Chapter 939 : The enemy of the enemy is a friend!

The temporary encrypted voice communication channel was suspended, and Izuer quickly cleared all traces.

In a humble apartment in the far free country, a young man quickly picked up a backpack, put a black plastic box into the backpack, and then quickly left the apartment.

When the young man left the apartment for only five minutes at most, four black cars suddenly drove downstairs. In the car, some people are holding sight glasses, monitoring the entire apartment building.

Xia Guo, Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District, Jingya Garden.

Chu Hao bit his lower lip. He was thinking about how to help CPXJazz. The two of them have a common enemy and can form an alliance to fight the Angel Council together. Coupled with CPXJazz’s strong technical strength, Chu Hao is determined to rescue him!

It’s just that how should we save it? This is a very serious problem!

When Chu Hao was still thinking about how to rescue CPXJazz, the phone on the computer desk suddenly rang.

The caller ID is a secret phone number, but Chu Hao knew who was calling. After pressing the answer button, Chu Hao held the phone in his right hand and kept a distance from his ear.

“Chu Hao! When will the land combat system be completed? Your kid said so vowedly at the beginning, and it will be completed within fifteen days. How long is it now? It’s almost a month! Your kid needs a gun license, and I will give it without saying a word. You are. But what about the land combat system you promised me?” He Zhenbang’s roar came from the telephone receiver.

A helpless look appeared on Chu Hao’s face. After He Zhenbang’s roar was over, Chu Hao coughed twice and responded, “Commander Ho, can I blame me for this matter?”

“Why don’t you blame you? Who promised to complete it in 15 days? Did I say it?” He Zhenbang said angrily.

In fact, what really annoyed He Zhenbang was that the anti-terrorism peacekeeping force in Xifan Province once again suffered relatively serious battle damage. It is for this reason that He Zhenbang is irritated.

“Commander He, at the Lin’an underground base, I can’t come up with a hardware design plan that meets my requirements for the time being. What can I do?” Chu Hao sighed. He was telling the truth. There was no hardware plan that met his requirements. Time.

“Since they can’t make a plan that you are satisfied with, then you will personally give it to me! Chu Hao, I won’t be joking with you, I will give you another half a month, at the latest on March 15th, I want to see the land The prototype of the combat system. If you can’t do it, don’t blame me for taking back the gun license!” He Zhenbang issued the final notice.

Chu Hao thought to himself, and put forward his own terms, “~ Commander Ho, I can promise you. but. I need your Rongcheng Military Region’s guarantee that the experimental materials and parts we need, and your Rongcheng Military Region’s supply, must be able to keep up!

“No problem! When will your kid go to the Lin’an underground base? I will send a plane to pick you up.” He Zhenbang said in a breath.

“Tomorrow! At one o’clock tomorrow afternoon, I will be waiting at the Luoyushan training ground.” Chu Hao responded that today, we need to find a way to rescue CPXJazz.

“Okay! That’s it! If your kid doesn’t go to Lin’an underground base tomorrow, then wait for me to send someone to Shuangqing City to catch you!” He Zhenbang said half-jokingly and half-threateningly, and hung up the phone.

Chu Hao put down the phone and asked Izuel: “Our broiler network. What is the maximum computing performance that can be achieved?”.

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