Fang Hao didn't think that he would just like to go into the lake and make money. After all, although many businesses can't see light, they really make money, and Fang Hao is short of money!

However, Fang Hao has its own rules, which will not be changed easily, and the way to earn money is not to involve these things.

After all, it's his hometown. Once in the river and lake, he can't help himself. Maybe he will do something beyond his own bottom line. That's what Fang Hao doesn't want to see.

In addition, Fang Hao didn't want to say something, for fear of hitting the bully's little heart, because in Fang Hao's heart, he didn't think much of this kind of bastard, because in his eyes, the so-called River and lake blood fighting, even fighting, in his view, was just a child.

For Fang Hao, he couldn't arouse his enthusiasm and blood.

Try to think, in the foreign mercenary battlefield, in the aircraft tank artillery roar, that is how spectacular!?

After drinking for a long time, Huang Tianba left at two o'clock in the evening. At this time, the bar was closed.

At the moment, Fang Hao drank a lot of wine and got a bit of wine, but he was very sober. Looking at the three people in front of him, Ke Xiaoman, Zhou Tao, and Liu Shuyu who came later, Fang Hao looked serious: "how many people gave gifts today?"

At this time, Ke Xiaoman took out an account book, handed it to Fang Hao, stretched out a hand, opened his five fingers, and said with a smile, "brother Hao, but the gift money we receive is this number. Brother Hao's contacts are very good."

Fang Hao a look, in the heart a joy, facial expression does not change a way: "is not 5 million, see to give you happy."

Ke Xiaoman spat out his tongue, while Zhou Tao scratched his brain, giggling

Liu Shuyu is very calm, because he doesn't care about his affairs. He is a company of Fang Hao, who is the loser, and has nothing to do with this bar.

Fang Hao opened it and saw a lot of people with names on the road. When he learned that the bar was about to open, Fang Hao had already started planning. A few days ago, he told Zhou Tao that his bar was open and invited to drink.

According to Fang Hao's mind, if he can make more money, he also wants to let the Haotian investment company in charge of Liu Shuyu have more funds.

Speaking of it, Fang Hao's bar was opened and invitation posts were widely distributed. However, Fang Hao still did so for two reasons. One of them was that he wanted to receive some gifts.

The second is to announce to the Taoist people in Zhonghai that this bar belongs to Laozi. After giving face, they will make trouble in Laozi's bar.

After all, any bar bought is wine, after drinking, it is easy to have an accident, so the easiest one is the bar.

If it wasn't for the period of fighting with integrity, there would have been more people coming. Fang Hao certainly knew his reputation in the rivers and lakes of Zhonghai city. As long as he ascended the heights, it was estimated that all the people in the rivers and lakes of Zhonghai city would come to celebrate.

After a look at the account book, Meng Qinghu of the blood tiger gate actually gave the most. He gave 500000 yuan to him alone, but he really started to pay for it. He just came to drink two cups of wine.

Wenmengji and Huang Tianba gave a lot to Fang Hao. To Fang Hao's surprise, Zhou Jinghui, a lake dweller in Zhonghai City, also came in person. At that time, Fang Hao was drinking with Bawang and told Ke Xiaoman not to disturb him. So Fang Hao only knows now.

In addition, there are a lot of famous people on Zhonghai City Road, and there is no one who runs the road. Fang Hao doesn't know many of them.

After reading, Fang Hao said to Ke Xiaoman, "the five million yuan will be given to Liu Shuyu and injected into the investment company."

"Yes, brother." Ke Xiaoman looks serious.

"Lao Liu, what's going on with the company?" Fang Hao looks at Liu Shuyu.

Liu Shuyu nodded solemnly: "all procedures have been completed, and two days later, it will be officially opened for business."

"Well, good. How much money is there now?" Fang Hao asked.

Liu Shuyu looked at Ke Xiaoman. Ke Xiaoman thought about it and said, "add these five million, 14.5 million."

Fang Hao felt a sigh in his heart. In fact, he is also a rich man now. At least there are more than 10 million yuan here, but it is his. Although there are five million yuan that Deng ASA invested, the little girl didn't care about the money, so she gave it directly to Fang Hao, indicating that Fang Hao helped her to promise the reward of the person called by Chu fan.

For this, Fang Hao is not polite. If he is abroad, if he pays in person, it is almost tens of millions of business, and it is still US dollars!

Therefore, there is no psychological burden for this one-time sale of RMB 5 million.

Later, Fang Hao took out a card, which was ten million yuan won in Su city gambling house, handed it to Ke Xiaoman, and said with a smile: "Xiaoman, in the future, the money of the bar and the company will be managed by you. You are not only the manager of the bar, but also the financial manager of our company. I'm sorry, but now we are short of staff, so we have to work hard for you."

As soon as Fang Hao said this, Liu Shuyu looked reasonable, while Zhou Tao was indifferent to himself.But the client Ke Xiaoman was excited to cry, with a cry voice: "I'm not hard, I'm willing to do anything for brother Hao. Thank you for trusting me so much."

It's not unreasonable for Ke Xiaoman to be so excited. After all, it's more than 20 million cash. Fang Hao can trust her to manage it. Naturally, he regards Ke Xiaoman as his own.

Therefore, Ke Xiaoman was very moved, because no one had ever trusted her so much, so she couldn't help crying.

Liu Shuyu said at the moment: "brother Hao, the business model of the company..."

Fang Haocai heard this, he put out his hand to interrupt Liu Shuyu's words, and then seriously said: "the operation of the company, you are fully responsible for handling, I don't understand investment, so I don't interfere in the operation of the company, you can see to deal with it."

"Good, brother Ho, I will be worthy of your trust!" Liu Shuyu said that it was loud.

Later, Fang Hao looked at Zhou Tao and said with a smile, "Zhou Tao, this bar has been a success. You put your heart into it. I see it in my eyes. In the future, you will not only be my friend, but also my brother!"

After listening to this, Zhou Tao's face was suddenly excited. He had waited for this sentence for a long time. Now he finally said it from Fang Hao himself. Zhou Tao was really happy. He had done so much, but he just wanted to be recognized by Fang Hao.

He Zhou Tao has no great ability and ability, so he is quite aware of his own shortcomings. With Fang Hao's words, Zhou Tao is full of courage. Even if he and Meng Qinghu's boss are challenged, Zhou Tao will not have any fear.

Then, Fang Hao called Zhou Tao and said something in a low voice, which made Zhou Tao, who was already extremely excited, feel like he had been beaten with chicken blood. His face was ruddy because of excitement, and even his bald head was red. This shows how excited Zhou Tao is!

Because Fang Hao said to him, "I want you to develop some power on the road. I need a strong and absolutely trustworthy organization."

Almost subconsciously, Zhou Tao is about to yell at Fang Hao!

But immediately, Fang Hao knew Zhou Tao's meaning, his face was flat: "I'm not the boss, you are, this is the iron rule, remember!"

Seeing Fang Hao so serious, Zhou Tao quickly nodded. Then, he remembered that he was the real boss, and there was a legendary brother Hao as the backing. Zhonghai city did not walk sideways?!

Zhou Tao's heart a burst of surprise exclamation, tonight is no matter how can't sleep.

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