Chapter 128

Deng Lin asked Zhao Yi what kind of horse he was going to choose. Zhao Yi responded by choosing a horse that fits his eyes.

This number seems to fit the eye.

No. 369 is also very handsome. The superficial data looks better. At least in terms of the results of the trial run, he ran faster than No. 369. However, after mental communication, Zhao Yi felt that No. seemed to have more potential.

This is just an intuition, Zhao Yi can feel that there is a huge amount of energy, of course, it may also be that Zhao Yi thinks this number is very character.

Some people like to be docile and obedient, while others have humorous personalities, each with its own advantages.

Zhao Yi had already made up his mind in mind and bought this horse.

As for the price, if it is not high enough, you can make a lot of money and make a direct bid price of 5 million. Anyway, it is an auction, and no one stipulates that you cannot bid a higher price.

Rich people can be willful!

“This horse is good, 807 has a character, I like it.”

A somewhat arrogant voice rang in the crowd. When everyone turned their heads, they saw a tall and stylish young man stepping over. He was wearing a vest, a small suit, and a well-dressed hair. He was meticulous and gentleman. Aristocratic style, behind him was a middle-aged man in riding boots.

The young man walked up to the number and reached out to touch the number.

The staff’s complexion changed, and he whispered: “Be careful, sir!”

As soon as the staff spoke, the number had already bitten the young man’s hand with one mouth.

Fortunately, there was a reminder from the staff that the young man subconsciously closed his hand to avoid being bitten by the number.

The look on the young man’s face changed, and his eyes were cold when he looked at the number, and he sneered: “You really have a character, I want to see if you have always been so spineless!”

Zhao Yi didn’t watch any more, turned around, smiled and said, “Let’s go and see other horses.”

The young man has shown that he is bound to win the check mark, and there will be disputes if he stays, so Zhao Yi chose to leave. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what he said here. In the end, he had to bid at the auction to determine his ownership.

What surprised everyone happened again. The unruly number followed Zhao Yi for two steps. He wanted to stretch his head but bit Zhao Yi’s clothes, but was pulled by the staff next to him and failed.

“This horse seems to like that young man very much…”

“Yeah, the young man touched the number just now. He didn’t resist, but the man wanted to touch it, but he almost got a bite.”

“Perhaps this is what everyone is talking about?”

Deng Lin still knows a little bit about Zhao Yi. Although Zhao Yi did nothing, he has determined that Zhao Yi is interested in this horse named.

“Fancy the number?”

Zhao Yi hummed, and did not hide his thoughts: “No. 369 is excellent in all aspects, but I think the number looks more pleasing to the eye and has personality. I like people or beasts with personality. After all, I am not purely for competition……”

Deng Lin smiled and said, “The number is unruly, but it must be no problem in your hands. It seems that it is willing to be intimate with you. You are like a magician, too powerful!”

Qin Bingluo said: “The appearance of the number is actually very good, but its character is very aggressive and difficult to tame. For others, it is not the best choice. At least suppose it is me. I would definitely choose No. 369 instead of No. Of course, for you, this may not be the case…”

After a short pause, Qin Bingluo looked back and said, “I’m afraid that man will buy a number, but he did not buy a number out of love.”

“Conquer it.”

Zhao Yi said indifferently: “I think I can control everything. After I was almost bitten by the hand, I became irritated. If he bought the number, he would definitely suffer.”

Qin Bingluo said, “How much are you going to spend on the number?”

“Five million, a little more will do, if it’s too much, then it’s unnecessary.”

Zhao Yi really likes the number, but it doesn’t mean that you have to buy the number.

He has inquired about the auction prices over the years. Last year, the average price of auctions was 450,000. The most expensive bidder was also a descendant of the champion horse. He performed very strongly and had great potential. The final transaction price was 2.6 million, which was No. 369 this year. Even if it fluctuates slightly from last year, it is estimated that it will be 3 million yuan.

The number is obviously inferior to the number 369 on the card, and it also has the advantage of pure blood after the famous door. It is estimated that the price will be much less than the number 369, so five million is far beyond its worth.

At least in the eyes of Qin Bingluo and others, Zhao Yi really likes the number. Otherwise, how could he be willing to spend five million to buy a horse that is clearly not so valuable? .

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