Metropolis: Technology Maniacs

Chapter 730: Curvature engine

As soon as Ye Su returned to Los Angeles, he dived into the experiment and continued his research work.

The research he plans to conduct this time is not about mechas, but research projects in other fields.

Mecha is certainly an indicator of the degree of civilization development, and it is also very important to humans, but now is not the time to study mecha technology.

Although Ye Su also wanted to develop a real mech instead of the current shrunken version of humanoid armor.

But the current technical conditions could not meet the requirements, and the real mecha was too far away for Ye Su.

Because the real mecha involves too many technologies, most of the current humans cannot do it, even Ye Su can't do anything, can only wait for the development of human technology.

So what Ye Su planned to study this time was other things, something that was also important to humans.

"Rem, help me make a list that I have compiled before, and let me see what technologies are still unfinished."

Ye Su stood in front of the experimental platform and said to Rem in midair.

"Okay, Master." Rem answered obediently.

Soon there was a light curtain in front of Ye Su. Above the light curtain was a complete science and technology tree with many different technical projects densely arranged.

It can be seen from the results on this technology tree that this is a technology tree of a large-scale project.

At the top is a model of a large spaceship, which is the ultimate goal of this technology tree.

This is a science and technology tree about spacecraft, with all the specific technical items related to spacecraft.

This science and technology tree about spacecraft was produced by Ye Su some time ago as a whole.

Since Ye Su still can't make mechas, let's study the spacecraft.

The specific technologies needed for the spacecraft are listed on the technology tree. If all the above technologies are developed, Ye Su can build the spacecraft he likes.

Many technologies on this technology tree are bright, which means that this technology has been developed.

While some technologies are dim, these technologies are still in a state of completion.

Judging from the situation on this science and technology tree, a lot of spacecraft-related technologies have been conquered, most of the technology names are bright, and there are not many dim names left.

Many of the technologies on the technology tree were researched by Ye Su's R&D team.

In particular, most of the branch technologies are all the results of Ye Su's team of technicians.

Judging from the names on the technology tree, you can know how much credit this team has done.

The technology required by the spacecraft is innumerable, and now they have completed most of them.

Of course, they only completed some of the less difficult technologies, and the most difficult core technologies were all solved by Ye Su himself.

Like the biggest core nodes on the technology tree, the technologies above are all from Ye Su's handwriting.

The gravity control technology developed by Ye Su some time ago occupies a very important position on the technology tree and is a core technology that cannot be bypassed.

Now that the name of gravity control technology has been lit, this is Ye Su's irreplaceable role.

Without Ye Su to conquer the most difficult core technologies, how many years would it take for mankind to build a spaceship.

Now that most of the technologies in the entire science and technology tree have been illuminated, only a few core technologies are left, and the entire science and technology tree is completely completed.

That is to say, the technology of the spacecraft is now very mature. As long as Ye Su has completed the final core technologies, he can start building the spacecraft.

It is because of this that Ye Su studied this technology tree. He is now preparing to complete the final few core technologies.

After all the technologies are completed, the spacecraft can really be realized.

This is what Ye Su dreamed about, what he finally realized in his space program.

If human beings have spacecraft, they can travel in space, and the efficiency in all aspects is many times higher than that of rockets.

Ye Su was supporting his chin with his hand, looking at the science and technology tree in front of him and thinking about something.

"Let me see which technology is better to study first. The remaining few core technologies are very troublesome and cannot be solved in one or two days."

It turned out that Ye Su was thinking about which technology to study first, so he asked Rem to list the entire science and technology tree about spacecraft.

"Let's solve the problem of the curvature engine first. Although this technology is the most painful, it will be solved sooner or later."

"This is the most important thing about a spacecraft. A spacecraft without a curvature engine is a joke."

After thinking for a while, Ye Su finally decided on the next research project, ready to start to conquer the curvature engine technology.

This technology is indispensable to the universe, because the curvature engine can achieve true super-light speed flight.

The universe is so huge, even flying at the speed of light takes a lot of time.

If the spacecraft cannot exceed the speed of light, it will lose its practical significance.

Flying in the solar system is a bit better. If you want to fly across the star system, it will take too long even if the speed reaches the speed of light.

So if you want to truly travel in space, going beyond the speed of light is a problem you must face.

A real spaceship must at least reach several times the speed of light.

Otherwise, the time spent on the space journey would probably be calculated in a hundred years.

However, it is very difficult to make the universe exceed the speed of light very much.

According to the principle of relativity, no object can move beyond the speed of light. This is the most basic inference of relativity.

The faster the speed of an object, the greater the capacity required for acceleration. This is the basic principle of relativity.

To directly accelerate the spacecraft to the speed of light, the energy required is infinite, which is why objects cannot exceed the speed of light.

Therefore, the spacecraft cannot achieve the goal of exceeding the speed of light by means of direct acceleration.

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