Chapter 143

“Oh my God, I think I must be dazzled!”

“Guan Ze is actually ahead! This is unscientific!”

“Is the flying dragon really releasing water?”

“No! Flying Dragon probably didn’t release the water, his speed is very fast, not slower than his first game!”

“Flying dragon is indeed fast enough. When he crossed the first turn, it only took 31 seconds, which is a little faster than the first time he ran. He has done his best, but Guan Ze is even more powerful than him!”

“I remember that Guan Ze was very weak before, how come he suddenly became so strong!”

“We were all fooled by Guan Ze. Guan Ze made it clear today that he wanted to prove his intrepid strength, to sling all underground racers, and to determine his status in the traffic congestion circle. Pitifully, we thought people were too rich and stupid. As a result, it is us who are stupid with a lot of money…”

“Zhang Zishan and the others behind Guan Ze, how do they judge Guan Ze might win? Is there any inside information?”

Hundreds of people on the ground were watching the game, and many people participated in the gambling more or less. For a time, all kinds of exclamation and regret sounded in the stadium.

Mu Yao excitedly grabbed Zhao Yi’s arm and exclaimed in surprise: “Zhao Yi, your prediction is correct, he is really strong!”

Zhu Wenjing and Zhang Zishan looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in their hearts.

Qin Bingluo pursed his lips and looked at Zhao Yi next to him, with two points of admiration in his eyes.

When everyone believed that the flying dragon would win and Guan Ze was just spending money to play, Zhao Yi was able to seize the clues and speculate about Guan Ze’s true plan today.


No wonder Uncle Deng and his parents value him so much, and even want to vigorously match himself with him.

Zhao Yi didn’t have any surprises or surprises on his face. He just stared at the two crazy competing cars intently.

Obviously, Guan Ze’s car skills are indeed stronger than those of Feilong. Although Feilong bites Guanze firmly and prevents him from dragging away, everyone can see that Feilong can barely stay away. But there is no strength to get closer.

Flying Dragon is defeated!

The result was just as everyone thought, Guan Ze was ahead of the flying dragon by a distance of tens of meters, and crossed the final finish line first.

“Fuck, what a big pit!”

“My money, it’s so miserable. I was so overwhelmed by lard. I thought I was picking up money, but I gave it away! This is totally upset in World Cup football!”

“Fortunately, my money just happened to buy a car. Otherwise, I’m afraid I will invest all of it today, and all cars will be lost!”

“Zhang Zishan and the others have turned over their profits. A few of them made at least three million. When they lost one, they won three million. They bought one of the two good cars in the race and they still have leftover…”

Zhu Wenjing’s expression was slightly embarrassed, but Zhang Zishan’s face was flushed with excitement.

Zhu Wenjing originally planned to lay down 500,000 to crush the flying dragon, but Zhao Yi said that Guan Ze would win. He was skeptical. In the end, only 100,000 was down. The 100,000 was still down by everyone. He felt embarrassed that he couldn’t do it before he forced it. , I missed the opportunity to make money in vain.

He looked at Zhang Zishan next to him a little enviously. Zhang Zishan pressed one million, and this one made one million, which is really a profit.

Zhang Zishan is very excited. He is relatively simple and reckless. He doesn’t meet and doesn’t look back when he looks for things. Therefore, it is certain that Zhao Yi’s speculation is reasonable. When Zhao Yi and Qin Bingluo are both off the court, he will all bet. Now that you have made a plan to live a hard life after losing, how can you be unhappy now that your assets are suddenly turned over?

“Brother Yi, you are amazing!”

Zhang Zishan looked at Zhao Yi admiringly, expressing his gratitude from the bottom of his heart: “Thank you, let us fly with our share!”

He used to call Zhao Yi by his first name before, but now it is quite logical to become Brother Yi, and there is no sense of disobedience.

Can take you to make money, and even give up your share of money to make money for you, shouldn’t you call me brother?

Zhao Yi just said that if they don’t make it, he will give all of the three million to the next person alone, which is equivalent to giving up the opportunity to make a fortune to others.

Although gambling is indeed risky, as Qin Bingluo said before, only those with risks are called gambling, and those without risks are called picking up money.

Zhao Yi smiled and said, “You are welcome, they are all friends, just as a welcome gift for everyone.”

Zhao Yi didn’t plan to place a bet. He was not very interested in this kind of betting, because it was easy to get into trouble, but the three of them were all friends of Qin Bingluo, so Zhao Yi wanted to give them a hand. , Their own end is just to give them confidence.

Zhao Yi really didn’t think much of this two million gambling capital.

Mu Yao was quite excited: “Zhao Yi, if you have you, if it weren’t for you, we would have to drink the Xibeifeng. Now not only did it not lose, but made a profit. I made 200,000 yuan. Haha, I have money to participate. Competition and assessment C photos!”

Zhu Wenjing’s face flushed and apologized: “I’m sorry, Brother Yi, I didn’t fully believe your speculation just now…”

Zhao Yi smiled disapprovingly: “Don’t care, this is just my speculation. Before it becomes a fact, who knows the result, be conservative, it doesn’t hurt…”.

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