image analysis capabilities, as well as excellent program artificial intelligence to be possible.


Chu Hao got into the driver’s seat of the white Porsche Cayenne, started the car’s engine, and drove out of Jingyayuan.

The white Porsche Cayenne entered Shuangqing University from the back door of Shuangqing University on the back street and came to the library of Shuangqing University.

In the library of Shuangqing University, I entered with my student ID card. Chu Hao happened to have no student ID card. Standing in front of the library, Chu Hao scratched his head and muttered to himself: “Where did the student ID go? !”

In the Bluetooth headset, Izuel’s cold voice came, “Sir, do I need to hack the library’s monitoring system?”

At the front entrance of the library, a camera was facing Chu Hao, and Izual passed this camera. Discovered Chu Hao. ,

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