Chapter 70

Judging from the deployment and control arrangements of the task force, it is obvious that the members of the task force have sophisticated case handling experience, and even Ye Feng can’t see any major flaws in the deployment and control plan.

It would be best if the criminal could catch him when he stepped on the spot before he started. Even if he couldn’t, as long as the suspect was deceived, he would definitely not be able to escape.

Now, it’s up to you to see if the suspect has committed the crime!

At this moment, Ye Feng squatted in Azhe’s office and began to dress up.

Although the police school will certainly have courses in disguise, it is difficult to directly apply the knowledge learned in the classroom without sufficient experience.

However, Ye Feng doesn’t need to worry, because he has a system of rewarding disguise.

This is not the effect that simple makeup can produce.

An hour later, wearing a wig, no one in front of Ye Feng would think that Ye Feng is a rough man.

I dare not say that the moon is shameless, but at least it is also a big beauty with 9 points or more, walking on the street and turning back and using the lever!

A Zhe couldn’t believe his eyes at all. After such a short time, Ye Feng became a woman from a man, which is much faster than Taiguo surgery!

“How did you do it?” If you didn’t know that this gorgeous appearance was actually a man, A Zhe would really fall in love with the beauty in front of him and couldn’t help himself.

“Do you want to know?” Ye Feng smiled maliciously: “I will draw one for you, and you will know it!”

A Zhefei also fled away, if Ye Feng really pushed him there and turned him into a girl, he would really have no face to see people in the future!

Next, when Ye Feng appeared in front of many members of the task force, his jaw dropped completely. Everyone’s mouth was wide, and they couldn’t close at all.

“Are you Afeng?”

“Oh! God!”

“This is not makeup, it’s called a head change!”

“I think I’m in love!”

“I’ll break up with my girlfriend when I go back. If she asks anything, I’ll tell her-you haven’t done Ye Feng’s makeup to look good!”

“Afeng, you have to be careful, customers will definitely treat you with frustrations…”


If everyone has their own specialties, then Ye Feng’s disguise can no longer be counted in the specialties category, but a real stunt.

At this time, no one has questioned why Ye Feng can enter the task force. The previous careful analysis has convinced them. Now Ye Feng has shown such a hand again, they have already begun to worship Ye Feng.

Why are you still questioning?

They are better than you in solving crimes, and they have a lot more ability than you!

If you don’t accept it, you have to accept it!

Finally, after dinner time, the bar slowly began to receive customers, and gradually became lively.

Ye Feng has gone through simple training before, so being a waiter is not too busy.

However, although Ye Feng has become a waitress with makeup, her voice cannot be changed after all, so another waitress took her with her.

If a customer asks, it can be said that Ye Feng is a new waiter and is still in the learning stage, and it will not appear too obtrusive.

Ye Feng has been quietly scanning all the customers. The combination of super dynamic vision and micro expression analysis allows him to judge the mood and general psychology of these customers.

There seems to be no suspicious person!

Ye Feng can’t help but frown slightly. Although he knows that he can’t wait for prosecution, maybe the suspect will come out and commit the crime again, but being able to arrest the suspect one day earlier means that the society is less dangerous.

While working as a waiter and dealing with generous or difficult customers, Ye Feng has only experienced that waiters are not so good at them.

Suddenly, Ye Feng, who noticed a girl’s movements, couldn’t help frowning.

She intimately hugged a man who looked like a big boss and sat together. The two laughed at each other and drank. However, the girl took advantage of the man’s interest and unknowingly touched his wallet!


Ye Feng is really speechless!

Do you really have the attributes of Tin Man?

Are you sure you can meet criminals when you go out?

If you change to normal, this girl can’t even want to run, Ye Feng won’t pity Yu Yu because of her good-looking appearance.

However, Ye Feng is now pretending to be a waitress, and he is controlling serial murders.

In contrast, petty theft obviously has no way to compare with homicide in terms of importance.

So Ye Feng himself can’t make a move.

However, it is impossible for Ye Feng to just watch her succeed and leave.

Approaching the real waitress, she whispered in her ear: “Did you see the girl in the sky blue shirt? You can tell the police officer who is on the police station. She just stole a customer’s wallet. In the end, she can be taken down quietly.”

The real waitress was surprised when she heard the words, but then she felt inexplicably excited.

Originally, it was exciting enough to cooperate with the police’s control operations, but now it is still possible to report to catch the thief. This kind of experience is definitely not experienced by ordinary people in a lifetime. .

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