Chapter 142

Chapter: I have a bad mentality, let me know more about the China exam (seeking subscription, fifth more)

Chen Fan came to the stage. This farce requires Chen Fan to end it. Others say that it won’t work.

The reason why Chen Fan was on the stage was because Jack’s teacher was begging Chen Fan, and Chen Fan saw his teacher’s shadow.

If it’s wrong, it’s okay, so let’s talk in private, but on the table, we have to do our best to maintain the safety of our students.

“Actually, about this matter, I think there is nothing incomprehensible, because the mathematics award is very attractive.”

“I’m here to say that I am actually not interested in mathematics awards, do you believe it or not?”

Qiu Hua sighed helplessly, and said, “Chen Fan’s pretense is becoming more and more adept.”


Chen Fan took the Mike and looked at the crowd very seriously, and said, “My principle may be different from yours about the proof. I like to refine the proof. Mathematical relay has always been the tradition of mathematics. , I also like this kind of mathematical propositions with history, because I can see everyone’s efforts.”

“Any effort needs to prove the efforts of the predecessors, because it is the precipitation of time, so it is recognized by everyone. Everyone will make mistakes, and great mathematicians will make mistakes. I will make mistakes too. This is beyond doubt. Yes, it’s just that I hate people who leave after half of their studies.”

“My courses, my student shooting, video, I will not stop, because, I don’t care, these things, I can say, I don’t care.”

“It’s unrealistic to not learn to understand. From my teacher, I understand that the teacher who teaches me will not teach me everything and needs to guide me to understand.”

Chen Fan looked at Jack in the audience and said: “As for someone telling me, let me say a few words, take care of your self-esteem or something, I think, this is the education system. In our country, we have been there since ancient times. To understand a truth, if you learn something, you have to let go of your dignity. You are learning, and what you learn is the ability to eat. If you still retain your dignity, then I also reserve the right not to teach. ’

“As for the blow, mentality, I think this is easy to solve, just take more exams in our China, which is the most exercise mentality, just your mentality, I even think that you are ridiculous, this little thing, also Is it worth caring about?”

“Someone also told me, don’t put yourself too high every time, in case you can’t finish it, it’s miserable. What I want to say is, even if I fail, I won’t even be sad, but rather happy. Because I was wrong, it shows that I still have room for improvement. I will be grateful for those who accused me of my mistakes, instead of hiding in the arms of the teacher and asking for sweets like a child who has not grown up.”

Chen Fan handed the microphone to the host and said, “After that, how big a shit is that you made a mistake? This is something that an individual will make mistakes. There is something, genius, there is no shortage in this era. Take a closer look, there will always be geniuses, and resources are tilted on one person. This is the most troublesome thing.”

Chen Fan walked off the stage.

The scene was quiet, and no one was thinking about Chen Fan himself when he was only sixteen years old.

Everyone was shocked by Chen Fan’s philosophy.

There was no intention to stop after applause.

The host was very in control of the meeting, and quickly changed the topic and transferred out the contradictions on the scene. As for the follow-up thorough investigation of Jack, this is necessary.

Whether it can come out or not is the child’s business.

It has nothing to do with others.

I can’t get out because I have no abilities.

Society is like this. If you can’t bear it, don’t study mathematics and physics.

You know, the risks that Chen Fan took at the beginning were beyond the imagination of others.

The host started talking about the award-giving staff, and when it came to Chen Fan, Chen Fan walked onto the stage.

Stand in front of everyone.

Holding the trophy.

This trophy deserves its name, and there is no doubt at all.

“Actually, I didn’t really want to solve so many math problems, but someone told me at the beginning that maybe I was not stable enough, I think, then I just continue to work hard~…”

“It solved the subsequent conjectures. Of course, there are so many problems, and there are many classification standards for mathematics awards. I hope everyone will work hard. There will always be a time when you win awards.”

Chen Fan coughed and said: “After the Fermat’s Last Theorem was proved from Newton College in Cambridge on June 23, 1993, the world media covered the good news.

But at this moment, the mathematics community is very calm and clearly pointed out that the argument needs to be carefully reviewed, because how many times in history the proof was announced but was later verified to be wrong. Wiles’ proof was divided into 6 parts to be reviewed by 6 people. The third part, which was in charge of Katz, found that there were serious defects in the structure of the Euler system, which made the Kolivagin-Fletcher method not correct. It applies, and Wiles can’t do anything about it. In December 1993, Wiles publicly admitted that there was a problem, but said that it would be corrected soon.

For a time Wiles’ proof was considered to be another example of the wrong proof by Lame, Cauchy, Lebesgue, and Ribet (Riebet also claimed to prove the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture) in history.

In January 1994, Wiles invited Cambridge University lecturer Richard Taylor to Princeton to help him improve the Kolivakin-Fletcher method to solve the problem, but the problem was not solved for 8 months. Taylor was going to return to Cambridge in another month. Then Wiles officially announced the manuscript and admitted that the proof failed. On September 19, 1994 Wiles wanted to prove the reason for the failure by himself. After breaking through and using the Kolivakin-Fletcher method, there was a problem with the special Euler system of this method. After thinking about this, I suddenly thought why not use the Iwasawa theory combined with the Kolivakin-Fletcher method. Try?

The solution to the problem is like this, Wiles survived the desperate situation and patched the loopholes.

At 11:04:11 on October 25, 1994, Wiles sent a complete proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem to the world mathematics community through his former student, Ohio State University professor Karl Rubin, including one Long article “Modular Elliptic Curve and Fermat’s Last Theorem” by Andrew Wiles. Another short essay “The Ring Theory Properties of Certain Heck Algebras” by Richard Taylor and Andrew Wiles. So far Fermat’s last theorem is proved. [2]”

Chen Fan said this paragraph very slowly, this matter is also everyone will pay attention to.

“I think, the assessment of mathematics, what I like most is that era, the rigor of mathematics is the core.”

“It’s just now that there are fewer people who doubt it. Everyone is habitually thinking about how much honor can they bring to themselves if this award is won.”

“This is what I least like to see. For example, my student’s Jiang Xiaodong’s proof. I have doubts. I hope that when assessing, I can do one more step to find errors. It is also the joy of mathematics. Just like when many people searched for my mistakes,”

This child holds grudges, this child holds grudges very much.

Everyone can understand what it means.

f*ck, which means, who dares to trouble my students? Who am I to trouble?”

I don’t think that my mathematics is worse than anyone else. If I say I am first, who dares to say second?

Depend on.

Everyone is not a fool, and naturally understand the meaning of Chen Fan’s words.

Actually, this is really something that everyone thinks too much. Chen Fan likes to ask someone to ask questions. This is good for progress, but many people will not think about this step.

Everyone still habitually wants to protect their honor.

After getting the trophy, the salon will continue.

The time is night.

Chen Fan and several Saudi acquaintances sat in the corner and chatted with each other.

“This wave is really awesome, Chen, I am completely convinced.”

“It’s okay, it just feels like this prize is boring.”

“Give me the trophy.”


“Don’t you feel boring? Give it to me, I’ll go back and put it away.”

“Why, it’s boring, but I won’t give it to you.”

Hahaha, Saudi Arabia said with a smile: “Chen, you have gone bad.”

At this time, a teacher brought the students to Chen Fan, and Jack had obviously cried.

“I’m sorry, it was my mistake.”

“Indeed, it was your fault.”

The scene is quiet again, everyone is a little wondering, Chen Fan, are you talking like this?

The man also froze, looking at Chen Fan, Chen Fan said: “You did have a mistake, your mistake is very big, very serious, the subject itself is wrong, but you didn’t find it.”

“Well, I admit, this is indeed something I didn’t learn very well, but it’s about today.”

“It’s okay, academic matters. It’s just fine for academics to get back the face. I hope Jack will work harder. In this way, my students will also have an opponent. Otherwise, wouldn’t they have no opponents?”

The man froze for a long time, and took the initiative to bow to Chen Fan, saying: ‘Chen Fan, this time, I am completely convinced. Your pattern is really different from ours. You are a pure scholar. ’

Take people away.

Saudi Arabia said: “Chen Fan, you are really unusual, that guy, but he is famous for his stubborn temper.”

“` 々Stubborn people are all scholars, nothing, I also like that my students have opponents, every time they fight, they win. Isn’t this academic confidence?”

“You are so confident?”

“You bullshit, I don’t believe my students, I believe you?”

Saudi Arabia froze for a moment, it seems that this is indeed the truth.

Students who do not believe in themselves, do they believe in others?

Chen Fan sighed and said, “Actually, Bad Ersi’s matter is very similar to this matter, because after Bad Ersi gave the theory, everyone did not agree with it. His teacher took the initiative to take on all of this. You know, there was a lot of pressure at that time.”

In 1986, when British mathematician Andrew Wiles heard Ribet’s proof of Frey’s proposition, he felt that the conquering of Fermat’s Last Theorem had reached the final stage of research, and this happened to be his research field. He began to abandon all other activities and carefully To sort out the basic theories in related fields, and prepare for one and a half years to “queue” elliptic curves and modular forms through Galois representation. The next step is to match the two “queuing” sequences, and he hasn’t made any progress for two years in this step. At this time, his Ph.D. Iwasawa theory once achieved practical results. In 1991, his previous tutor Coates told him that a student named Fletcher used the method of the Soviet mathematician Kolivakin to study elliptic curves. This method Make significant progress in its work.

In June 1993, an academic conference called “L Functions and Arithmetic” was to be held at Newton College, Cambridge. One of the organizers was Wiles’ PhD supervisor Coates, so it took place on June 21-23, 1993. Lehrs was chartered to give a lecture on “Modular Forms, Elliptic Curves and Galois Representations” at the symposium in three sessions. After listening to the speech, people realized that the Gushan-Shimura conjecture has been proved. Therefore, the combination of the Mordell conjecture proved by Faltings, the Frey proposition proved by Ken Ribet and the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture proved by Wiles can show that the Faith (Zhao) Marathon theorem is established. In fact, each of these three conjectures is very difficult. The problem is Wiles’s final proof. He became the last stick to complete the proof of Fermat’s last theorem.

After listening to Chen Fan, although I don’t understand most of the time, Saudi Arabia still understands one thing.

That is, in fact, the environment at that time was really no better than it is now.

“His teacher gave three speeches before he was finally noticed by everyone. Now that the channels are good, you might not be able to attract others if you come up with theories at that time.”

Drinking, eating.

When it was over, everyone was going to go back in the car.

“What are you going to do next?”

Wilson found Chen Fan.

Chen Fan said: “What’s the next step? I’m not afraid to tell you that, in fact, I am doing two things, I want to change two favors.”

“How to say?”

“Qiu Hua helped me a lot. I plan to help Qiu Hua just break the 5g.”

this one?

Wilson said: “I think this is beyond the scope of my understanding.”

Chen Fan said: “No, when the time comes, you can understand it. At that time, it will be the real progress of the times and the era of all-round information transmission.”

“Well, old, old, not as good as you young people, what about the second one?”

Chen Fan sighed and said: “I want to help an old man fulfill a wish to plant rice on the saline-alkali soil. I want to buy a desert and turn it into a forest.”

“This…is it too far away.”

Chen Fan shook his head and said, “No, this is right in front of me, right under my feet. I believe that as long as I step over, everything is mine.”

ps: Please subscribe, thank you all.


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