Chapter 831 : Twelve Steel Ships are here!

The cruise speed of the Steel is 220 kilometers per hour, for a total range of 970 kilometers, it takes about 260 minutes of flight time.

The minimum fuel remaining for the twelve steel aircraft exceeds 90%, calculated according to the design dead time of 300 minutes. Then you can stay in the air for at least 270 minutes.

The design stagnation time is the full load of the reference steel, which means that the steel is equipped with four flying arrow series missiles. Today, the Steel is not equipped with missiles, the quality of the whole machine has been reduced by more than 100kg, the fuel consumption of the engine will be reduced a lot, and the time spent in the air will be further increased.

Therefore, the twelve steel number can reach the Lin’an underground base.

On the screen of the No. 1 server, Chu Hao checked the calculation plan listed by Izuelro before ordering: “Suspend the execution of the command. At ten o’clock in the evening, execute the command again!”

It only takes more than four hours for the Steel to fly from Mang Cai City to the Lin’an underground base. Chu Hao chose to let the Steel fly back in the dead of night. You can avoid being discovered as much as possible.

After all, Izuel marked the route on the display. It’s basically barren mountains and ridges. Could it be that in those places, there are still people in the field in the middle of the night?

At noon, Chu Hao grabbed his mobile phone and went out together with the car key. In the elevator, Chu Hao called Li Guai and prepared to ask Li Guai to eat together.

“Hey. Little Lizi, have dinner together at noon!” After the call was connected, Chu Hao directly stated his purpose.

Guess Li gave a weird smile, “Brother Chu. I’m sorry, but I’m not free at noon today. I made a tomato soup bone soup, and I am going to send it to Ruoyun!”

“I’m pooh!” Chu Hao smiled and cursed, “Little plum, do you know how to cook?” Chu Hao knew very well that Li guessed that this kid could not cook. As for the advanced technique of boiling soup, if Li guessed it, Chu Hao would dare Bet to eat the keyboard!

“Brother Chu, don’t underestimate people! I recently learned recipes on the Internet and tried it nearly 20 times, and I finally got a pot of satisfactory work! Quack, Brother Chu, if you want to grab a woman’s heart, you must first Grab the woman’s stomach!” Li guessed the content of the love book.

Chu Hao secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he didn’t say the bet to eat the keyboard. For Li Guai, he actually learned to make soup. Chu Hao just wanted to say that the power of love is so great, so that an engineering and technical man who does not know cooking at all becomes an incarnation. Family cooking man!

………For flowers…

“Okay, little plum, good luck!” After Chu Hao finished speaking, he hung up the phone and could only go to the backstreet to eat alone.

In a high-end restaurant in the back street of Shuangqing University, Chu Hao vented his anger, ordered a table of dishes, and ate at will.


After eating until one o’clock in the afternoon, I checked out and left and drove to Cuihu Building.

In the small square outside the Green Lake Building, Xie Hui of Dream Entertainment is arranging the personnel of the adjudicating security company to maintain order on the scene.

Mu Feng, a super player in Shuangqing City, at the beginning of the group posting, only more than two hundred people were determined to participate, but after Dream Entertainment announced the arrangement of player activities, it said that the number of participants has increased sharply.

In particular, Dream Entertainment announced that ten lucky players will be rewarded with the invitation code for the Brave World closed beta, allowing more players to indicate that they want to participate in the event.

As for these players, it is really difficult to define whether these players are players in the world of the brave. They only have the ultra-high value of the invitation code for the world of braves, right? Xi.

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